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Nintendo Switch - thread ufficiale

Aperto da Turrican3, 20 Ottobre, 2016, 16:02:20

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E' la volta buona che lo piglio pure io Diablo III :sisi:


Saints Row 3 arriverà su Switch.



Ne avevamo già accennato qualche mese addietro.

Sul solito ResetERA hanno piazzato la seguente videoanalisi:

in cui confermano che tutte le dock Switch, ivi inclusa quella Nintendo*, non sono conformi alle specifiche USB-C riguardo la gestione della corrente e che pertanto possono causare seri problemi alla console.

* = magra consolazione, la dock ufficiale sembra essere la meno peggio sul mercato comunque al momento da quel punto di vista



Bella domanda.

Non ti so dire, purtroppo ho conoscenze alquanto basilari di elettronica, non parliamo poi delle specifiche dello standard. :-\


Pare sia imminente il firmware 6.0

La cosa non stupisce tenuto conto che tra qualche settimana partono i servizi online a pagamento.


Turry, ma cosa comporta quel problema ad USB-C?


A quanto ho capito si può arrivare al blocco permanente (o "brick" che dir si voglia) della console. :sweat:



a me piace il brivido per questo uso un bellissimo cavo cileno di fabbricazione ignota  :bua:



CitazioneWULFF DEN is drawing on a lot of correct information, but isn't correctly interpreting it.

The only part of the Switch system that handles USB-C power incorrectly is the Dock. It has issues with requesting more power than it negotiates via the USB-C PD protocol. This will more likely damage your charger than the Dock or the Switch, but the problem is there, so that's a thing.

The Switch itself, when used with a USB-C compliant device, behaves correctly. It has no trouble charging from any regular charger, as long as that charger supports either USB-C PD 2.0 (for maximum-speed charging) or the USB standard 5V trickle-charge.

One key thing there is that the connection between the Switch and the Dock is not USB-C standard. It's carried over a USB-C shaped connector, but it is proprietary, identified primarily by the fact that the first thing the Dock does when connecting to the Switch, is identifying itself as the Dock. The Switch, in this configuration, relies wholly on the power supply provided by the Dock, and the Dock ensures that the power it supplies matches that which the Switch requires.

As such, any 3rd-party dock is, by design, not a USB-C standard device. They do the same thing the Dock does when connecting to the Switch. The problem is, their power management is lifted straight off whatever smartphone dock circuitboard the dock's makers have cannibalized for hardware. And while they fool the Switch into trusting them - essentially, with its life - they aren't necessarily designed in a way that conforms to the Switch's requirements. Basically, the problem is that they're acting as USB-C devices in a proprietary-protocol situation.

The sudden wave of brickings around the FW5.0 launch was likely caused by the changes to sleep-mode power management in that firmware. There were a lot of reports of people's consoles staying warm in sleep mode. Since the cause of the bricking has been identified as the failure of the charge controller chip, and the cause of that failure is more than likely overheat, it's not a stretch to imagine that the extra stress when charging in sleep mode has caused the chips to fail more reliably.

Bottom line is, the only way to be sure of being safe, is using official Switch Dock hardware, whether in its original shell or a compact one like the one from BASSTOP. You may be safe if you only use the 3rd-party dock with the official Switch power supply, as it should at least guarantee the availability of the proper power profiles. But it might not be worth the risk, overall.

Qui la spiegano così. Boh!


Citazione di: Sensei il 29 Agosto, 2018, 14:45:28
a me piace il brivido per questo uso un bellissimo cavo cileno di fabbricazione ignota  :bua:




Citazione"We got an okay number of reviews, but yeah, we couldn't get Nintendo to mention the game anywhere. Real shame since even a retweet from Nintendo probably would have given us a big boost in visibility. I get that it was just a port, but after spending months getting stonewalled by Nintendo when we were trying to get permission to release on Switch, going "fine, we'll play by your rules" and getting a publisher so we could get approved, and still getting ignored by Nintendo when the game was done and set to release is highly frustrating."

Lo sviluppatore di Cosmic Star Heroine lamenta una totale indifferenza da parte di Nintendo (nonostante vari solleciti) in termini di promozione del proprio gioco.
Se n'è parlato in una discussione su ResetERA incentrata sul grande successo riscontrato sulla piattaforma da parte di numerosi giochi indie.

Blocco nascosto
Dopo 3 ore ci ha ripensato e ha rimosso tutto quanto. :bua: :sweat:
