[X360] Dettagli e scan di Edge per Perfect Dark Zero

Aperto da Mystic, 26 Settembre, 2005, 15:05:06

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Site IGN brings some precise details to us relating to Perfect Dark Zero on Xbox 360 according to the last information entrusted by Microsoft.  Thus Joanna Dark will begin her adventure with a level from drive entitled Datacore Training which is located below water. 

The heroin of the play will have at its disposal several special movements enabling him to plate themselves against a wall or to make roulades, it will have access to a multitude of gadgets in any kind such as a kit of demolition and others will cameras spies. 

Our perfect agent will have to solve several enigmas, in the form of mini-plays, to open doors.  Joanna Dark will be able to use her two hands in order to draw with her gun and to send at the same time grenades on the enemies, the majority of the weapons will propose a primary education shooting and a secondary shooting.  Dimensioned weapons precisely, one will note the presence of famous Jackal Sniper Rifle, Laptop Gun, P9P Pistol, UBL Liberator SMG, SuperDragon, and of Viblade.  Joanna would have even a PDA of Samsung mark... 

The FPS would have a co-operative mode Online for 2 players, 32 players will be able to clash in multi, a patch should leave thereafter for if required increasing the number of players.  On the level of graphics and animations, IGN announces that Perfect Dark Zero was clearly improved compared to the version presented during E3 2005. 

The last information provided by Microsoft is a bad news since Perfect Dark Zero could finally not be available the day of the launching of the console to the USA scheduled for next 22 November.  If the official date remains unknown, IGN assure us that the play should néamoins leave before Christmas.


la prossima volta che ti prendi la liberta di cambiare il titolo del mio thread ti spezzo in 243 pezzettini  :shooter:


Veramente volevo fondere il tuo col MIO ma ho sbagliato operazione  :lol2:

E poi, avevi scritto Perfeckt...  :lol:  :teach:  :stralol:



La qualita' dei filmati purtroppo e' bassa , pero' ...... mica sembra male , tutt'altro !

Mi sono incuriosito , voglio vedere filmati di qualita' migliore  :sisi: