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Clover Studio --> SEEDS --> PlatinumGames

Aperto da Reiz, 12 Ottobre, 2006, 10:27:15

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Citazione di: Shin Daisuke il 26 Gennaio, 2011, 10:16:23In pratica un Mad World a colori.

Eh già, potrebbe venir fuori qualcosa del genere. :sisi:

Peraltro proprio da Madworld pare abbiano preso Jack che dovrebbe essere uno dei personaggi giocabili. Vedremo, magari con qualche immagine si comincia a capire meglio com'è strutturato il tutto...


Votato all'online? Sempre più occidentali sti' Giapponesi :asd:

MadWorld a colori non è più MadWorld, comunque. Spero abbiano adottato uno stile più realistico altrimenti ogni velleità stilistica era solo una presa in giro.


Purtroppo è tutto in giapponese però non capita tutti i giorni di fare un trip virtuale negli studi di PlatinumGames quindi ve lo posto lo stesso:



A Kamiya non dispiacerebbe poter realizzare un sequel di Viewtiful Joe... ed io condivido il suo pensiero! :inlove:


Basta che sia più accessibile XD

Magari ne venderanno 2 in più :mad:

Ci distrussi un GameCube, a momenti.


Ma il livello "bambini" serviva proprio a quello! :D

Almeno nel primo... il secondo non ricordo. :|


Se Caccapcom venisse a compromessi col proprio pessimo orgoglio e lo chiamasse sarei già bello che bagnato, peccato che il massimo di Viewtiful che riuscirò a vedere prossimamente, con quest'aria, saranno le comparsate nei crossover (un po' come Rival Schools, diamine...), più il design citante di The Wonderful 101.

Il secondo comunque era un po' più accessibile di suo.


Ma non sarà al contrario? :look:

Voglio dire, Clover è stata "fatta fuori", logica suggerirebbe che possa essere Kamiya a non voler sentire parlare di Capcom nemmeno in aramaico piutosto che il contrario. :sweat:


Ma non lo so, a memoria disse pure che se glielo facevano fare, lui l'avrebbe fatto volentieri, che è sempre rimasto un suo desiderio concludere la "trilogia". Ponendo che non è uno sprovveduto e si aspetta di poterlo fare senza Capcom che possiede il brand, la conclusione che ho tratto è: il problema viene da loro e non da lui.
Anche perché, come già detto, Capcom è recidiva nel trattare troppi brand con potenziale come semplici riempitivi da crossover (Rival Schools, Darkstalkers, Cyberbots, ormai pure Mega Man Legends...). Spero sempre che il vento cambi e arrivi il buon momento per tutti. E il discorso vale anche per Namco e una certa Valkyrie :'(


Citazione di: Blasor il 21 Settembre, 2012, 00:56:37Ma non lo so, a memoria disse pure che se glielo facevano fare, lui l'avrebbe fatto volentieri, che è sempre rimasto un suo desiderio concludere la "trilogia".

Ah ok, non sapevo.

Spero proprio che il desiderio di Kamiya possa realizzarsi allora. :gogogo:


Citazione"We haven't released anything on Steam yet, or any PC games for that matter, so I'm not in a position to encourage other people to do so," Inaba said. "However, I used to belong to a big publisher [Capcom]. And if you're at a big publisher, business gets carried on just seeing your game on console. Many publishers don't view PC as an important platform."


"Console game development budgets are really big," he said, "so we need publishing partners to create those games. I was thinking — with our own money — about creating a PC title for Steam. It would give us the possibility to become a publisher, which is very attractive to me."

"[...] I view the PC as an area with huge potential. It would be great if we could do a Kickstarter and gather enough money for a game to be released on Steam."


"We are very interested in the Nintendo 3DS as a platform," Inaba said. "I view 3DS as a proper, straightforward evolution from a platform that has had huge success. Being able to view stereoscopic 3D with the naked eye is a great innovation, but very straightforward, so I'm very interested in it."

"Currently we have a lot of titles in development, and we can't fund a 3DS game ourselves," he said. "So there's nothing in the works. But I'm very positive on it."

