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[PS2][XBOX] Black

Aperto da Turrican3, 18 Luglio, 2005, 14:35:11

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Lo shooter in prima persona di Criterion sembra venire su molto bene. Da tenere d'occhio.


Back at the Electronic Entertainment Expo a couple of months ago, we gushed about the short but explosive demo we saw of a little old first-person shooter called Black, currently in production at UK development house Criterion Studios. Come to think of it, we gushed about Black at E3 2004, too. We've been talking about this game for a long time, really, and all that hype culminated today as Criterion finally let us play through a roughly 10-minute segment of Black, the first, and likely only, game ever to popularize the phrase "gun p0rn."

Get your hands on Black, and you'll understand exactly what gun p0rn means after just a couple of minutes of blowing away bad guys, demolishing cars and buildings, and basically wrecking everything in sight. The types of weapons you'll find in Black aren't going to knock your socks off from a conceptual standpoint--in our demo we used such notable old standbys as a pistol, shotgun, AK-47, submachine gun, and RPG (rocket-propelled grenade). But these archetypal FPS weapons take on new significance in Black, as they're among the most hard-hitting, solid-feeling guns we've ever shot in a game of this type, with extremely heavy sounds and realistic visual effects that make them feel that much more hyperreal. Maybe it sounds strange to describe the "feel" of an intangible weapon, but then, that speaks to the efficacy of Criterion's design, doesn't it?

It's not just the guns that make the action in Black so visceral. The game is loaded with environmental effects that are in place solely to enhance the explosive ambience of the firefights you'll constantly find yourself embroiled in. Shooting any kind of surface will produce clouds of dust, showers of sparks, flying debris--the air is soon thick with the result of your onslaught. In fact, the dust and smoke in the air can hang so thick after just a brief exchange that it's impossible to see your enemies, forcing you to either fire blindly or retreat to cover. Criterion says the design of the game has been evolving over the last months, and it's actually become more tactical over time, rather than the straight run-and-gun action the team originally envisioned. Don't get us wrong, you'll still be blowing away everything in sight; you'll just have to watch yourself so you don't get wasted.

Black is as much fun to watch as it is to play, and that fact owes in part to the broad interactivity of the levels--or at least, the one we've seen so far. This demo level contained such notable features as cars that could be destroyed in a plume of fire with a few well-placed shots; a multitiered building that could be collapsed with a grenade; and an old cannon outside a museum that crashed down in pieces to the street below. The nice thing about all these interactive elements is that every time we tripped one, it managed to take out a few enemies along with it.

Beyond the hardcore shooting, the mechanics in the Black demo were totally straightforward--kill all the enemies in your path, and progress through to the end of the level. But the dilapidated urban environment contained more than one viable path to the end, with different paths offering different things to blow up and varying degrees of difficulty. Purportedly, the final game will be full of these open-ended levels that will make for radically different experiences depending on how you approach your objectives.

The final game will also have a "black ops" mechanic that tracks your more-stylish kills. Black ops kills will include headshots, ricochet kills, and potentially kills that you pull off using environmental elements. After you finish a level, the game will tally up your black ops kills and black ops runs, the latter of which are just combo-style strings of black ops kills in short succession. The designers aren't sure yet how the black ops scoring will figure into the game, since the feature is still being designed, but considering how entertaining the core shooting action in Black is, any extra gameplay will serve as icing on the bloody cake.

Our demo of Black apparently lasted around 10 minutes, but unfortunately it went by in a flash, and it certainly left us wanting more. The absurdly destructive shooting action is hard to depict in words, but seeing it in action sells the experience immediately. It's a literal symphony of destruction, with all of the visual and aural elements adding up to create a uniquely intense experience. Black is scheduled for release on the PS2 and Xbox early in 2006, and we'll bring you more on the game, hopefully including some video, in the coming months.


anche in questo caso credo che questo Black sarà l'ultimo bel fps di questa generazione  :)

...gli fps non mi piacciono, ma questo sembra molto molto bello :thumbup:


troppo tardi per l'utenza x-box

staremo gia giocanco con la next-gen


mmm sono abb fiducioso dei criterion, speriamo bene!


Ecco il link per il filmato in streaming... :thumbup: :pant: :shooter:


è spettacolo pure sto trailer  :o



Ah pero' !
Vedendo il video pensavo ..... violenzaaaaaaaaaa , davvero bello  :o



Mhhhh ! ( faccina che pensa )  :D

Lo stesso filmato e' nella sezione Xbox , allora , o le due versioni sono uguali o il filmato e' reale solo per una delle due console !


Citazione di: Sirio il 10 Settembre, 2005, 14:10:38
Mhhhh ! ( faccina che pensa )  :D

Lo stesso filmato e' nella sezione Xbox , allora , o le due versioni sono uguali o il filmato e' reale solo per una delle due console !


Black: The First Video
Exclusive footage of EA's anticipated shooter.
by Jeremy Dunham
September 9, 2005 - If you've been following our coverage of Criterion Games' intense first-person actioner Black, then you know by now that we've been heavily impressed by what we've seen so far. Though we've only played a couple of levels up to this point, the title's crazy environmental destruction, non-stop firefights, and high-end graphics have absolutely convinced us that Black will be one of the premier videogames of 2006.

Sadly, our readers haven't been able to share in that firsthand excitement.. until now.

Yes friends, as a special treat for IGN readers (who have shown an insane amount of interest in the game) Electronic Arts and Criterion have teamed up with us to debut the very first Black footage ever to be shown to the public. Previously only seen behind closed doors by select members of the media, the Triple-A shooter has created a buzz like few others before it and now you get to find out why.

Click here for the first Black footage anywhere! 

Highlighted below is the very first trailer (slated to debut for other media outlets sometime next week) -- but you guys get it first, and we sincerely hope you enjoy it (and yes, this is taken from the PS2 version). :bowdown: :omg: :o



Citazione di: Ciccio_Drink il 10 Settembre, 2005, 15:10:16

Highlighted below is the very first trailer (slated to debut for other media outlets sometime next week) -- but you guys get it first, and we sincerely hope you enjoy it (and yes, this is taken from the PS2 version). :bowdown: :omg: :o

Sinceramente ,  quando ho visto lo stesso filmato nella sezione Xbox , anche se non l'ho esplicitamente detto , ho creduto che fosse preso proprio da quest'ultimo .

Invece che dire , tanto di cappello alla PS2  :beer: se fara' girare questo gioco cosi' come ci sembra dal filmato !


Citazione di: Sirio il 10 Settembre, 2005, 20:27:28
Sinceramente ,  quando ho visto lo stesso filmato nella sezione Xbox , anche se non l'ho esplicitamente detto , ho creduto che fosse preso proprio da quest'ultimo .

Invece che dire , tanto di cappello alla PS2  :beer: se fara' girare questo gioco cosi' come ci sembra dal filmato !

idem per me, Sirio. Dopo aver visto il filmato ho postato altrove la seguente frase:

"davvero faqntastico, anche se credo il trailer non sia della versione ps2   :'( "

....fortuna che ero in errore  :stralol: :cowjoy: :king: