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Project Cafè/Wii2 - OLD Rumours thread

Aperto da Nessark, 14 Aprile, 2011, 22:03:14

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UPDATE by Turry:

CitazioneApril 25, 2011

To whom it may concern:

Re: Wii's successor system

Nintendo Co., Ltd has decided to launch in 2012 a system to succeed Wii, which the company has sold 86.01 million unit on a consolidated shipment basis between its launch in 2006 and the end of March 2011.

We will show a playable model of the new system and announce more specifications at the E3 Expo, which will be held June 7-9, 2011, in Los Angeles.

Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012.

Con una scarna press release, nel contesto dell'odierno rilascio dei risultati finanziari dell'anno fiscale conclusosi a marzo 2011, Nintendo ha confermato ufficialmente l'uscita di una nuova home console il cui lancio è previsto nel 2012.

Il successore del Wii sarà presente in forma giocabile all'E3, durante il quale saranno diffuse ulteriori informazioni sulle specifiche.

/END UPDATE by Turry



Leggo ora su NeoGAF che molti siti confermano questo "annuncio" che Nintendo farà all'E3 2011.  :o
Si parla di retrocompatibilità con i giochi Wii, grafica migliore di 360 e PS3, ma si dice anche che forse non sarà solo un "Wii in HD".


Multiple sources have confirmed to Game Informer that Nintendo will reveal a new console between now and E3 2011 in June.

Game Informer's sources say the console is capable of running games at "HD resolutions," though it is unclear whether not it will be as powerful as Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Our sources have said the console's power will be greater than or equal to the PlayStation 3. Nintendo is reportedly showing the console to publishers to garner interest for a late 2012 launch.

Sources tell IGN that Nintendo will release a pre-announcement this month with a full reveal expected at E3. Sources say the console will be backwards compatible with current Wii software.

Io già non vedo l'ora di gustarmi l'E3 con tanto di pop corn. :D


Non ci scommetto un soldo bucato sull'annuncio, ma hai visto mai...


Citazione di: Shin Daisuke il 14 Aprile, 2011, 22:03:14molti siti confermano questo "annuncio" che Nintendo farà all'E3 2011.

Dicono anche qualcosina in più, ovvero che potrebbe arrivare un "pre-annuncio" (stile 3DS, cioè quattro righe di testo?! :hihi:) durante questo mese.

E putacaso, tra una decina di giorni (il 25 per l'esattezza) ci sarà il consueto rilascio dei dati dell'anno fiscale appena chiuso... :look:
Boh, vedremo.


CitazioneWhat's most exciting about the Wii successor however is its all-new controller, which industry sources have indicated is not simply an upgraded Wii Remote, and will even feature a built-in HD screen.

Our sources did not specify whether or not the controller displays will feature any other functionality, such as that of the DS's touch screen, but it's easy to imagine the sort of innovation an extra screen could bring to Wii 2 games.

"Nintendo's plans sound unreal," one source said. "Publishers are already planning launch titles and it's all very exciting.

"The hardware is even more powerful than current HD consoles and backwards compatible with Wii. The controller will be all-new and has a HD screen on it."


I rumour impazzano da ieri sera, e gli ultimissimi aggiornamenti dalle testate di settore parlano addirittura, oltre che di retrocompatibilità Wii, anche di un nuovo pad con touch screen incorporato (ad alta risoluzione). Lancio previsto nel 2012.



Via alle previsioni :

"Alcune novità di Wii 2 potrebbero essere un controller migliore – migliore di PlayStation Move –  e un sensore di movimento che superi in accuratezza anche Kinect.
Nintendo Wii 2 dovrebbe essere dotata anche di un drive Blu-ray, un velocissimo processore quad-core e, a sorpresa, un proiettore a LED integrato per usarlo senza tv (Figo  :lol: ) "


Per me stavolta fanno gli sboroni e ci infilano un Pentium II con una Voodoo 2 16MB. E uscita HDMI.



Citazione di: Frozzo il 15 Aprile, 2011, 11:23:42
Per me stavolta fanno gli sboroni e ci infilano un Pentium II con una Voodoo 2 16MB. E uscita HDMI.
Addirittura? Costera' 999 dollari al lancio. :hihi:


Citazione di: Giulo75 il 15 Aprile, 2011, 14:37:06
Addirittura? Costera' 999 dollari al lancio. :hihi:
ehm.. volevi dire 9.99 dollari al lancio?  :hihi:



Citazione di: Turrican3 il 15 Aprile, 2011, 08:59:54

I rumour impazzano da ieri sera, e gli ultimissimi aggiornamenti dalle testate di settore parlano addirittura, oltre che di retrocompatibilità Wii, anche di un nuovo pad con touch screen incorporato (ad alta risoluzione). Lancio previsto nel 2012.

...addio multiplayer in locale... con un pad che costerà più della console... :teeth:


Citazione di: Mystic il 15 Aprile, 2011, 14:40:17
ehm.. volevi dire 9.99 dollari al lancio?  :hihi:
Chi Nintendo? Apple e M$ al confronto sono delle onlus. :D


Ancora aggiornamenti vari & variegati via Neogaf:

EDIT 12:


- 6" touchscreen, not HD, not multitouch
- D-Pad, L, R, two triggers, others
- 'Front-facing camera'
- A sensor roughly analagous to the Wii sensor bar is incorporated in the controller - i.e. some kind of IR beacons/transmitters. Purpose isn't clear.