Inaba intervistato da TheVerge al TGS parla della possibilità di sfruttare l'enorme mercato PC grazie al publishing su Steam, magari abbinandolo ad una raccolta fondi tramite Kickstarter, e dell'interesse di PlatinumGames per 3DS.


Ma prego, che gran piacere che ci fareste su PC :sisi:


CitazioneUnder Minami's guidance, Platinum has completed six games to date, five of which count as new intellectual properties: black and white beat-'em up MadWorld, space role-playing game Infinite Space, chaotic action adventure Bayonetta, fast-paced shooter Vanquish and multiplayer brawler Anarchy Reigns.


(Minami says Platinum has also developed several game concepts in its office that never got off the ground, including one that made it far enough into development for the team to create a trailer. But he can't give details because "it was based on somebody else's IP. It was kind of a major thing and we don't want to upset them.")


Minami says the biggest challenge running Platinum is finding new work for the team.

Asked to rate Platinum's progress over the past five years, he gives the developers at the studio an A. "The team has been working really hard," he says. "They've held up their end of the bargain and done a really good job of putting out really high-quality games."

On the business side, he's less enthusiastic. "Whether we've sold as well as we would have liked, or whether the company has the amount of money that everybody would love to have in the company, I think I'd probably rate it as a C or even a D.

"We obviously grew up being part of the domestic Japanese market — a lot of our staff spent time in domestic Japanese publishers, focused really on the domestic Japanese market. And now we're trying to expand and focus more outward and think about gamers worldwide. But when you think about what global success really means, that means we need to be selling more titles. Our games need to sell more copies."

As of the end of 2012, Bayonetta was Platinum's best seller, moving over a million units. But Minami says that's not good enough. "Bayonetta didn't sell what we wanted it to sell," he says. "We were hoping it was going to do a little bit better than that, though you can't put it all on the game itself. I think there were a lot of issues with when it came out, the kind of marketing behind it."

For Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Minami says it's too early to know exact numbers, but early prospects look good due to the marketing and the strength of the Metal Gear brand. "We're expecting Metal Gear Rising to sell better than Bayonetta, and obviously it's just come out," he says. "But if you look at games developed in certain Western studios, as far as sales go, they're clearly ahead of us there, and we're not going to be satisfied until we're at that level."

Minami says the main two things Platinum needs to do to get there are to rethink its production process for next-generation development — which includes more outsourcing and role specialization amongst team members — and spend time evaluating what players around the world want from its games.

"We have to think a lot about what resonates with consumers globally and find that secret sauce and make sure that goes into our games," he says. "And there's a lot of places we need to look for that: it's not just in art, it's also in game design, it's also in music ... I think the one thing that we want more than anything in the immediate future — and it's something we continue to work hard on — is we definitely want people to understand that we're making games here in Japan, but we're making games for everybody."


Asked if he thinks The Wonderful 101 fits his description of a game that can appeal worldwide, Minami points to Viewtiful Joe, a 2003 Capcom game with a similar style and the same director, Hideki Kamiya. "When people think back to Viewtiful Joe, a lot of them say, 'That was a very Japanese-focused game,'" Minami says. "But Viewtiful Joe sold more copies in America than anywhere else."

He's open to change, however. "Maybe we have more to learn about what graphical style appeals most to Americans or Europeans — a more globally appealing art style," he says. "The goal ultimately there is we have to keep the Platinum Games flavor alive while also appealing to people in that way."

Unlike Platinum's initial deal with Sega, its current agreements with Nintendo exist on a game-by-game basis, freeing the rest of the studio to work with other publishers. Minami plans to split Platinum's work between first- and third-party publishers in the future, and currently has a tech team "working on building the right environment inside the company for what next-gen development is going to be." When Platinum's logo appeared on stage at Sony's PlayStation 4 announcement press conference, fans speculated over what that meant, and Minami says it was less about a specific product and more about "our stance towards the platform."

