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Sony Playstation Vita |OT| (ex NGP/PSP2)

Aperto da Mystic, 27 Gennaio, 2011, 07:35:19

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PS Vita esce in Giappone il 17/12/2011


UPDATE: Sony annuncia che il lancio in Europa e USA avverrà nei primi mesi del 2012



La nuova console portatile Sony si chiamerà Playstation Vita (PSVita).

Lancio worldwide entro fine 2011, prezzi: versione WiFi only 24980 yen / 249$ / 249€, versione 3G 29980 yen / 299$ / 299€


CitazionePlayStation Vita (previously Next Generation Portable (NGP)) FAQs

Question: When will PS Vita be available?
Answer: There will be a phased roll out from the end of the year 2011 throughout all the SCE regions.

Q: How much will PS Vita cost?
A: It will cost $249 USD for the Wi-Fi version and $299 USD for the 3G version available through AT&T stores.

Q: What is the official name?
A: The official name will be PlayStation Vita (PS Vita). "Vita," which means "Life" in Latin, was chosen as the name for our next-generation portable entertainment system because it enables a revolutionary combination of rich gaming and social connectivity within a real world context.

Q: PS Vita supports 3G network connectivity, does this mean PS Vita will be sold through cell-phone providers?
A: Partnering with AT&T, which powers the nation's fastest mobile broadband network, who will serve as the exclusive service provider for PS Vita in the United States. By having both Wi-Fi and 3G/Wi-Fi models available, PS Vita will enable infinite possibilities for you to "encounter," "connect," "discover," "share" and "play" with your friends wherever they are.

Q: Do all PS Vita users have to sign up with a cell phone provider?
A: No. Users can enjoy PS Vita using only Wi-Fi.

Q: How do you buy PS Vita games?
A: You can download PS Vita games and other content from PlayStation Store to a storage media via the Internet or buy the new game medium at retailers.

Q: What game format will the PS Vita use?
A: PS Vita will utilize the new game medium.

Q: Will users be able to access PlayStation Store from both 3G and Wi-Fi?
A: PlayStation Store will be able to be accessed from both 3G and Wi-Fi.

Q: Which carrier will users need to subscribe to use the 3G networks?
A: Partnering with AT&T, which powers the nation's fastest mobile broadband network, who will serve as the exclusive service provider for PS Vita in the United States.

Q: Can you use PS Vita as a phone?
A: No.

Q: What are the specs of the OLED screen?
A: 5 inches (16:9), 960x544 pixels, Approx. 16,770,000 colors displayed

Q: What colors will be available at launch?
A: This will be announced at a later time.

Q: Does the PS Vita support Bluetooth headsets / headphones?
A: Commercially available Bluetooth headsets will work, however, it may function differently depending on the device specifications.

Q: Can you use a commercially available Bluetooth keyboard / mouse? Can you connect the PS3 wireless controller to the PS Vita like the PSPgo?
A: No. Users cannot use commercially available Bluetooth keyboard / mouse or a PS3 wireless controller on the PS Vita.

Q: Can you access the Internet by connecting PS Vita to a Bluetooth supported cell phone?
A: No.

Q: Why didn't you introduce stereoscopic 3D (without glasses) to PS Vita?
A: In the development process, we studied the possibility of introducing stereoscopic 3D feature to PS Vita, but decided not to install it. After careful consideration of our goal of offering users the ultimate portable entertainment experience with revolutionary user interface, we have decided to focus on the features and spec announced first.

Q: Does PS Vita have internal memory?
A: PS Vita is equipped with the storage media slot so that users can choose what memory capacity they want to utilize depending on their use.

Q: What is "Near"?
A: Near is a core PS Vita feature composed of location-based services, that utilize PlayStation Network. Near, developed specifically for this service and the network , will be pre-installed in the system to let users find out what their friends in the vicinity are playing now or what they were playing recently.  Users can meet their friends and new players virtually, regardless of what games they are playing, simply by sharing their game information across different dimensions of time and distance.

Q: Do you need 3G network connection to enjoy Near?
A: Users can enjoy Near using Wi-Fi, but to enjoy further what Near offers, 3G connection is preferred. Users will be able to obtain more information and encounter new players in real time by using 3G connection.

Q: What is "LiveArea"?
A: Every game title for PS Vita will be provided with a space called "LiveArea™" where users can share the fun and excitement with other players. Users will have access to the latest information of games provided from SCE and 3rd party developers and publishers through PlayStation Network. Additionally, PS Vita users will be able to view "Activity" log that is constantly updated with accomplishments from users who are playing the same game, which in turn can trigger active real-time communication among users.

Q: Will existing services like Remote Play, Skype, SenseMe, and Comic content for PSP be available for PS Vita as well?
A: We are evaluating the opportunity to offer non-gaming applications/content and will announce details at a later time.

Q: Will Youtube, Flash content and files like PDF be viewable on PS Vita?
A: We are evaluating the opportunity to offer non-gaming applications/content and will announce details at a later time.

Q: What is the difference between the PSP system and the PS Vita in terms of hardware specs?

    * Advanced portable entertainment system
      A high performance CPU / GPU combined with OLED enables rich, visually striking graphics never seen before on a portable entertainment system.  PS Vita also adopts the Super Oval Design form factor, which fits comfortably in users' hands.
    * Revolutionary User Interface
      A unique multi-touch pad on the rear, with the front touch display. Two cameras on it's front and rear, as well as three motion sensors, gyroscope, accelerometer, and electronic compass.
    * LiveArea™
      Every game title for PS Vita will be provided with a space called "LiveArea™" where users can share the fun and excitement with other players.
    * Location-based services
      SCE will provide location-based services on PS Vita as part of the basic features utilizing PlayStation Network. The new application called "Near," developed specifically for this service and the network, will be pre-installed in the system.
    * Wi-Fi and 3G network connectivity
      PS Vita is equipped with 3G in addition to Wi-Fi.
    * Closely coordinated with PlayStation Suite
      The newly developed and released game content for Android based portable devices can also be enjoyed on PS Vita.

Q: There are two slots on the PS Vita, what are they for?
A: One is for the new game medium, the other is for storage media to be utilized for personal content and download content.

Q: What kind of game medium will PS Vita support? What is the official name? Why did you decide to introduce it?
A: It is a small flash memory based card, dedicated for PS Vita. Taking advantage of the flash memory feature, this innovative card can store add-on game content or the game save directly on the card. By adopting flash memory based card, SCE will be able to provide game cards with higher capacity in the future, allowing developers to store more game data to deliver rich, immersive games. We will announce the official name at a later date.

Q: What type of storage media will PS Vita support?
A: This will be announced at a later date.

Q: What are the features of the new game medium / storage media?

New game medium

   1. It can not only store the full software titles but also save data as well as additional game content data. Therefore, the game title can be concluded with one piece of card.
   2. Users can play games by just inserting the game medium into PS Vita. (a separate storage media is not required.)

As for storage media, we will announce details at a later date.

Q: How many software titles will be available at launch (in the new game medium/download for each region)?
A: We will announce details at a later date.

Q: What will software pricing look like?
A: We will announce details at a later date.

Q: If you buy download content for PS Vita, up to how many systems can you copy it to?
A: We will announce details at a later date.

Q: Is PS Vita compatible with other PlayStation platform games like PS3, PS2, or PSP? Do you have any plan to support other PlayStation platforms in the future?
A: Users can play PSP titles, minis and PSone classics titles which are offered on PS Store. We do no have any plans to make PS Vita compatible with PS3 or PS2 titles at this point.

Q: Is PS Vita compatible with PSP content other than games such as video and comics available on PlayStation Store?
A: SCE plans to make those content available on PS Vita.

Q: Can PS Vita users continue using their save data for PSP games that they have also downloaded from PlayStation Store to PS Vita?
A: We are looking into the opportunity to do so.

Q: PS Vita doesn't support UMD but do you have any plan to introduce peripherals like "UMD readers" for PS Vita?
A: We do not have plans to introduce such peripherals at this point in time.

Q: I have UMD games but do I need to buy them again from PlayStation Store to play the same game on PS Vita?
A: We will consider every possibility for support on bought UMD games but we have nothing to comment at this point in time.

Q: Will you bring all UMD games to the new game medium or on the PlayStation Store for PS Vita?
A: SCE with the support of third party developers and publishers have been offering select UMD titles on PlayStation Store and will continue our effort to deliver these content in the form of game medium for PS Vita going forward. However, we will need to clear all copyright / legal related issues and due to this not all software titles will become available on PS Vita. We will announce details for each title when ready.

Q: Will PS Vita support all content that will become available on PlayStation Suite?
A: PS Suite content developed in the new game development environment provided for PS Suite can be enjoyed on PS Vita.

Q: Are PSP/PS3 user's PSN accounts also available on PS Vita?
A: The same PSN accounts will be available on PS Vita.

Q: Do you have any plans to introduce a video output cable? Will PS Vita have HDMI output?
A: No, PS Vita does not have a video output feature.

Q: Can you take out the battery from the system?
A: No. We have adopted embedded battery since PS Vita is equipped with a rear touch pad.

MegaFAQ per PSVita:


[E3 2011]


LittleBigPlanet Vita:

Uncharted: Golden Abyss

Modnation Racers:

Wipeout 2048:


CitazioneNear is like the Nintendo 3DS' SpotPass. It's "a location-based gifting system", according to Sony Europe manager of R&D, Phil Rogers.

"What Near does is it allows users to discover each other, leave gifts for each other and essentially find out more about games. You can see where people are in relation to your location, their five most recently played games and also gifts that they've registered. This is fairly cool because it exposes users to games they might not have heard of and you can see how popular those games are and how people are rating them," explained Rogers at the Develop Conference 2011.


Party [...] is "platform-wide" and allows you and three friends to form a party that sticks together regardless of what you do on Vita. "You can chat across games through text and voice," explained Rogers. "Cross-game voice chat," he reiterated, "it's there and it's on Vita." [...]
"You can have different Party groups for different games or genres," expanded Rogers. "Maybe you've got a first-person shooter group that you can all chat and go into. [...] Party is integrated with friends lists but isn't compulsory for all games to include. "Games can choose not to," said Rogers.

LiveArea and Activity: "The LiveArea is essentially where you go to launch your PlayStation Vita day," Rogers beamed.

There are three modes in LiveArea: Index, Live and Game. The top area you'll see is the content information zone, which is the "landing point for when you start any game on PS Vita". The communication zone is where you "comment on people's activities within the game as well as publish your messages".

"Activity is a way for players to discuss progress," explained Rogers. "The system automatically puts a few activities in there," he added, such as Trophies and ratings. "That encourages people to then comment similar to Facebook style." [...] Publishers can also "push data to users" by putting images on the LiveArea frontpage as well as announcements on the bottom part of the logo. "It's a good way to push DLC," said Rogers. "So there's new levels out, click, go to the Store." It's also a good way to push news about the game. But Rogers offered a word of warning to publishers that "it's important not to spam users too much and to use it sensibly".

Dettagli sull'online di PS Vita:

Sony ha anche annunciato che la console sarà giocabile alla Gamescom di Colonia in agosto:


Sony comunica che PS Vita verrà lanciata nel corso del 2011 solo in Giappone, mentre lo sbarco in Occidente avverrà nei primi mesi del 2012:


Contrariamente a rumour circolati nei mesi scorsi, dalle specifiche finali comunicate da Sony si evince che PS Vita disporrà di 512 MB di RAM (anzichè 256)

Sensei funzionerá anche come cell?  :king:


Sinceramente non mi è chiara la faccenda... quel che è certo è che uno dei modelli ha la connettività dati 3G, se questo implichi che (magari con un add-on?) sia possibile anche fare delle telefonate lo ignoro, ma a naso la risposta - per il modello 3G nudo e crudo intendo - penso che sia "no".


