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Apple's IPAD 2!

Aperto da Mystic, 5 Gennaio, 2011, 20:17:36

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Specifiche alla mano il samsung è meglio, però che prezzi :sweat:
Invece lo xoom ha un prezzo in linea all'ipad2 ma ha anche specifiche migliori.


Citazione di: Kiwi il  6 Marzo, 2011, 16:19:06
Specifiche alla mano il samsung è meglio, però che prezzi :sweat:
Invece lo xoom ha un prezzo in linea all'ipad2 ma ha anche specifiche migliori.
le specifiche migliori non sempre bastano per avere il prodotto migliore..


Citazione di: Mystic il  5 Marzo, 2011, 16:44:01applauso per la apple  :thumbup: :thumbup:

Pagina non trovata
Effettua una ricerca per trovare ciò che cercavi! La risorsa potrebbe essere stata spostata da qualche parte in questo sito!

Hmmm... :doubt2: :look:


Citazione di: Mystic il  6 Marzo, 2011, 16:23:14
le specifiche migliori non sempre bastano per avere il prodotto migliore..

certo, mi ricordo i vecchi htc con wincess mobile, super potenti ma incredibilmente lenti :notooth:

però stiamo parlando di tablet con android 3 che sembra proprio ottimo :)


Citazione di: Kiwi il  7 Marzo, 2011, 11:05:35
però stiamo parlando di tablet con android 3 che sembra proprio ottimo :)
è ancora "acerbo" attualmente

dalla review del motorla xoom:
The Android Market is almost devoid of tablet applications, the OS feels buggy and unfinished, and the hardware has pain points that we find troubling. And that's to say nothing of the pricing and carrier commitments being asked of first-time buyers.

Is the Xoom a real competitor to the iPad? Absolutely. In fact, it outclasses the iPad in many ways. Still, the end user experience isn't nearly where it needs to be

Honeycomb and the Xoom are spectacular -- unfortunately they're a spectacular work in progress.

la potenza "bruta" alla fine lascia il tempo che trova. le cose importanti sono altre  ;)


io ho visto una video recensione e mi era sembrato ottimo, niente impuntamenti o altro


Citazione di: Kiwi il  7 Marzo, 2011, 11:21:21
io ho visto una video recensione e mi era sembrato ottimo, niente impuntamenti o altro
non credo proprio che parlino di "impuntamenti" nella recensione.. ma di altro


recensione ipad2 by engadget

It might frustrate the competition to hear this, but it needs to be said: the iPad 2 isn't just the best tablet on the market, it feels like the only tablet on the market. As much as we'd like to say that something like the Xoom has threatened Apple's presence in this space, it's difficult (if not impossible) to do that.


A me interessa questo:

For owners of the previous generation, we don't think Apple's put a fire under you to upgrade. Unless you absolutely need cameras on your tablet, you've still got a solid piece of gear that reaps plenty of the benefits of the latest OS and apps. For those of you who haven't yet made the leap, feel free to take a deep breath and dive in -- the iPad 2 is as good as it gets right now. And it's really quite good.

...che è un po' quello che penso io... :)


- "Pick up an iPad 2 after handling an original iPad, and you'll notice the difference right away. This is a lighter, thinner device."
- "The iPad 2 also has 512MB of RAM--twice that of the original iPad--and a 200MHz bus speed, likewise twice that of the original."
- "Though the iPad 2 is an improvement on the original iPad in numerous ways, it's still an evolutionary product, not a revolutionary one"
- "In short, the iPad 2 is the fastest iOS device ever made, by a long shot."

- "Cameras take mediocre still photos, decent video"
- "Battery life not as strong as first iPad, but impressive."
- "It never crashed in my tests, unlike every Android tablet I've tested."
- "As of now, I can comfortably recommend it as the best tablet for average consumers."

- "iPad 2 managed an astonishing 10 hours and 26 minutes of non-stop playback" -- better than iPad 1 in their testing.
- "Cameras are "pretty bad" for stills, reasonably useful for video"
- "GarageBand is a "groundbreaking piece of software for tablets"
- "The iPad 2 isn't just the best tablet on the market, it feels like the only tablet on the market"

- "We were able to software decode a side loaded 1.4GB .avi file in OPlayer on the fly, while watching it, without and lag or stutter. The same clip in the same app on the original iPad loads slower and drops frames and audio during playbac

New York Times
- "Once you get it in your hands, you get caught up in the fascination of manipulating on-screen objects by touching them"
- "My friends, I'm telling you: just that much improvement in thinness, weight and speed transforms the experience"
- "Apple's new cover is a perfect symbol of its fondness for high-tech magic tricks."

- "The iPad 2: Yeah, You're Gonna Want One"
- "Holding the original iPad now feels a bit like holding a slightly bulky monitor compared to the iPad 2."
- "As you've undoubtedly heard by now, the cameras on the device are not great."
- "Alongside the iPad 2, I also got to try out one of the new iPad 2 "smart" covers this past week. Simply put: I love this thing"


 arrivano le info riguardo il lancio americano

- verrà venduto negli apple stores il 11.03 a partire dalle 17:00    :serio:
- dipsonibile on-line dal 11.03 a partire dalle 01:00

a me pare na gran cavolata il fatto che venga venduto a partire solo dalle 17:00
speriamo non facciano qualcosa di simile anche x l'europa


a me continua a non convincermi :nonzi:



iniziano ad arrivare i giochi ottimizzati per IPAD 2

Australian developer Firemint has just launched Real Racing 2 HD, which is the iPad version of their popular racing game. Besides supporting the original iPad, the new version of the game also supports the iPad 2 specifically:
- For iPad 2, full-screen anti-aliasing, fully-modeled vehicle interiors visible through translucent windows, high-detail objects and surfaces and enhanced reflections
- Full support for iPad 2's gyroscope for precision steering

curioso di vedere i giochi che useranno come lead-platform l'IPAD 2


Citazione di: Mystic il 11 Marzo, 2011, 12:39:19
iniziano ad arrivare i giochi ottimizzati per IPAD 2

Australian developer Firemint has just launched Real Racing 2 HD, which is the iPad version of their popular racing game. Besides supporting the original iPad, the new version of the game also supports the iPad 2 specifically:
- For iPad 2, full-screen anti-aliasing, fully-modeled vehicle interiors visible through translucent windows, high-detail objects and surfaces and enhanced reflections
- Full support for iPad 2's gyroscope for precision steering

curioso di vedere i giochi che useranno come lead-platform l'IPAD 2

Io sono praticamente convinto che la potenza maggiore di iPad 2 alla fine verrà sfruttata solo dai giochi...