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[PS4] inFAMOUS: Second Son

Aperto da Bluforce, 12 Giugno, 2013, 11:07:50

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visto così fa paura, però bisognerebbe vederla in direct feed :sisi:

la cosa più interessante è il led del dual shock che non sembra così luminoso

Solid Snake

Citazione di: Bluforce il 21 Agosto, 2013, 09:18:54

Se questo fosse stato un titolo di lancio credo che avrebbe avuto un attach rate molto, molto alto.

Ma c'e una data d'uscita del gioco??


Citazione di: Solid Snake il 30 Agosto, 2013, 12:11:57
Ma c'e una data d'uscita del gioco??
mi sembra di aver letto febbraio


graficamente pare bellissimo, poi anche i primi 2 a me piacevano, avevano dei limiti, specie il primo, ma l'illuminazione fatta benissimo rendeva il risultato molto gradevole :sisi:


Citazione di: Mystic il 30 Agosto, 2013, 13:03:59
mi sembra di aver letto febbraio
Lo ha ri-confermato anche Yoshida recentemente su Twitter.

Twitter che è fonte immensa di info. Quella immagine off screen viene proprio da lì, in una discussione in cui Greg Miller si meravigliava della grandezza della città (Seattle) di Second Son, avendone visto la mappa.

Perciò a me viene in mente che se un open world (che peraltro si sviluppa anche e soprattutto in verticale) può proporre quell'impatto visivo, comincio ad aspettarmi cose molto molto belle da giochi con ambienti più contenuti, come possono essere i racing game (nello specifico dei giochi di lancio, DriveClub sta iniziando a mostrare cose pregevoli, ma secondo me Evolution ha voluto fare il passo più lungo della gamba nel volere proporre delle ambientazioni da GDR occidentale, quando poi il VG in sé non è manco openworld).


Codesto screen-cap a quanto ho capito arriva da uno stream del PAX. Pare sia tratto da un nuovo filmato, che però non riesco a trovare in giro.


Da neogaf

CitazioneI was fortunate enough to tag along with the journo's who attended Sucker Punch's showing on Thursday. I was with a Playstation community group that was selected alongside the MOFILM Blogger competition that the official blog held recently. Figured I would throw my impressions into this thread.

- First and foremost, the guys and gals at Sucker Punch are some of the sweetest, most passionate people I have ever met. They were so excited to share info with us.
- We didn't get any hands-on. Everything we saw that was real-time was controlled entirely by Sucker Punch.
- Not sure if worth noting, but some devs were using early development kit versions of the PS4 controller while others had the finalized model.
- I asked about unique locations. One of my issues with the first and second inFAMOUS was that some buildings were copied and pasted over and over. Sounds like they're making Seattle much more diverse than New Marais and Empire City. Lots of real-world landmarks are being recreated - including a certain gas station with a large neon pink elephant. (I'm from Chicago so I wasn't familiar, but they insist that if you're a local, you'll recognize it).
- LOTS of small inFAMOUS and Sly Cooper easter eggs to be found in the world.
- The game is BEAUTIFUL.
- We had a hard time parting our eyes from the ground even! Light reflections and water are almost photo-realistic. Same goes for neon - it really needs to be seen to be believed.
- Draw distance is great. One dev brought the camera way up high and showed us a significant chunk of the world. Looked great, even from that vantage point.
- DLC is not being considered quite yet. All efforts for the time being are on finishing the game.
- Nate Fox has no idea that he's an inFAMOUS community god.
- Troy Baker was the best-man at his in-game brothers wedding. And Fetch is actually that guys real-world wife.
- There appears to be a forest in the game. In hindsight, I should have asked how traversal works in wooded areas. In the city limits, you can get boosts off the top of cars and shoot through building vents. But what is there to do in the former environs? Perhaps we have a forest-esque power coming?
- I asked if Sucker Punch was transitioning into a two-team, two-game studio like Naughty Dog. They can't really say at this point.
- Destructability looks awesome. Some things stay destroyed such as security cameras, whereas some objects like scaffolds appear to regenerate eventually.
- Particle effects are obsessive compulsive! They showed us a slowed down animation with Deslin transforming into smoke and back. You can see tiny bits of his body and clothing break down and subsequently regroup.
- The comic cutscenes are making a return, but looking so much better thanks to three-dimensional characters and trippy splatter techniques (you saw this in the last cutscene where Fetch's powers are being taken).
- The touch pad is being used to free NPC's who have been locked in cages by the PMC group.
- Deslin needs to "take back the city from the invading military, piece by piece" - reminds me of taking over turf, San Andreas or Saints Row style.
- We saw what appeared to be a Dragonfire drone flying around. It was weaving around world objects and trees impressively.
- Some pedestrians appear to be injured, and roll around on the ground like past inFAMOUS titles. This of course suggests that you can heal them or absorb their life energy for your own.

Well, that is all for now! I'll return if anything else comes to mind from my visit. All in all, I walked away impressed (as did the REAL journalists who were there it seems - even Michael McWhertor from Polygon!). My personal sentiment is that Sucker Punch will be to the PS4 what Naughty Dog was to the PS3. They certainly seem to have risen to the occassion.


Posso chiederti perché è sparita la GIF?


Fonte troll :D

(non era di InFamous mi avevano gabbato...)


Peccato, avendola vista c'avevo proprio sperato (anche se sembrava una roba Unreal Engine).

Ma non si sa niente del video (o tech demo, o quella che è) mostrato al PAX, vero?


qualche immagine... discussione con gli sviluppatori... video vecchio...



Perchè, guardando i filmati, mi ricorda Prototype 2?  :look: :|



Citazione di: Bluforce il 25 Settembre, 2013, 08:56:29
Oddio, speriamo di no  :lol:

Dai, invece l'ho trovato abbastanza divertente  :D