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[WII] Demo Play in New Super Mario Bros Wii

Aperto da Quelo, 16 Giugno, 2009, 12:05:32

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Stavolta la notizia è riportata dal Nikkei (ecco, questo lo conosco e di solito *è* una fonte attendibile) e google translate traduce l'articolo mettendoci un inequivocabile "skip"

se qualcuno conosce il giapponese e può fornire una versione migliore ben venga, io mi limito a riportare quello che vien fuori con i tool disponibili a chiunque:

CitazioneNintendo ─ ─ skip the game for beginners, introduction this fall

Nintendo is a game for beginners to "skip" to innovate. MENAKU when first before the crisis hit in the middle of the game, go ahead and skip the scene. Conscious consumers are moving away from the game they are giving up on the way out many times. Plans to gradually introduce the software release this fall.

The first is scheduled for release this fall of the popular series "New Super Mario Bros. Wii" will be. Action game in the sense of speed, more software on both the handheld game-deferred.


CitazioneHi all. Bayonetta Director Hideki Kamiya here. At long last, here we go! Gameplay video of Very Easy Automatic Mode (AKA Mommy Mode)! Writing a ton of words would be a disservice, so instead, check out this video.

Yep. This is the power of Automatic. Automatic can be used on Easy and Very Easy difficulties, and leaves the most complex controls up to the CPU. At the controls in this video is character designer Mari Shimazaki. All she is really doing in this video is pressing a single button, the Punch button. She may occasionally be pressing Kick, but only for the Torture Attack events.

With Automatic ON, the game will do the following things for you.

1) Attacks/Jump Attacks

Of course attacks go without saying, but automatic jumps are also included. Even if an enemy is in above Bayonetta, the game will jump you up and into a perfect position, then attack. Various combos are automatically triggered, allowing you to enjoy action rich in variety.

2) Dodging

This also takes place simply by pressing the Punch button. Of course, if you are caught flat-footed the game won't forgive you; however, as long as you get the button press timing correct, you will automatically dodge. ...Of course, as you can tell by watching the video, you will probably end up defeating the enemy before there is ever a need to dodge. (LOL)

3) Warp

I don't really know what I should call this... Immediately after you've defeated an enemy, you will head towards a distant enemy and automatically jump off towards them. With this ability you can take down enemies from A to Z.

To complement these, even when you are in Automatic mode, you can still move and dodge under your own control as normal, if you so choose. This means you don't have to play one handed like in the movie. You can weave in your own movement, kicks, and dodges, enjoying a battle packed with originality. You can consider Automatic mode to be a helping hand from an incredibly skilled expert in the game.

By the way, you can turn Automatic mode on and off anywhere in the game, so you can try a few different play styles I think... If you want to turn it off and get some hands on practice, you can. If you are feeling like, "This is impossible!"Then just turn on Automatic, go back, and try again.

Another thing to add, and this one is important. In the easiest mode of the game, Very Easy, we have included the ability to recover your vitality in a few short moments should you take damage. So just in case you happen to run out of health, try to get some space between you and your enemies. But even if you take damage, you won't take that much, so I don't think you need to worry about your vitality falling to zero. (LOL)

So even if you are a hardcore user or an absolute beginner, I hope you are all looking forward to getting your hands on a controller and seeing what it feels like to dive into the tempest of violence that is Automatic Bayonetta.

Siori e siore, Bayonetta Automatic Play è servito.

Video esplicativo:

Vorrei un commento di Quelo. :teeth: :P
(sperando che sia vero e che Kamiya non ci stia prendendo tutti per i fondelli, a cominciare da Nintendo :bua:)


Ecco come funziona in New Super Mario Bros Wii:

se si perdono N vite consecutive (8 nella demo mostrata a kotaku) spunta un pannello che chiede se si vuole attivare il... pilota automatico. Al che la CPU fa una sorta di "speed run" portando il nostro personaggio dritto alla fine del livello, senza uso di scorciatoie o item nascosti. In qualsiasi momento è possibile riprendere il controllo ma così facendo non sarà più possibile attivare la modalità "Super Guide" (questo pare essere il nome ufficiale).
Per quel che vale un'affermazione del genere, ovviamente tutta da verificare, posto direttamente il commento finale dell'articolo con le impressioni sulla difficoltà:

Citazione di: KotakuThe levels of New Super Mario Bros. Wii I saw today seemed harder than those of the last side-scrolling Mario platformer, New Super Mario Bros. on the DS. Super Guide does appear to have given Nintendo license to make the new game tougher and may provide the relief some players need to get to the end of the latest Mario world-hopping adventure.