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[???] Dragon Age The Veilguard (ex Dreadwolf - 202x?)

Aperto da Turrican3, 25 Gennaio, 2018, 13:58:45

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Il produttore esecutivo Mark Darrah (si occupa anche di Anthem) conferma ufficialmente che un nuovo Dragon Age è attualmente in lavorazione.

Solid Snake


CitazioneUltimately, Laidlaw felt it was time to leave BioWare behind regardless of Dragon Age's loose threads. "I wanted to try a new challenge, and I knew that [the staff reassignments] would change the date," he says. "I was going to have a very small skeleton crew, and I'm lucky because Patrick Weekes is an exceptional lead writer, Daniel Kading is an exceptional lead designer. There were two very veteran designers who could hold a vision, and it was going to move down to a very small team.

"I thought if I'm ever gonna go, this is the least disruptive time for me to leave. So I would be stunned if whatever plan I had remained completely unchanged."

Whatever happens to Dragon Age in the future, though, Laidlaw isn't worried because BioWare's respect for the series' lore runs deep. "The creative leads need to be present and guiding, and the team needs to do whatever they're passionate about," he says. "I don't have any fear that they'll change the world because there's a pretty deep respect for what it's done."

That's not to say Laidlaw isn't curious about the Dragon Age reboot. "Very likely they went through a redesign phase, that's pretty normal. And I've heard reboot, but I'm not sure what that means contextually," he says.

Probabilmente ci sarà da attendere un bel po'.





Al resoconto finanziario di EA si è accennato a Dragon Age 4, il colosso americano afferma che probabilmente per il rilascio se ne parla non prima del 2022.


Stasera durante lo speciale Gamescom si è intravisto qualcosina del nuovo Dragon Age in lavorazione presso gli studi di BioWare.








Ma veramente fino a oggi non sapevano nemmeno se sviluppare un RPG o un gaas (multiplayer)?