Tutti i dettagli su PS Vita dalla conferenza Sony tenutasi ieri.

PDF della press release:

PlayStation®Vita (PS Vita) sarà disponibile in Giappone il 17 dicembre 2011, con i preordini a partire dal 15 ottobre.
I prezzi sono quelli confermati da tempo, ovvero 24980 yen per la versione Wi-Fi e 29980 per quella 3G/Wi-Fi.
Le prime 500k console del modello 3G grazie ad un accordo con NTT DoCoMo includeranno una SIM con 100 ore di navigazione incluse (20 ore una volta esaurito il lotto produttivo iniziale)

26 giochi disponibili al lancio, molti altri in lavorazione.

La memory card è proprietaria e va acquistata a parte. Alcuni titoli potrebbero richiederla obbligatoriamente per i salvataggi, altri invece utilizzano un'area dedicata sulla stessa cartuccia-gioco. I prezzi, per i formati 4GB/8GB/16GB/32GB sono rispettivamente 2,200/3,200/5,500/9,500 yen (da 20 a 90 euro circa al cambio attuale).

Autonomia con la batteria standard da 2200mA:

Giochi: 3~5 ore
Video: 5 ore
Musica (in stand-by mode): 9 ore

Tutti valori - indicativi - sono relativi alla console impostata con la luminosità al valore di default, Bluetooth spento, con cuffie inserite (e in modalità giochi, senza l'utilizzo delle funzionalità di rete)

Tempo di ricarica con batteria totalmente esausta: circa 2h 40m

Giochi disponibili al lancio:
(praticamente tutti in doppia versione retail/download da PSN)

BLAZBLUE CONTINUUM SHIFT EXTEND ARC SYSTEM WORKS Co.,Ltd. 2D fighting game PS Vita card/PS Store download
3gokushi touchbattle (Working Title) AQ INTERACTIVE INC. MMO/RTS PS Store download
Project N.O.E.L.S. (Working Title) ARC SYSTEM WORKS Co.,Ltd. Music Player PS Store download
ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 CAPCOM CO., LTD. Fighting Action PS Vita card/PS Store download
Nature of Night of Kamaitachi - 11th visitor, A Suspect - (Tentative) CHUNSOFT Adventure: Sound Novel PS Vita card/PS Store download
F1 2011™ CODEMASTERS Ltd. Racing PS Vita card/PS Store download
DREAM C CLUB ZERO PORTABLE D3 PUBLISHER Inc. Dating Simulation game PS Vita card/PS Store download
Niconico DWANGO Co.,Ltd. Niconico PS Store download
FISH ON Kadokawa Games, Ltd. Sport/Fishing PS Vita card/PS Store download
KATAMARI DAMACY (Working title) NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. Touch, roll and make it bigger PS Vita card/PS Store download
RIDGE RACER (Working title) NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. Exhilarating drift racing TBD
Disgaea3 Return Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. SimulationRPG PS Vita card/PS Store download
Virtua Tennis 4 - World Tour Edition SEGA CORPORATION Sports PS Vita card/PS Store download
@field Sonic Powered Co.,Ltd Virtual golf action PS Vita card/PS Store download
Uncharted: Golden Abyss Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Action Adventure PS Vita card/PS Store download
Little Deviants Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Collection of Mini Games PS Store download
Minnato Issho Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Social Communications PS Store download
HOT SHOTS GOLF NEXT Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Golf Game PS Vita card/PS Store download
Yuusha no kiroku (TBD) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Life Management PS Store download
Monster Radar Sony Marketing (Japan) Inc. Location-based game PS Vita card/PS Store download
Shinobido 2: Tales of the Ninja Spike Co.,Ltd. Ninja Stealth Action PS Vita card/PS Store download
Army Corps of Hell SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd. Action PS Vita card/PS Store download
LORD of APOCALYPSE SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd. Action RPG PS Vita card/PS Store download
DYNASTY WARRIORS NEXT Tecmo Koei Games Co., Ltd TACTICAL ACTION PS Vita card/PS Store download
Dark Quest Ubisoft K.K. RPG PS Vita card/PS Store download
MICHAEL JACKSON THE EXPERIENCE HD Ubisoft K.K. Rhythm Game PS Vita card/PS Store download

