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[LIBRO] The Art of point + click Adventure Games

Aperto da Turrican3, 21 Marzo, 2018, 10:36:00

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CitazioneA visual celebration of one of the most loved genres in gaming history, The Art of Point + Click Adventure Games will be a sumptuous 400 page, cloth-bound coffee table book packed with the very best pixel art and classic scenes from the most defining games of this genre (three-headed monkeys may also feature). It will also contain extensive and exclusive interviews with the key developers, designers and artists behind some of the most beloved games and characters in the history of the medium.

We're absolutely delighted to announce that the one and only Gary Whitta will be writing the foreword in the book. Gary started his career in magazines, most notably launching PC Gamer magazine in the UK and then the US. More recently, he has worked with Telltale Games on its series of critically-acclaimed episodic adventure titles and also as a screenwriter in Hollywood, penning the likes of The Book of Eli and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. He was there, as a journalist, to witness the boom of adventure games and will be able to offer an utterly fascinating insight from both sides of the pond.

Although still in the early stages of development, we have already managed to secure an amazing roster of interviewees for the book. These include (in no particular order) Tim Schafer, William Tiller, Robyn Miller, Douglas Crockford, Billy Allison, Ron Gilbert, Amanita Design, David Fox, Aric Wilmunder, Richard Hare, Hal Barwood, Gary Winnick, Noah Falstein, Patrik Spacek, Mark Ferrari, Dave Gibbons, Jane Jenson, John Passfield, Simon Woodroffe, Steve Stamatiadis, Louis Castle, Gregg Barnett, Al Lowe, Bruce Schlickbernd, Brian Moriarty, Charles Cecil and Paul Cuisset - plus plenty more to be announced. The book will feature around 15 large interviews and around 15 smaller ones.

As you can see from the list, we will be covering titles such as Myst, Toonstruck, Discworld, Blade Runner, Gabriel Knight, The Flight of the Amazon Queen, Simon the Sorcerer and of course other classics, such as The Secret of Monkey Island, The Dig, Maniac Mansion and Full Throttle. All of the most famous and iconic point + click adventures are going to be covered, as well as some lesser-known but still incredibly noteworthy games. The book will also look at recent example of the genre as well as home-brew efforts.

As a starting pagination, we're looking at the book being 400 pages long. It will be hardback and the cover will be cloth-bound, with a metallic silver logo on the cover. In short, it's going to look positively yummy on your shelf, coffee table or where-ever else you'd like to lay it down when you're not reading it.

We're currently aiming for a release of summer 2018.

Il libro è di Bitmap Books, quelli della serie "visual compendium" (NES, SNES, Amiga, C64...), ergo una garanzia totale.

Le prenotazioni aprono il 2 aprile. :inlove:

PS: sono quasi certo se ne sia già parlato ma la ricerca tanto per cambiare non mi aiuta...




Quello screen di Beneath a Steel Sky resta una delle cose più belle mai viste in un giochino :sisi:


Dici quello in basso al centro?

Non è Future Wars? :hmm:
(tra parentesi che vergogna per un amighista DOC, non ne giocai neppure uno :'()





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