- Custom triple-core PowerPC
- AMD/ATI GPU. 'Probably' derived from R700 series.
- RAM unknown
- Developer quotes: graphics capabilities "roughly equal to those of the Xbox 360", performance "over the Xbox 360, but just a notch"

- One other 'huge surprise' about the system

Taken from:

CitazioneSeems like mostly:

- Sensor bar being built into the controller is a mistranslation. It seems there will be one very similar to the Wii.
- Backwards compatibility is completely unconfirmed, but the site speculates it will be possible because of the similar architecture.
- Blu-ray is not confirmed and hasn't been brought up by their sources, which seems odd to me as that is kind of a big point to notice.
- Just a "notch above Xbox 360" and not "significantly more powerful" as reported by IGN.

CitazioneUpdate 10 is the problem. CVG is writing that the french site confirms GPU and Ram and lists specs. The reality is the french site says:

CitazioneRAM: unknown. It would be logical that it is a unified RAM, like the 360, with a minimum of 512 MB


CitazioneGraphics processor: AMD (ATI) - probably a series R700, with a shader (for managing the effects) more recent than the Xbox 360 (probably version 4.1).

CVG takes speculation and is reporting it as fact. We really have no clue of any specs

EDIT 11:

Citazione di: EdgeUbisoft studios have had development kits “for months”, motion-sensing “better than Move”; announcement at E3?

Sources have this morning confirmed reports that Nintendo has a successor to the Wii in the works, telling us that thirdparty studios including those of Ubisoft, Activision and Electronic Arts have had development units of the new hardware for months.

They have also claimed that the system retains motion control, with capabilities that are “better than Move”, meaning that they boast higher fidelity. We do not yet have word on whether or not its motion-controlled solution introduces a camera.


Citazione di: VG247The site [from the specs post below] also concurs that the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate , sub-HD graphic output with a single-touch 6-inch screen, a front camera which acts as a Wii sensor bar, two d-pads, two bumpers, and possibly more than two triggers.


EDIT 10:

Important Note: The R700 is the Radeon 4000 HD series. The Xbox 360's GPU is based on the R500 (an upgraded Radeon X1900 variant with some R600 features) for comparison.

Citazione di: CVGWii 2 is 'Project Café', says report - tech specs, controller details claimed
Friday 15-Apr-2011 3:01 PM New console to be 'a bit more powerful than 360'

As if you haven't had enough today, the latest Wii 2 rumour report has emerged - and it's a big one, claiming tech specs and controller details for the not-so-secret-anymore Nintendo console.

French site 01net, which previously released the NGP specs long before any official announcement, has backed up widespread claims that Nintendo will reveal its next console at E3 this year.

It's also backed up CVG's scoop that the console's controller will feature a built-in high-resolution screen.

According to the latest report, 'Wii 2' is being internally referred to as 'Project Café', and sports architecture similar to that of the Xbox 360, "but a bit more powerful".

It says the console will include a custom IBM PowerPC CPU with three cores, a GPU from the ATI R700 family with a shader unit at version 4.1, and at least 512Mb of RAM.

This would of course make HD console ports very easy for developers, but 'Project Café' will also include backwards compatibility with both the Wii (including all peripherals) and GameCube games, it's said.

The controller has a six-inch touch screen, a front-facing camera, D-Pad, two bumpers, two triggers and "possibly more," and can allegedly be used as a Wii sensor bar.

Late 2012 is the release date, and another "big surprise" about the console is set to be revealed at E3, the report concludes.

As always consider this a strong rumour for now, but it's a good source indeed.


EDIT 9: Jim Reilly - New Nintendo controller allows players to stream entire games to the device from the console - like a miniature television."

EDIT 8: Jim Reilly - There will be first and third party "Wii 2" games at E3. No clue if they'll be playable.

EDIT 7: Jim Reilly - Dual analog sticks on the controller. Can stream game content from the console. Not sure if it'll be full games, mini-games, or apps.

EDIT 6: IGN article updated to report screen on controller will have touch capability.

CitazioneAdditional sources informed IGN the screen has touch capability.


Ho omesso alcuni dei rumour più vecchi perchè le informazioni più recenti sembrano apportare un briciolo di chiarezza in più. Ammesso che in un thread di rumour si possa parlare di chiarezza. :hihi:

Allora ricapitolando, sembra che la novità più importante sia l'inclusione di un touch screen da 6 pollici (ma non HD, nè multitouch) nel pad, che sarebbe anche dotato di doppio stick analogico nonchè di alcuni LED simili a quelli presenti nella barra sensore (che peraltro non è per niente un "sensore", ma ormai tutti la conoscono come "sensor bar" e quindi pazienza... ci adattiamo) dell'attuale Wii; per il resto si brancola nell'incertezza più totale, a cominciare dalle specifiche che spaziano da un "poco più potente" a "considerevolmente più potente" di PS3/X360.


Io tendo a credere al "poco più potente".  ::)