"As far as the company goes, moving forward we're probably going to be open to two different kinds of work," he says. "Obviously we have to work with a publisher. Right now, we're working with both third-party publishers and first-party publishers, and I think that style of who we work with and how we work with them is not going to change in the future. We're on Sony's list because if we're going to work with third-party publishers, we're obviously going to be making multiplatform games and that means that we will be making PS4 games. Obviously we can't go into too much detail about what we're talking about in the future, but no matter whether we're talking with Japanese or Western third-party publishers, we're always talking about multiplatform development with them. So you'll see us on the PS4 eventually."

Minami says that Platinum has also experimented with iOS and Android prototypes, "as side projects."


And despite the studio's expansion into external licenses, global appeal, new hardware and potential mobile software, Minami says he's careful not to turn Platinum into the kind of environment he experienced at Capcom in his latter years there, making games that have to be made instead of those people want to make.

"When somebody comes up with a game idea," he says, "we don't put limitations on what those ideas should be."


Lunghissima intervista al presidente di PlatinumGames, Tatsuya Minami.

Estrema sintesi:
- sono soddisfatti dei risultati... ludici, decisamente meno di quelli commerciali;
- in particolare, Bayonetta ha venduto al di sotto delle aspettative, si aspettano viceversa che Metal Gear Rising vada meglio;
- Platinum è al lavoro su progetti di publisher first e third party;
- in passato sono stati al lavoro su un gioco basato su una IP di terzi, lo stato del progetto era avanzato al punto che potevano sfornare un trailer, ma il gioco è poi stato cancellato (non possono scendere nei dettagli per non creare attriti con il detentore della IP, ma era una roba importante)
- ci sono vari riferimenti all'Occidente: espliciti, come franchise ivi sviluppati che stravendono, il cui successo si punta a replicare, e un po' più vaghi, come la necessità di far capire all'utenza che pur essendo realizzati in Giappone i giochi di Platinum sono per tutti;


Citazione di: Atsushi InabaSo it looks like @PG_Kamiya has caused another bit of controversy. What he is saying is his basic approach to how he creates an action game. The idea is rooted in that you shouldn't pad your game with content users won't enjoy in order to control play time to the end of the game. It isn't something he wants to do, or thinks you should do.

BTW, if you didn't know @PG_Kamiya is the kind of game director who will pack as much content into the game as he can until he is satisfied. If we were to give in to all of his desires, the game we'd ship would probably be some super-long action game that no one would beat. I've been teamed up with @PG_Kamiya as his producer for a long time now, and game length is something I've never once worried about.

That means both the length of a single play-through and the replayability of the game. Never worried once. Never. Actually, my job really is to be the one who says "This is too %^&* long! Cut it!"

Of course, even though @pg_kamiya didn't intend for people to jump to their own conclusions, they did. In this case, that conclusion was "So TW101 is going to be short then?!" Let me make my own conclusion: TW101 will be so much fun you are going to wear out your Wii U GamePad. You will have plenty of fun playing it for the first time, and just as much fun playing it over and over again. Actually, the Wii U GamePad is pretty sturdy, so you probably won't wear it out...

And I'm sorry I can't explain to you in exact terms why I think you will have so much fun with TW101. I promise there will be plenty of news about the game in the days and weeks to come. But I will say this - Everyone here is working incredibly hard to make sure you say two things about TW101. One: I'm happy I bought a Wii U! -- Two: I'm happy I bought The Wonderful 101!

Sorry for the flood of tweets, but thanks for staying with me!

Metto qui nell'attesa di aprire un thread ufficiale dedicato a The Wonderful 101: in sostanza Kamiya ha tweetato riguardo al gioco, dicendo "Se odiate completare un gioco il giorno successivo all'acquisto è meglio lasciar perdere TW101. Io mi concentro sul quanto è divertente, non su quanto dura fino alla fine" e ne è ovviamente scaturito un finimondo.

E' quindi intervenuto Inaba, sempre via Twitter, rassicurando che il gioco è in linea coi precedenti lavori di Kamiya in quanto a contenuti e rigiocabilità.