
8 Luglio 2005: Gamers4um è finalmente un "vero" forum... da parte mia
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Topic unico retrogaming

Aperto da Turrican3, 23 Luglio, 2005, 15:30:08

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CitazioneDo you have plans for doing another classic console in the future? Do you expect to release any more games on the classic consoles that have already been released?

There's no ability for add-on content with our classic consoles, so when you purchase the console it's coming with that set roster of content. We worked very hard, both for the NES Classic and the SNES Classic, to really have the best games that defined that generation. We've said that the current systems are the extent of our classic program. We've also been clear that, at least from an Americas perspective, these products are going to be available through the holiday season and once they sell out, they're gone. And that's it. The way that consumers will be able to continue participating with our classic content is going to be through Nintendo Switch Online, and we just released three new games (Ninja Gaiden, Wario's Woods and Adventures of Lolo) from the NES generation onto that platform. We look at that as the main way that consumers will be able to experience that legacy content.

Reggie sostiene che, almeno per il mercato americano, NES e SNES Classic saranno disponibili per la stagione delle festività fino ad esaurimento scorte.
Ma secondo me torneranno in commercio prima o poi (almeno finchè le vendite reggono)


Bravo il Reggie che mi spiega che se voglio colmare una mia lacuna e giocarmi Super Metroid (confesso, mi manca) non devo guardare al passato ma al presente! Switch è la risposta. :sisi:

Amen, mettetelo in vendita magari :bua: e, se fosse possibile, non la versione PAL 50HZ come sul Wii U...


E a quasi un quarto di secolo dalla bancarotta di Commodore ( :'( ) salta fuori un'altra roba mai vista: siori e siore, vi presentiamo C65 Classroom Computer. :o :|
(qualsiasi cosa fosse nelle loro intenzioni)



120mila unità vendute per Playstation Classic al lancio in Giappone


Citazione di: Bluforce il 27 Novembre, 2018, 16:10:59
Quel jingle veniva proposto all'inizio della partita e basta :sisi:
Monty Mole?... Tu sai vero che mi hai rovinato la vita con questo jingle?  :asd:


Citazione di: chicco71 il 14 Dicembre, 2018, 14:24:40
Monty Mole?... Tu sai vero che mi hai rovinato la vita con questo jingle?  :asd:
Non è Monty Mole, ma ti ringrazio per avermelo ricordato. :sisi:

Non volevo provocare disastri con sei note :bua:


Citazione di: chicco71 il 14 Dicembre, 2018, 14:24:40
Monty Mole?... Tu sai vero che mi hai rovinato la vita con questo jingle?  :asd:

Povero chicco :lol:


Citazione di: Bluforce il 14 Dicembre, 2018, 14:31:50
Non è Monty Mole, ma ti ringrazio per avermelo ricordato. :sisi:

Non volevo provocare disastri con sei note :bua:
Non mollo... La ricerca continua  :gogogo:


CitazioneThese are pictures of a C65 variant called the C65 Classroom Computer. Revealed in December 2018 by Fred Bowen on the Commodore International Historical Society Facebook group.

Little is known of it at this point, but externally it is a C65 with the drive section chopped off. On the back there is a DB25 female which could be a serial port and a DB-15 that could be an RGB output, or perhaps an ethernet port. On the side are the same ports as the C65. There is the power, two joysticks, and a reset button. Moving to the motherboard there are two big sockets for custom chips. We don't know yet if they would hold the same chips as the regular C65, probably CPU and VIC-III. There is no smaller square socket for the floppy disk controller chip. Since there is no drive this makes sense. There is an expansion port that looks the same as the C65's, but no cutout for it. There is no internal trap-door expansion but there is an unpopulated header there that could be for the same or similar purpose. The PCB has an unpopulated port, also without a cutout that looks like it could be a standard C64 video port. Also on the inside is the keyboard connector like the C65 and another connector beside it that looks like it could be for a C64-type keyboard, or possibly is for accessing the joystick ports. There are two regular rectangular sockets. One looks like a SID socket (given the placement of two capacitors directly beside it), and the other most likely is a ROM socket for the firmware.

Planned "Driveless" C65
I just read the new Commodore The Inside Story by David Pleasance. In the C65 chapter is mention of plans to sell a C65 with no Internal drive. In fact, there was the "1565" External drive, which was prototyped as well (seen in the picture at the top of the page). This "Classroom" C65 is obviously an entirely different product designed for a different market. The "Diskless" C65 would most likely be a simple case modification and would likely use the same motherboard as the "regular" C65. The "Classroom" C65 has no floppy drive controller on board, no user port (probably), no sound connectors. It was designed to be very minimalist and inexpensive. It would make sense for this to use the "Diskless" case since it's pretty much the size of the keyboard itself.

Wow! This came as a huge surprise. There was no hint at all of such a machine existing. We know Commodore had lots of internal projects so making variants of the machine makes sense. It's significant in that an actual PCB exists which means it was fairly well into development. Given the projected cost of the C65 was very low, a non-drive scaled-down machine for networked school labs makes a lot of sense. I can imagine a full lab full of these machines would be a very inexpensive way to get kids into computers and teaching computer basics. Quite interesting!

Qualche riga in più sul C65 Classroom di cui sopra.


Come fa un coso del genere a sparire per 30 anni :hmm:


Mi viene da pensare che fosse l'unico prototipo.

Del resto della scheda madre Amiga AAA ne esistevano appena 4, ci può stare che un prodotto "secondario" e comunque in sviluppo come questo C65 potesse essere... figlio unico.

Quello che più mi stupisce però è il fatto che non se ne sapesse nulla. Un'intervista, un accenno... niente di niente.


 Ma praticamente questo commodore 65 sarebbe stato un entry level rispetto all'Amiga 500?  :hmm:


Sì, una via di mezzo tra C64 e Amiga (persino con modi video compatibili :sweat:) ma pur sempre via di mezzo fuori tempo massimo: stiamo parlando dei primi anni '90, quando di lì a breve saremmo passati ai 32 bit "puri".

Forse avrebbe avuto senso a prezzo molto aggressivo però boh, tieni conto che idealmente quel ruolo doveva essere preso almeno in parte da A600, che non a caso inizialmente doveva chiamarsi A300. Peccato finì per costare di più.

Insomma, due delle tante follie di un'azienda in declino. :(