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[PS2] Fatal Frame 3

Aperto da Turrican3, 22 Luglio, 2005, 12:47:14

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Citazione di: Turrican3 il 22 Luglio, 2005, 12:47:14

:pant: :pant: :pant:

:bboni: :bboni: :bboni:

grande franchise  :bowdown: Rei è una vera e propria immersione nella vita nipponica



Fatal Frame producer, Keisuke Kikuchi, has divulged more details about Tecmo's imminent adventure-horror sequel, Fatal Frame III - the third game in the series known as Project Zero on these shores.

Speaking to Japanese publication, ITmedia, the producer expresses a desire to make the player "actually be afraid of searching out the truth, because they will be afraid to find out what horrible things await their character".

To that end, expect a new, as of yet unexplained approach to the series, a slightly more lucid ending (although Kikuchi wants players to get "a slightly different feeling" each time they watch it) and of course, a lot of unsettling moments to have you question yourself and your senses.

Fatal Frame III will still feature Miku Hinasaki from the original, although she will be joined by two other playable characters, Rei Kurosawa and Kei Amakura, each with their own abilities. The intention is to bring the story full circle, but not alienate new players if they've not played the previous games.

Speaking about the next generation, Kikuchi says he "already has some ideas" about what to go for should he get time to develop on the more powerful systems; one of which includes the ability to throw a good few dozen of enemy characters at the player simultaneously. "For instance I feel that with the current system if I can do 10 things I really want, then with the next system I can probably do 20 things I really want to do or show."

Fatal Frame III will hit the PlayStation 2 this week in Japan, preceding a US launch in autumn. There's currently no release date for Europe.


Ottimo. Paiono esserci le dovute novità dopo due episodi fin troppo simili, ma il core del gioco sembra restare.

Non vedo l'ora di fare il turista jappo dell'orrore  :evil:


La cosa strana (e perdonatemi se con tutte 'ste news  :cool2:  ;) non mi ricordo più dove...) è che mi pare di aver letto che in questo terzo episodio la visuale in prima persona sarebbe stata abolita... il che mi lascia a dir poco perplesso, visto che si tratta della base del gioco. :mmmm:

I casi sono due: o è previsto uno stravolgimento delle meccaniche (il che non si può eslcudere) oppure la mia memoria ha fatto clamorosamente cilecca (e nemmeno questo si può escludere  :tsk:)  :doubt2:

(tra l'altro mi... autoricordo  :notooth: che devo ancora completare il FF2...  :ohno:)


on ti saprei aiutare. Non ho letto olto su sto titolo  :ohno:




Fatal Frame III: The Tormented
Chipper young photojournalist takes on supernatural jerks in this new thriller.

by Ivan Sulic

Hi! I'm Rei.
Several months ago my careless driving led to the accidental death of my beloved fiancée, Yuu Asou. And now I've just recently become embroiled in a mystery involving his ghost, specter, spirit, or shade, depending on what you believe. How's it goin'?

Yuu was a good man. Shame I had to go and kill him with motorized negligence. He was a studious philosophy, folklore and anthropology editor, but he was also quiet and kind, my gently falling rain. To me he was the soft shower that washes everything clean. Oh, my poor, precious, anthropology editing shower...busted up under a ton or two of twisted automobile.

Oh well! 'Thems was the breaks!' At least I've got my lucrative career of haunted house photography going for me. And things have really started to pick up, too.

Just recently my assistant Miku Hinasaki and I were in the middle of a mansion rumored to be infested with supernatural entities. Miku is the younger sister to one of Yuu's best friends, Kei Amakura, though they don't share the same surname. I let her toil for me out of pity.

Anyhoo, I didn't spy anything particularly interesting at this mansion until my dead boyfriend materialized in front of me and sauntered down a hall. I briskly followed, wondering if he'd still make good on certain promises, and found myself whisked away into a strange black and white dreamland filled with untold horrors.

After wandering about the surreal ruination of an entirely different manor -- IN MY DREAMS -- I started taking snapshots of the various ghosts I encountered milling about the place. There was the fat lady in that one room, the skittish wench atop those stairs, the freaked out girl by the banister... I got 'em all. It was a blast, taking those dream photos. But then Yuu led me into the grips of a spectral knife wielding maniac. I think that guy killed me, because after being ghost-slashed a few times I slumped over and suddenly found myself looking across a courtyard at a pristine tree. Good as that sounds, it all went south once the shrieking tattooed hussy started teleporting toward me through the shadows. I tried to flee this new ghost but her slutty ice-cold hands brushed up against my shoulder and rocked me back into reality.

That's when I awoke, in bed, in my apartment. I couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't, so I kicked the covers off and sought out young Miku. She'd know. She's like a wise little slave-seer that does my laundry, cares for my plants, cooks my meals, and feeds and tends to my cat.

Miku seemed a little hesitant to assist me, since vicious night terrors of these sorts probably aren't good for the health, but I eventually got some letters and information out of her. Those I put into my obsessively categorized file and notes management system. With it I keep tabs on incidents, locations, people and articles. I have a separate file folder for tracking old newspaper clippings, random texts, letters and strange combat guides. Finally, I reserve another section for photographs I've received but not taken (I keep mine in a different place).

All this info basically told me that my beloved Yuu was assisting Kei Amakura. Miku's brother, remember? In a letter to Yuu, Kei admitted to being very busy studying "THE URBAN LEGEND" that may be affecting his niece Mio. It seems Mio was someone who caused my gentle fountain of cleansing quite a bit of trouble after a person named Mayu vanished. Poor Kei... He didn't even know that Yuu was dead. Guess I'd better break the news to him! It'd only be courteous anyway, especially after I stole this wonderful cultist's Camera Obscura Kei sent to my late Yuu.

It rained before I could get to contacting Kei. It rained just like the night I killed Yuu with my terrible driving. It always rains here. It always makes me remember how silly his dead face looked under all that broken glass and wrecked steal. The weather is just another reason to move away from this town. And now that I think on it, all the vengeful ghosts I've been encountering in dreamland aren't big incentives to stay either. Yup! You guessed it. After spending my day forlornly watching Miku clean the house as the rain pattered on the roof, I went to sleep and found myself once again stumbling through some godforsaken spectral plane.

The horribly depressing ruined manor I was in before didn't seem so dank the second time in. And thank goodness I always manage to dream a flashlight into my hands and some clothes onto my back, as well as full control over my complex notes and file taking systems. Without all those I'd have been well and truly lost.

I also had that cool Camera Obscura with me on that plunge. If I let the ghosts approach, I could snap a shot of them right when a little built-in alarm indicator turned red. That sends 'em reeling back, leaving them vulnerable for a second chained shot. A few pictures will kill any ghost, for whatever sense that makes. I've already dispatched the skittish wench at the top of the stairs and dealt flashing justice to an enraged woman and her whining child.

Hi there!
That must have been a night's work well done, because I soon awoke back in bed.

Boring of my daily non-ghost slaughtering activities in real life, I took it upon myself to learn more about this mystery of my fiancée's. While rummaging through Yuu's stuff I found a newspaper clipping about a mother and daughter that went missing in Myojin Village. Makie Kuzuhara and her girl Kozue went looking for Makie's missing husband, it seemed. They wandered off into the mountains nearly every day until one day they disappeared completely, leaving only black soot in their home... Those were the two ghosts I killed! Nice!

There was also another letter to Yuu from Kei that claimed "my" new Camera Obscura scared Mio stiff. Kei thought it reminded her of "that unspeakable incident." Sounds unpleasant, that. Kei also sent along some old film that needed to be developed. I always smile at times like those and think of how lucky I am to have a darkroom in my own home.

Miku just stood around all day in the living room, which tempted me to have her handle the developing, but I went ahead and did it myself, making careful note to thoroughly lash her later that evening while she scrubbed my laundry. Whenever Miku speaks it sounds like she has a fishbowl on her head, so I planned to settle that, too. But in retrospect, I should have saved the whipping until some other time and had Miku do the film herself. It was just one picture of some random lady. Since it's utterly impossible, I've put Miku on the task of finding out who this lady is.

And now here we are! Ooh, I'm getting sleepy. I wonder if I'll dream again.


Great. Crap house... C'mon then, ghosts. Have at it! No? Alright then, I'll just explore for a bit.

Look here, seems there's a chest blocking this door that leads to the roof. Oof! It's too heavy to move. Probably only a man could move it. Oh well. I was bound to hit obstructions like these and other locks and talisman accepting holes during my dream quest. It's no bother. When I wake and continue this journey I'll be sure to fill the rest of this personal biography with block and key related notes.



Troppo bella l'ambientazione, muoio per questo genere  :gogogo:

Alors qu'il est disponible depuis de nombreux mois au Japon, l'éditeur Take Two confirme la sortie sur le Vieux Continent de Project Zero 3 : The Tormented le 24 février 2006. Ce survival-horror, toujours développé par Tecmo, met en scène une nouvelle héroine, Rei Kurosawa, tourmentée par d'étranges cauchemars et qui devra affronter les forces démoniaques armée d'un seul appareil photo.

Pour cette suite, les développeurs ont introduit trois personnages jouables, chacun disposant de caractéristiques uniques. Ainsi, en plus de Rei, le joueur pourra contrôler Kei Amakura, un jeune journaliste et Miku, l'héroine du premier épisode.

Non vedo l'ora di riceverlo dalla Francia, anche se quanto specificato dal venditore  :sweat: (15 euro pero' Pork De la Miserie, non ho potuto resistere Mon Dieu   :lol: )

"Jeux rayé mais en parfait état de marche.Jaquette et notice en Espagnol mais JEU EN FRANCAIS."

Casomai lo giochero' alla Parignia et voila'  :notooth: anche se sto provvedendo con una version bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzttttttttttttttttt. 


Sei messo quasi peggio di me in tema di retrorecuperi. :notooth:


Non si capisce davvero cosa (non) abbia in testa Sony : perchè "permettere" ancora che uscite di questo tipo vadano su Ps2, con una Ps3 ch earranca su tutti i fronti e diventa NON retrocompatibile in Europa.


Solid Snake

Citazione di: Biggy il 16 Ottobre, 2007, 10:21:45
Non si capisce davvero cosa (non) abbia in testa Sony : perchè "permettere" ancora che uscite di questo tipo vadano su Ps2, con una Ps3 ch earranca su tutti i fronti e diventa NON retrocompatibile in Europa.


Defi  :lol2: :lol2: guarda le date  :inlove: FF3 e' uscita Pal mille mila anni fa


Citazione di: Solid Snake il 16 Ottobre, 2007, 10:31:50
Defi  :lol2: :lol2: guarda le date  :inlove: FF3 e' uscita Pal mille mila anni fa

E infatti. :asd:

Il 4 tra l'altro sarà esclusiva Wii.

Solid Snake

Citazione di: Joe il 16 Ottobre, 2007, 10:44:59
E infatti. :asd:

Il 4 tra l'altro sarà esclusiva Wii.

Poteva essere esclusiva per DS tanto non mi interessano gli Horror  :asd:


Citazione di: Biggy il 16 Ottobre, 2007, 10:21:45Non si capisce davvero cosa (non) abbia in testa Sony : perchè "permettere" ancora che uscite di questo tipo vadano su Ps2

Mah, anche se fosse stata una notizia di oggi non vedo il problema: 100+ milioni di macchine di base installata non le butti facilmente nel cesso... e comunque sarebbe un "problema" di Tecmo semmai IMHO.

Citazione di: Solid Snake il 16 Ottobre, 2007, 10:58:42Poteva essere esclusiva per DS tanto non mi interessano gli Horror

Ci giochiamo assieme. :inlove: :cowjoy:


Citazione di: Solid Snake il 16 Ottobre, 2007, 10:31:50
Defi  :lol2: :lol2: guarda le date  :inlove: FF3 e' uscita Pal mille mila anni fa

OWNED  :look:
