[BIZ] Microsoft vuole acquisire Activision Blizzard (2022-)

Aperto da Bluforce, 18 Gennaio, 2022, 14:23:15

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Citazione di: Turrican3 il  2 Marzo, 2023, 09:32:00In che senso? :hmm:

La richiesta di ms era di conoscere i progetti di Sony, mentre da quello che ho capito dovranno produrre solo gli accordi con le terze parti


Ah ok grassie.

A meno che la commissione non abbia chiesto di "sbottonarsi" anche a MS riguardo i progetti interni (ma pure in quel caso forse se ne potrebbe discutere) mi sembrava una pretesa un po' bizzarra. :hmm:


Citazione di: Turrican3 il  2 Marzo, 2023, 09:37:59Ah ok grassie.

A meno che la commissione non abbia chiesto di "sbottonarsi" anche a MS riguardo i progetti interni (ma pure in quel caso forse se ne potrebbe discutere) mi sembrava una pretesa un po' bizzarra. :hmm:

La strategia MS era più o meno quella di dimostrare che: Sony ha tanti giochi, se noi prendiamo Cod non cambia nulla.
In quest'ottica ha senso anche parlare di first party (cosa che Cod diventerebbe), ma evidentemente è difficile costringerli ad annunciare Uncharted 5 in tribunale...
Il discorso si limiterà ai vari accordi su Final Fantasy ecc... immagino :look:


Forse si poteva optare per omissis/NDA a tempesta ma immagino che comunque poi qualche spifferata sarebbe risultata inevitabile.


Nel frattempo sembra che MS si sia incontrata con la CMA per portare proposte finalizzate alla risoluzione del problema.

Activision Blizzard farà lo stesso in un'occasione separata.


King anche avrebbe voluto partecipare ma prima qualcuno dovrebbe spiegare ai regolatori inglesi chi siano e cosa vogliano.



Parecchie fonti riportano che in Europa "è fatta" e comunque non verrà chiesto lo smembramento di Activision.


CitazioneYou win some

First off, let's take a look at which of Sony's requests were actually granted.

In an order sent out on February 23, 2023, FTC chief administrative law judge D. Michael Chappell agreed with Sony that Microsoft shouldn't be able to request files created before January 1, 2019, which will only give the Xbox maker access to documents from the past five years.

Microsoft had been pushing for Sony to produce documents "going back 10 years," which the judge found to be "excessive" given the case doesn't " [ center ] on past conduct but on the alleged likelihood of anticompetitive effects in the future."

The judge also quashed a request that would have allowed Microsoft to seek documents related to "performance reviews or evaluations" of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) chief exec Jim Ryan, describing the request as "too vague and overbroad" while also acknowledging that employees have a privacy interest in maintaining the confidentially of their personnel files.

You lose some

All of the other requests made by Sony were denied, including one that would've prevented Microsoft from accessing documents from SIE staff including Lin Tao, SVP of finance, corporate development and strategy, and Hideaki Nishino, SVP of platform experience.

Sony argued that Microsoft's requests to include both Tao and Nishino as custodians, allowing their files to be searched for relevant documents, should be limited because Tao's files would be in Japanese, rendering the process more time consuming and expensive, and Nishino hadn't been mentioned by Microsoft "in some time." The judge rejected both of those arguments.

The company has also failed to prevent Microsoft from accessing the files of its in-house antitrust lawyer, Greg McCurdy. The decision will allow Microsoft to request McCurdy's external communications over an eight month period (the length of time he's been in his current role).

Additional requests made by Sony that would've prevented Microsoft from accessing the documents of previous employees in certain roles and viewing files such as content licensing agreements have also been rejected by the FTC judge. Notably, this could allow Microsoft to access documents that detail the exclusivity arrangements Sony has struck with other game companies.

"Microsoft states that it is aware that SIE requires many third-party publishers to agree to exclusivity provisions, including preventing the publishers from putting their games on Xbox's multi-game subscription service, and that understanding the full extent of SIE's exclusivity arrangements and their effect on industry competitiveness will assist in its defense," reads the FTC order, outlining why Microsoft wants access to those contracts.

Judge Chappell was ultimately sympathetic to that argument, explaining that "the nature and extent of SIE's content-licensing agreements are relevant to the Complaint's allegations of exclusivity arrangements between video game console developers and video game developers and publishers."



Nella procedura in corso alla FTC, il giudice ha in buona parte (ma non del tutto!) accolto le richieste di accesso ai documenti interni di Sony da parte di Microsoft.


Si toccano nuove inesplorate vette quando Sony dice al giudice che i documenti che vuole sono importanti, ma sono scritti in giapponese!!!

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Qua siamo nei pressi della buffonata del decennio.


Citazione di: Bluforce il  6 Marzo, 2023, 12:11:49Si toccano nuove inesplorate vette quando Sony dice al giudice che i documenti che vuole sono importanti, ma sono scritti in giapponese!!!

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Qua siamo nei pressi della buffonata del decennio.


Giapponesi del compare, ovvero solo "quanno je pare" :hihi:



Post-Transaction, Microsoft will need to make choices about the support it will provide to develop any PlayStation version of Call of Duty. Even if Microsoft operated in good faith, it would be incentivised to support and prioritise development of the Xbox version of the game, such as by using its best engineers and more of its resources. There would be no practical way for the CMA (or SIE) to monitor how Microsoft chooses to allocate its resources and the quality/quantity of engineers it devotes to the PlayStation version of Call of Duty, to ensure that SIE would be treated fairly and equally

Mentre invece oggi...?! :look: :sweat: