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[PS3] PS3 to load games slower than the Xbox 360

Aperto da .:|Physalis|:., 5 Settembre, 2006, 09:06:46

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From the "PS3 can't get a publicity break" file comes news that the system's Blu-ray load times will be slower than the DVD speeds of the Xbox 360.

Following our post regarding Resistance: Fall of Man's beefy 22GBs of data, Microsoft's Andre Vrignaud (aka Ozymandias) wrote about why storage capacity isn't as important as drive speed and -- wouldn'tcha know it? -- Blu-ray has bunches of the former and not so much of the latter.

Former Sony employee Mark DeLoura responded with a long, thoughtful response sticking up for the format that fanboys love to hate, talking textures, audio, and even read speed. Naturally, there's some guffawing from the other side of the aisle as Ozymandias takes umbrage with some of DeLoura's claims, notably that textures and other media will take up a sizable chunk of that Blu-ray disc. One area they are in agreement on is that Blu-ray's read speed isn't as fast as the Xbox 360's. Says DeLoura:

"Admittedly, Blu-Ray looks dicey from several non-capacity angles. Blu-Ray movies require a 1.5x Blu-Ray drive, or 54Mbits/second. Sony announced that PS3 uses a 2x BD drive, which is 72Mbits/second or 9MB/second. The Xbox 360 uses a 12x DVD, which should give it about 16MB/second. That is significantly faster for games and will result in shorter load times. And that 12x DVD drive should be a whole lot cheaper. (Note that the PS3 drive will do 8x DVD, and even that is faster than 2x BD.)"

Says Ozymandias in response: "This is pretty much what I've been saying regarding drive speeds. A good example of where we're pretty clearly agreeing."

So, they're in agreement. The PS3 will load slower than the Xbox 360, leading one to question whether bragging about 22GB discs is the most prudent course of action. Let's hope they use the compression technologies touched on in the debate to shrink the data down considerably, even if it obviates a key selling point of the console.

... but wait, it's not all settled. Be sure to read the comments on Ozymandias' last post to get a bunch of great feedback, including this gem on the finer differences between CAV and CLV drives ("a BD25 on PS3 fares better than a DVD9 on the 360"), or Kim Pallister's link back to his own feedback on the fight and the "innovator's dilemma."



Citazione di: gerzam il  5 Settembre, 2006, 09:14:19
E l'Hard Disk che ci sta a fare? :mmmm:

A - Imitare MS
B - Non lo sa nemmeno Kutaragi
C - Salvataggi e download

Scegli... A, B, o C?


Citazione di: .:|Physalis|:. il  5 Settembre, 2006, 09:16:09

A - Imitare MS
B - Non lo sa nemmeno Kutaragi
C - Salvataggi e download

Scegli... A, B, o C?

io scelgo

D - ?



Insomma, sta PS3 è una vera  m e r d a. E sto blu ray è ancora peggio.

Sti qua di M$ mi fanno venire la voglia comprarla subito, al day one, da quanto rosicano.  :lol2:

PS: Appena ho un po di tempo mi documento per non dire stupidaggini, ma così a naso comparare la velocità di lettura di due media differenti mi sembra una strunzeta.


Citazione di: .:|Physalis|:. il  5 Settembre, 2006, 09:06:46

From the "PS3 can't get a publicity break" file comes news that the system's Blu-ray load times will be slower than the DVD speeds of the Xbox 360.

Following our post regarding Resistance: Fall of Man's beefy 22GBs of data, Microsoft's Andre Vrignaud (aka Ozymandias) wrote about why storage capacity isn't as important as drive speed and -- wouldn'tcha know it? -- Blu-ray has bunches of the former and not so much of the latter.

Former Sony employee Mark DeLoura responded with a long, thoughtful response sticking up for the format that fanboys love to hate, talking textures, audio, and even read speed. Naturally, there's some guffawing from the other side of the aisle as Ozymandias takes umbrage with some of DeLoura's claims, notably that textures and other media will take up a sizable chunk of that Blu-ray disc. One area they are in agreement on is that Blu-ray's read speed isn't as fast as the Xbox 360's. Says DeLoura:

"Admittedly, Blu-Ray looks dicey from several non-capacity angles. Blu-Ray movies require a 1.5x Blu-Ray drive, or 54Mbits/second. Sony announced that PS3 uses a 2x BD drive, which is 72Mbits/second or 9MB/second. The Xbox 360 uses a 12x DVD, which should give it about 16MB/second. That is significantly faster for games and will result in shorter load times. And that 12x DVD drive should be a whole lot cheaper. (Note that the PS3 drive will do 8x DVD, and even that is faster than 2x BD.)"

Says Ozymandias in response: "This is pretty much what I've been saying regarding drive speeds. A good example of where we're pretty clearly agreeing."

So, they're in agreement. The PS3 will load slower than the Xbox 360, leading one to question whether bragging about 22GB discs is the most prudent course of action. Let's hope they use the compression technologies touched on in the debate to shrink the data down considerably, even if it obviates a key selling point of the console.

... but wait, it's not all settled. Be sure to read the comments on Ozymandias' last post to get a bunch of great feedback, including this gem on the finer differences between CAV and CLV drives ("a BD25 on PS3 fares better than a DVD9 on the 360"), or Kim Pallister's link back to his own feedback on the fight and the "innovator's dilemma."

Ma perchè scrivono queste cavolate, il grande vantaggio del blu-ray è la velocità constante che fornosce il lettore che non dipende dall'angolo di lettura del disco, in qualsiasi posizione è sempre di circa 9MB/s, particolare che invece non ha il DVD che ha una velocità angolare incostante e quei 16MB al secondo sono il massimo transfer rate raggiungibile dal lettore ma non la media che scende e di parecchio.
Esistono moltissimi test su internet che dimostrano quanto ho scritto.

Secondo fattore, MS impone come direttiva generale di sviluppare i giochi senza tenere conto dell'hard disk perchè devono funzionare sulla core priva appunto di hard disk.

Sony IMPONE di usare l'hard disk come riferimento per tutti i giochi sviluppati perchè tutte e due le sku di Ps3 prevedono tale supporto, la combinazione Blu-Ray+HD permetterà di velocizzare e non di poco i caricamenti, non a caso molti giochi come Warhwak saranno in streaming e privi di caricamenti spezza gioco. :)