Sony Playstation Vita |OT| (ex NGP/PSP2)

Aperto da Mystic, 27 Gennaio, 2011, 07:35:19

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Citazione di: Turrican3 il 21 Febbraio, 2011, 16:23:34

Svettano Cryengine e UnrealEngine tra i numerosi tool disponibili per gli sviluppatori di NGP.

Alcuni scontati, altri li speravo date le mirabolanti premesse.



NGP/PSP2 in arrivo in Europa entro fine 2011? Questo è quanto riportano alcune fonti a MCV UK:


CitazioneOne thing we learnt from PSP, is that we want to have simultaneous delivery in digital and physical for NGP. Just to clarify that, all games that appear physically will be made available digitally. Not necessarily all games have to be made available physically. And having the option of a digital-only method affords more creative risk-taking, and that's because you don't-have that in-built risk of physical inventory.

Intervista a Andrew House di Sony Computer Entertainment Europe:

nella parte quotata del lungo botta e risposta il presidente assicura che l'azienda punta a distribuire simultaneamente i giochi sia sul canale "fisico" tradizionale che tramite quello di e-distribution, e che tutti i titoli retail saranno resi disponibili per il download (ma non viceversa).


Citazione di: Turrican3 il 27 Gennaio, 2011, 12:46:38Altre immagini via Famitsu:






Niente da fare, io volevo Ridge Racer  :thumbdown:

EDIT by Turry: Biggy, ho rimosso dal quote assassino tutte le immagini. :sweat:


C'è su 3DS :teeth: Anche se segue la tendenza recente quindi non lo consiglierei. Io (piccolo OT) aspetto lui:

Stimo molto i Bugbear, anche se il cambio di stile sarà notevole,  inoltre c'è davvero bisogno di un cambiamento radicale ormai, lo vedo agonizzare da troppi capitoli...


CitazioneSony Corp. (6758) may stagger the global release of its next-generation PlayStation Portable game machine after the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan last month led to production disruptions.

The new PlayStation Portable, codenamed “NGP” may be introduced in a single region this year instead of starting sales in Asia, Europe or the U.S. in time for the end-of-year holiday shopping season, said Jack Tretton, president of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, citing production problems. He declined to say which region may offer the device first.

Secondo il presidente di SCEA Jack Tretton, a causa di non meglio precisati "problemi produttivi" provocati dal disastroso terremoto (e susseguente tsunami) in Giappone, Sony potrebbe rilasciare NGP/PSP2 in una sola region nel corso del 2011 anzichè lanciare in contemporanea mondiale.


CitazioneSony Corp. (6758.TO) said Tuesday it doesn't expect a delay for now in the company's plan to release its new portable gaming machine, despite the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on March 11.

The electronics giant said it is sticking with its original plan to launch the game machine--tentatively called the next-generation portable, or NGP--in stages starting late 2011.

"So far we see no impact from the quake on our launch plan," said Sony Computer Entertainment spokesman Satoshi Fukuoka, adding that the company will continue monitoring the situation to assess any possible future impact.

Earlier Tuesday, Bloomberg News reported that production problems caused by the disaster had forced Sony to consider rolling out the new machine in only one of three regions--Asia, Europe and the U.S.--in time for the year-end holiday shopping season.

Fukuoka said the Bloomberg report was "wrong." He said that when Sony first unveiled the NGP in late January, it never said it would launch the new machine in all three regions at once.

Un portavoce di SCE smentisce il report di Bloomberg definendolo errato e ricordando che l'azienda non aveva mai parlato di lancio in simultanea nelle tre region; ed in effetti a gennaio le testuali parole erano state "I think our goal is, we would get at least one territory out by the end of holiday 2011".


Una tech-demo che mostra NGP all'opera:




Grazie! Che dire, notevole, magari le dimensioni dello schermo maschereranno anche ogni possibile difettuccio.


CitazioneRumor: NGP Specs Downgraded, 2011 Release in Japan

The NGP will release this year in Japan and next year in the rest of the world according to, a French tech site with a history of reliably reporting leaked Sony information. That same site leaked accurate specs of the NGP weeks before the device's unveiling in January.

According to's information, non-3G models of the NGP will be priced competitively with the 3DS. Meaning we can expect that the low-end model will cost around $250-$300. In order to reach that price window some sacrifices had to be made. While earlier reports pegged the new handheld as sporting 512MB of RAM, the newest information suggests that Sony has cut that number in half to 256MB. In order to compensate for the loss, the company reduced the size of the OS footprint in memory. 26MB of the 256 is high-speed RAM that can be used for certain tasks that require quicker access to system memory. The 128MB of graphics memory are still in place; however the planned 16GB of internal flash memory have been removed in favor of cheaper external storage.

While none of this information has been confirmed by Sony,'s track record with Sony information lends credence to their claims. One way or another, we'll find out at E3.

Sony sarebbe intenzionata a lanciare NGP/PSP2 ad un prezzo estremamente aggressivo e concorrenziale rispetto al 3DS (circa 250/300$ per il modello base privo di connettività 3G), per riuscire nell'intento pare che le specifiche della console siano state modificate dimezzando la RAM (256MB anzichè 512) e rimuovendo la flash interna, optando per soluzioni esterne meno costose. L'uscita sarebbe prevista per quest'anno in Giappone e per l'inizio del 2012 in Occidente.

Rumour smentito, la console avrà 512 MB di RAM:



Il vero nome di NGP potrebbe essere PlaystationVita.

CitazioneThe 'NGP'. The 'Next Generation Portable'. The 'PSP2'.
These are all synonyms for the successor of the PSP. But what is the final name?

The NGP was officially announced in January of this year. The release of the PSP successor itself wasn't a big shock. We all knew it had to come eventually. The real shock was the specs of the device, which was essentially credited as a PS3 Portable with similar graphics.
After the announcement it became a tad silent around the NGP as Sony is waiting on the E3 to announce more.

But today we received some new, and exclusive, information from an anonymous source.
The official name of the NGP!
Rumor has it that the new Sony handheld will bear the name PS Vita. Vita is Latin/Italian for 'life'.
Does Sony hope to bring life back into their stock? Do they want to rejuvenate the PSP? Revitalize your needs for portable gaming?

Our source tells us that this will be the definite and final name of the new system Sony will bring out at the end of 2011.
Sony is expected to give further announcements on the E3 next week.

P.S. Please remember to take this with a grain of salt and this is NOT fake information that we have made up. The source cannot be proven reliable, of course, but this site was not set up with the intention of getting hits with bogus information. Other sites may do this but to be honest, I think that's pretty sad. To reiterate, please don't take this as fact and look to E3 for the final name; hopefully we'll have it right!

In my opinion this is a very surprising name. Mainly because it will be the first innovative name Sony is using for any of its consoles/handhelds.

The above is of course still speculation and rumours and we have no confirmation as of yet but we will have some soon.


Bizzarro (ma tant'è) per un dispositivo videoludico, a dir poco.

Chissà se opteranno davvero per questo, immagino che all'E3 i tempi siano più che maturi per svelare il nome definitivo. :sisi:
