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[MULTI] Mass Effect 3

Aperto da Turrican3, 17 Novembre, 2010, 14:56:42

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UPDATE: il teaser faceva riferimento al neoannunciato Mass Effect 3


Et voilà, ecco il teaser trailer del prossimo lavoro BioWare.

Per saperne di più, appuntamento fissato a giorno 11 dicembre per i Video Game Awards.


Il progetto era Mass Effect 3:

Uscita prevista per fine 2011.


Mass Effect 3 slitta al primo trimestre del 2012. Il rilascio era inizialmente previsto per fine 2011.



CitazioneNot everyone will survive. An ancient alien race, known only as "Reapers", has launched an all-out invasion leaving nothing but a trail of destruction in their wake. Earth has been taken, the galaxy is on the verge of total annihilation, and you are the only one who can stop them. The price of failure is extinction. You are Commander Shepard, a character that you can forge in your own image. You determine how events will play out, which planets to explore, and whom to form alliances with as you rally a force to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all. How you wage this war is completely up to you: go into combat with guns blazing or use cover to plan a more tactical assault. Utilize your squad to full effect or take a lone wolf approach. Rain death from a distance or go toe–to-toe with enemies using devastating melee attacks.

Mass Effect 3 will react to each decision you make as you play through a truly unique experience of your own creation.


Large-scale and intelligent enemies: Battle enormous enemies and take on a smarter type of foe that will consistently challenge your best combat tactics and put you on the edge of your seat.

Massive in scope: Battle on many worlds across the galaxy as you unite the ultimate force to take back the Earth before it's too late.

Large-scale and intelligent enemies: Battle enormous enemies and take on a smarter type of foe that will consistently challenge your best combat tactics and put you on the edge of your seat.

Unlock a customizable arsenal: Tailor each weapon with devastating upgrades including scopes, grips, barrels and dozens of other unique attachments. Each weapon boasts its own powerful impact and visual flair.

Unleash death from afar or go toe-to-toe: Customize your soldier and squad to engage the enemy on your terms. A huge variety of weapons, abilities and equipment allow you to combat the enemy in your preferred style of play.

"Get the ultimate Mass Effect 3 experience with the N7 Deluxe Edition! This exclusive and limited package includes:
• Digital commemorative artwork of Commander Shepard.
• 70-page Digital art book featuring hundreds of unique and gorgeous illustrations from the BioWare development team.
• Limited edition Mass Effect digital comic by Dark Horse Comics, complete with unique cover artwork.
• Exclusive Digital 4x6 lithographic featuring a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork.
• A full collection of in-game content that can't be found anywhere else!
• N7 Arsenal Pack – Bring the firepower with the N7 Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, SMG, and Pistol.
• Robotic Dog Companion – A faithful sidekick to keep you company on board the Normandy.
• Squadmate Alternate Outfit Pack – New appearances for your favorite squad members.
• N7 Hoodie – For Commander Shepard's casual days on board the Normandy.
• Relive all the greatest moments of Mass Effect 3 with the digital soundtrack.
• Display your initiation in the N7 ranks with a collection of forum and social badges, avatars, and perks.

Sull'e-store di EA Origin sarà disponibile un'edizione speciale di Mass Effect 3:



[gamescom 2011] Nuovo trailer:



La qual cosa potrebbe essere particolarmente interessante per far svolgere al comapgno di squadra alcune subquest durante le sessioni di esplorazione, ma qualcosa mi dice che servirà solo alle fasi spara-spara, che temo saranno sempre più invasive (per quanto non sia un male in sè il fatto di essere maggiormente curate, come di fatto accadde nel passaggio ME1 -> ME2) rispetto alla componente RPG (dialoghi-esplorazione-crescita del personaggio-gestione dell'inventario; il male sarebbe proseguire nell'operazione di sfoltimento avvenuta nel medesimo passaggio).

Speriamo bene.

Anche se il multiplayer se lo potevano tenere stretto, specie se non sarà come sogno.


Citazione"Rest assured, it's nothing of what you've feared." That's what Mass Effect 3 executive producer Casey Hudson said via Facebook when the game's cooperative online multiplayer mode was announced. This brought a sigh of relief to some, while others cringed at seeing "Mass Effect" and "multiplayer" so close together. At the Electronic Arts Vegas Game Show earlier this year, we got to try this mode for ourselves, as well as speak with BioWare general manager Aaryn Flynn about the game in general, which you can see in the video below.

From what we've gathered, the fate of pretty much everything in Mass Effect 3 will rest on the galaxy's readiness level. This is a representation of how well Shepard has prepared the entire galaxy for the coming battle. It can also be influenced in several ways, one of which is the new multiplayer mode. This cooperative, four-player online mode drops players into a horde-mode-style area where they must battle against increasingly difficult waves of enemies.

Your personal commander Shepard won't be available here; he (or she) is much too busy romancing aliens and punching reporters. Instead, a new character must be created from the game's most humanoid races--Asari, Turian, Drell, Krogan, Salarian, and human--and established classes. Your character's abilities are tied to his or her class (there are no racial abilities), and which weapons you bring is up to you. However, your class will determine firearm proficiency.

We were assigned a human infiltrator for our play session, which took place on the industrial-looking slums map. In multiplayer, the map you choose determines the set of enemies you will face. For this map, it was all Cerberus commandos; others may include the insectoid Collectors or a combination of different groups for a greater challenge. Back in the slums, we found that shooting people in multiplayer wasn't different from single-player. Some enemies carried massive shields that required one of our team to act as a distraction while the other sneaked up behind the foe. And when a massive Atlas mech suit landed, it was an all-hands-on-deck moment where we had to quickly bring the brute down.

Special objectives were interspersed throughout the match. During one wave, we had to run across the map and disable four enemy devices. Another required us to group up in an area and defend it while uploading data. Despite our best efforts, our character would get taken out after one-too-many space bullets to the face. When our character went down, we could frantically press a button to postpone death. Of course, this became more difficult, and by the time the second unit arrived, we simply couldn't maintain it any longer. Dying took us out of the current wave and into spectator mode. We could then return at the start of the next wave, assuming our teammates lived that long.

Killing enemies and completing objectives earn your character money and experience. Money is used to purchase and upgrade weapons, while experience increases your character's level. At a certain point in your character's progression, you will have the option to export him or her into your single-player. There, you can use your character as a war asset on the Galaxy at War map. How exactly these characters will function in your campaign remains to be seen.

Despite the fact that this is a cooperative mode, you're not required to have three friends to play. In fact, we could have played with two, one, or even zero teammates if we were so inclined. The game wouldn't have granted us any AI teammates, but it would have adjusted the enemy difficulty accordingly. Or you can just ignore the mode entirely. There will be other ways to raise your galaxy's readiness level, and the optimal ending is available without having to touch multiplayer. Mass Effect 3 will be released on March 6, 2012, on the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

I dettagli della modalità multiplayer di Mass Effect 3:;img;1


Leak della beta (ampiamente incompleta, come prevedibile), troverete info e parecchie immagini qui:

Tra le notizie più importanti, sembra che il gioco avrà tre modalità: "action mode", "story mode", "RPG mode" che consentiranno al giocatore di impostare il tipo di gameplay in maniera più affine possibile ai propri gusti.

One feature that was present in this early build is a set of game play modes that are in development. In the beta code they are referred to as “action mode”, “story mode” and “RPG mode”. We want to stress that these features are still in the early stages of development and will receive considerable iteration and refinement. These modes are designed to give players an even finer degree of control over their game experience than ever before. Whether it be someone who finds the combat difficult but wants to experience the amazing story, someone who wants to focus on the action and combat game play, or fans who want the rich, story-driven RPG Mass Effect experience they’ve come to love – Mass Effect 3 will support all of these options. We’ll have more info in the days ahead! 


Speriamo che così, per non dover "accontentare tutti" con una sola modalità obbligata (che in ME2 aveva portato ad un "asciugamento" della componente RPG, con anche uno scarsissimo approfondimento su determinati personaggi, che aveva portato il titolo ad assomigliare "pericolosamente" a Gears Of War , pur restando un gioco estremamente avvincente per la trama ed i dialoghi: sparatutto "puri" io non ne gioco più: mi annoiano. I miei giochi di riferimento ormai sono Mass Effect e Fallout, e penso prenderò Skrym...), potranno rendere l'esperienza RPG la naturale evoluzione del primo episodio.

C'è anche da dire che lo "snellimento" di alcune cose oggettivamente PESANTI del primo episodio non era stato affatto un male.
Esempio: dover equipaggiare PRIMA delle missioni i proiettili ed i mod delle armi a tutto l'equipaggio: che ca**o ne sai poi che tipo di nemici incontri in quella missione?
E poi rifare tutto per quella successiva? DDu'palle...


Citazione di: Turrican3 il  5 Novembre, 2011, 12:30:08Leak della beta (ampiamente incompleta, come prevedibile), troverete info e parecchie immagini qui:

Ehm abbiamo scherzato: Microsoft ha inviato una diffida a NeoGAF, il risultato è che il thread dei leak di ME3 è sparito onde evitare noie legali.



E' troppa la paura  di vedere una componente RPG sempre più ridotta (sebbene ri-ri-ripeto: alcuni snellimenti in ME2 non erano malvagi) e di giocare un clone di Gears Of War  :( ...