Tra i titoli più importanti in lavorazione:

Shirotsuku CAVE Interactive CO.,LTD. Simulation
New shooting CAVE Interactive CO.,LTD. shooting
FIFA (working title) EA Sports (Electronic Arts) Soccer
DRAGON'S CROWN Ignition Entertainment Ltd. Action RPG
Shin Megami Tensei series Index Corporation (Atlus) RPG
Persona4 The GOLDEN Index Corporation (Atlus) RPG
Soccer Konami Digital Entertainment Sports
ZONE OF THE ENDERS HD EDITION Konami Digital Entertainment High Speed Robot Action
METAL GEAR SOLID HD EDITION Konami Digital Entertainment Tactical Espionage Action
New RPG title from LEVEL-5 LEVEL-5 Inc. RPG
New Action RPG (Working Title) Marvelous Entertainment Inc. Action RPG
New Action-Adventure game (Working Title) Marvelous Entertainment Inc. Action-Adventure game
New Simulation RPG (Working Title) Marvelous Entertainment Inc. Simulation RPG
New Fantasy RPG (Working Title) Marvelous Entertainment Inc. Action RPG
Gundam Franchise (Working title) NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. ACTION
Super Robot Taisen Franchise (Working title) NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. TBD
Tales of Innocence R NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. RPG
Ys -Foliage Ocean in CELCETA- Nihon Falcom Corporation Action RPG
Super Monkey Ball (working title) SEGA CORPORATION Puzzle Game
Escape Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Survival Stragtegy
GRAVITY RUSH Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Action Adventure
Sound Shape Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Action / Music Creator
STARSTRIKE DELTA Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Shooting Game
Reality Fighters Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Fighting
LittleBigPlanet Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Action
WipEout®2048 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Racing
NINJA GAIDEN Σ Tecmo Koei Games Co., Ltd ACTION
LUMINES Electronic Symphony Ubisoft K.K. Music Puzzle
Rayman Origins Ubisoft K.K. Action


Sony ha confermato di essere al lavoro su una batteria esterna che aumenterà l'autonomia di PS Vita:




Eh ci vuol bravura a stare così radente al bordopista! :D


Citazione di:
    Sono lo European Hardware Product Manager per PS Vita e sono felice di condividere con voi il design finale della confezione per i modelli Wi-Fi e Wi-Fi e 3G di PS Vita, presentati per la prima volta al Tokyo Game Show.

    Chi di voi ha già potuto provare di persona PS Vita a uno dei nostri eventi sa che nessuna immagine può renderle giustizia, ma crediamo che la confezione sia davvero sorprendente e speriamo siate d'accordo anche voi.

