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[WII][WII U][3DS] Monster Hunter 3 Tri - Ultimate

Aperto da Turrican3, 17 Settembre, 2008, 15:47:52

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Avevo sentito che era confermato solo in Giappone, ma non avendo fonti sicure, mentre per questo sì, protenderei in effetti più per il pago worldwide. E io non pago il gioco su internet. Mai :notooth:. Sempre più interessato al bundle rispetto che al gioco :asd:


Aaaaaahhh whoops, worldwide in effetti non ho idea, però credo sia estremamente improbabile che diano aggratisse altrove qualcosa che fanno pagare in Giappone.

Comunque devo dire che Monster Hunter 3 e Dragon Quest IX sembrino i titoli più "pesanti" (e si può anche intuire il perchè dal momento che l'uscita è imminente) a giudicare dalla pubblicità che ho visto in giro per Tokyo.




aaaaargh pure Resort hai preso! Pretendo fotografie di tutto quello che ti si para davanti agli occhi!!!! :asd:


Citazione di: Blasor il  6 Luglio, 2009, 16:37:47aaaaargh pure Resort hai preso!

Sì, mi scocciava tremendamente aspettare fino a giorno 24. :asd: :P

Insomma, ero casualmente lì ad Akihabara, e mi son detto: perchè non approfittarne?



Il multiplayer online di Monster Hunter 3-Tri potrebbe essere gratuito in Occidente:


Nell'attesa che venga finalmente svelato se se sarà necessario o meno pagare un canone per il gioco online delle versioni Occidentali di Monster Hunter 3 Tri, arriva una conferma dal Community Specialist Shawn Baxter: come già avviene nella release nipponica, anche in USA non verrà utilizzato il sistema dei codici amico e il gioco gestirà per conto proprio tutto ciò che riguarda l'online (su server di Capcom).

CitazioneCapcom Community Specialist Shawn Baxter confirmed that, like the Japanese release of "Monster Hunter Tri", the US version will be hosted on Capcom-owned servers rather than Nintendo's. American players will be able to go online directly from the game's menu. Friend lists and other multiplayer information will be specific to "Monster Hunter Tri."

What hasn't been determined, though, is whether or not "Monster Hunter Tri" online play will be free. The game uses a pay-per-play model in Japan, requiring users to purchase Nintendo Points in exchange for weekly or monthly access. As of now, Capcom has yet to decide on whether or not online play in the North American edition of "Tri" will be free or what the pricing structure will be if they decide to keep the Japanese pay-per-play model. That decision may determine "Monster Hunter Tri"'s success when it release early next year.


Monster Hunter 3 (per le sole versioni occidentali, come sappiamo il gioco è già uscito in Giappone) e altri titoli tra cui Lost Planet 2 e Super Street Fighter 4 slittano al prossimo anno fiscale di Capcom (Aprile 2010-Marzo 2011) per evitare tra l'altro di entrare in competizione con le uscite della concorrenza.

La software house nipponica sostiene di voler distribuire adeguatamente nell'arco dei 4 trimestri il rilascio dei propri titoli-chiave. Più che dimezzati i forecast di vendita di Dark Void (da 1.3 milioni a 600k), che però resta confermato per il primo trimestre del 2010.



CitazioneLondon – January 5, 2010 – Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games today confirmed that it has entered into a distribution agreement with Nintendo for its forthcoming Wii title Monster Hunter Tri, the next instalment in the multi-million selling series. Under the terms of the agreement Nintendo will be responsible for the sales, marketing and distribution of Monster Hunter Tri throughout European and Australian territories with Capcom remaining as publisher. Monster Hunter Tri is scheduled for release this coming April and will set the bar in the action/adventure genre with the introduction of new features and gameplay elements as the Monster Hunter franchise makes its debut on the Nintendo system.

Monster Hunter Tri is one of the most strikingly beautiful games ever created for the Wii and brings to life a living breathing ecosystem where man and monster co-exist. The title's single player story mode sees gamers taking on the role of a hunter whose village is beset by a series of violent tremors that threaten to destroy it. Charged by the village chief to discover the source of the earthquakes players will embark on a series of quests where they must face gigantic beasts that inhabit both land and sea.

Living the life of a hunter need never be a solitary experience with the option to form a team of up to four hunters via the game's custom online Wi-Fi mode; alternatively the game also offers a two player split-screen Arena mode. Even solo players do not have to face Monster Hunter Tri's challenging quests alone as they will be ably accompanied by Cha-Cha, an AI hunting partner whose skills will prove invaluable.

"Nintendo has identified Monster Hunter Tri as a key title for the Wii platform in 2010," stated Michael Pattison, Senior Director Marketing, Capcom Europe, "We are really excited about partnering with Nintendo to further develop this franchise."

Laurent Fischer, Managing Director, Marketing & PR, Nintendo of Europe, commented "Monster Hunter has a huge and passionate following in Japan and we are looking forward to introducing the Monster Hunter Tri to a whole new audience in Europe as the series makes its first appearance on the Wii."

Sembra confermata per aprile 2010 l'uscita in Europa e Australia di Monster Hunter 3 Tri. Ad occuparsi del marketing e della distribuzione sarà Nintendo.



Molto probabile, se non erro Umbrella Chronicles li aveva (non però in versione UK :mmmm:)

Quel che più conta però secondo me è la possibilità di promuovere il gioco in maniera quantomeno degna, e chissà, magari anche sperare nell'online gratuito, senza il quale a mio avviso MH perderebbe molto del suo appeal (potenziale).


Annunciato il bundle gioco + classic controller pro per gli USA, pressochè analogo a quello rilasciato in Giappone. Prezzo 60 dollari circa. Questo il packshot e la press release:


Bundle Will Bring the Highly- Anticipated New Controller and Popular Franchise Together for the Ultimate Monster Hunting Experience on the Wii System

SAN MATEO, CA, and REDMOND, WA, - January 25, 2010 - Capcom® Entertainment, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, and Nintendo of America today announced an exciting new bundle featuring one of the most highly anticipated titles for 2010, Monster Hunter® Tri, and combining it with the new Classic Controller Pro™ for the Wii™ system. The Classic Controller Pro's more traditional control configuration will give gamers the ultimate Monster Hunting experience when the bundle becomes available in North America this April at a suggested retail price of $59.99.

"Monster Hunter Tri has made a huge splash in the Japanese market, and we're confident the bundle with the Classic Controller Pro will give fans in North America plenty to get excited about," said Steve Singer, Nintendo of America's vice president of Licensing. "Gamers of all kinds enjoy playing games on Wii. Monster Hunter Tri delivers an incredible new experience on Wii, while the Classic Controller Pro gives players even more control options for their favorite Wii games."

The new Classic Controller Pro includes a second row of shoulder buttons and ergonomically friendly grips. The Classic Controller Pro plugs directly into the Wii Remote™ controller, and until now, has been available only in the Japanese market.

The Classic Controller Pro will be compatible with more than 450 Wii, WiiWare™ and Virtual Console™ games. The Classic Controller Pro bundled with Monster Hunter Tri will be black, while both black and white versions of the controller will also be available separately at a suggested retail price of $19.99. The game will also be available without a controller at a suggested retail price of $49.99.

Making its North American debut on Wii this spring, Monster Hunter Tri is one of the most strikingly beautiful titles developed for Nintendo's Wii system. Pushing the hardware to the limit, Monster Hunter Tri depicts a living, breathing ecosystem where humans co-exist with majestic monsters that roam both dry land and brand new sub-aqua environments – a first for the series. Offering the player varied control configurations to suit their style of play, players can choose between the Classic Controller Pro, Wii Remote™ and Nunchuck™, or Classic Controller™ to slay the monsters that inhabit the world.

The Monster Hunter series has sold over 11 million units worldwide and has become a social phenomenon in Japan giving rise to training camps, dedicated festivals and numerous licensed products. According to Media Create, Monster Hunter Tri sold 520,000 units in its first week of release in Japan and became the leading title sold across all platforms for the week of its release.

For more information about Monster Hunter Tri, please visit:

Capcom is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment for game consoles, PCs, handheld and wireless devices. Founded in 1983, the company has created hundreds of games, including best-selling franchises Resident Evil®, Street Fighter®, Mega Man® and Devil May Cry®. Capcom maintains operations in the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Tokyo Korea and Hong Kong, with corporate headquarters located in Osaka, Japan. More information about Capcom can be found on the company web site,


Mi serve un classic controller + sono abbastanza interessato al gioco, benone.


Ocio, non sembra ancora essere confermato pure da noi il bundle, tocca aspettare qualche comunicato ufficiale. :)