    Sullo schermo si possono vedere le icone di alcune app, funzioni e servizi preinstallati su PS Vita all'avvio. Ecco una rapida descrizione delle icone rappresentate:
    Spazio di benvenuto – Ti invitiamo nello Spazio di benvenuto per esplorare e scoprire tutte le fantastiche funzioni di PS Vita grazie a una serie di minigiochi.
    Party – Hai voglia di chattare durante il gioco? Con Party puoi comunicare con i tuoi amici in qualsiasi momento. Quest'applicazione per la chat vocale e di testo ti consente di comunicare con un massimo di otto partecipanti, indipendentemente da cosa tu stia facendo. Party inoltre ti permette di creare o partecipare a partite multigiocatore, e chattare con gli amici mentre ti diverti con giochi diversi, portando su PS Vita la chat tra giochi.
    PlayStation Store – Un link diretto al PlayStation Store da cui potrai scaricare tutti i giochi, i trailer, i contenuti e le app per PS Vita.
    Messaggistica di gruppo – PSN Message (Messaggio PSN) rappresenta un altro fantastico modo per comunicare con gli amici di PlayStation Network. Invia ai tuoi amici un aggiornamento o persino una foto scattata con PS Vita per tenerli sempre al corrente sulle tue ultime novità. Puoi inviare un messaggio agli amici su PSP e PS3 e intrattenere conversazioni con più persone contemporaneamente.
    Foto – PS Vita ti permette di scattare foto, questo è il collegamento diretto alla fotocamera e all'applicazione per visualizzare le foto.
    Near – Una rete di gioco basata sulla posizione, esclusiva per PS Vita. Con near puoi restare in contatto con tutti i tuoi amici di PlayStation Network e conoscere altre persone condividendo informazioni su di te, in base alla posizione. Premi il pulsante Update (Aggiorna) e trova nuovi amici nelle vicinanze, sfidali a una partita o gioca in modalità cooperativa per un'esperienza di gioco veramente unica su PS Vita. Puoi persino inviare e ricevere nuovi livelli, contenuti sbloccabili ed elementi di gioco per migliorare la tua esperienza: c'è una nuova sorpresa per te ad ogni angolo. Inoltre, puoi visualizzare le preferenze di gioco dei tuoi amici, il numero di trofei ottenuti e confrontare le rispettive statistiche per scoprire chi è il giocatore migliore.
    Trofei – I giochi per PS Vita supporteranno i Trofei, e questa app memorizzerà e terrà traccia dei Trofei ottenuti su PS Vita e PS3. Inoltre ti permette di confrontare i Trofei con quelli degli amici.
    Musica – Un lettore musicale che ti permetterà di riprodurre i tuoi brani trasferiti nella PS Vita tramite computer o PS3.
    Amici – Il tuo elenco Amici ti permetterà di cercare e restare in contatto con i tuoi amici PSN. Fai clic sul profilo di un amico per scoprire a quale titolo sta giocando su PS Vita o PlayStation 3. Puoi unirti alla partita in corso, visualizzare i titoli a cui avete giocato assieme di recente o confrontare le rispettive collezioni di trofei. Inoltre puoi vedere le attività di gioco recenti degli amici e scoprire cosa stanno facendo adesso. Nel profilo puoi condividere le tue informazioni personali. Scegli un avatar che ti rappresenti al meglio, aggiungi gli amici e fai sapere a tutti a cosa stai giocando.
    Browser Internet – Grazie al touchscreen OLED da 5″, PS Vita ti offrirà una fantastica esperienza di navigazione su Internet tramite Wi-Fi e 3G.


    Scopri PS Vita
    Nelle prossime settimane riveleremo molti altri dettagli su queste funzioni e app, e tanto altro ancora. Se vuoi essere il primo a conoscere le ultime novità di gioco, le notizie più esclusive e scoprire il dietro le quinte di PS Vita, allora assicurati di iscriverti a Scopri PS Vita. Inoltre come membro di Scopri PS Vita avrai accesso a:

    - Offerte speciali per i preordini e sconti sui contenuti
    - Concorsi ed estrazioni in esclusiva
    - Inviti VIP a eventi speciali per provare PS Vita

    Se ti iscrivi subito ti invieremo un esclusivo tema Resistance: Burning Skies da scaricare su PlayStation 3 o PSP. Allora, cosa stai aspettando? Iscriviti per essere il primo a scoprire le ultime notizie su PS Vita.

Package della console:

