[WII] Prezzi e date il 14 settembre? [UPDATED]

Aperto da Turrican3, 1 Settembre, 2006, 14:42:43

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Secondo Gamesindustry NOA e NOE terranno il 14 e il 15 settembre rispettivamente un evento per "addetti ai lavori" in cui quasi certamente verranno svelati tutti i dettagli sul lancio del Wii. Per gli Stati Uniti dovrebbe essere il neo presidente Reggie Fils-Aime in persona a illustrare i progetti di Nintendo.


Reggie è quello che sembra un neandethal? :mmmm:




The Nintendo Wii launch price and details as well as the date should be available on Sept. 14th

On the IGN boards a poster revealed from an inside source what will be available and packed in with the Nintendo Wii at launch.

From IGN forums

I absolutely SWEAR to you all that you'll be getting the price, release date, list of games that will launch with the system, and a list of what comes with console itself on the 14th.

You know the drill, though. I can't spoil who my source is as he would kill me. I've known him for 9 years, and I'd trust him with my life. He got into Nintendo (or more accurately, NST) in 2000, by taking the classes at Digipen and getting on from there, as many Digipen students do.

I've seen how many people are complaining about how if Nintendo doesn't spill all on the 14th, they're going to be extremely upset, complete with the "Nintendo is stupid" rants and sudden lack of faith in the company. I can't sit back and let you people get upset over a lack of information at conference that is still six days away. You will get the information you want on the 14th.

The price will not disappoint. The date will not disappoint. The games will not disappoint, obviously. What comes in the box might disappoint a few of you, though. Nintendo is going to pack in the console itself of course, with two Wii remotes and two nunchuck attachments. As far as my source knows though, you won't be getting the classic controller packed in. Nintendo will also be deciding on the 13th, the day before the conference in other words, whether or not to add an SD memory card to the list of things included in the box.

To make up for the lack of the classic controller at launch, Nintendo is planning to pack in Wii Sports. The whole point behind the Wii is to get everyone in the family interested in gaming. Nintendo figures that two Wii remote and nunchuck controllers and Wii Sports will be an immediate hook for the audience they're aiming for. Many people remember those NES sports games as some of their favorite NES games. (RBI Baseball, anyone?) Nintendo is hoping to snag older fans back with this Wii Sports title. They're also hoping that older non-gamers (specifically, the parents that had kids that played games during the NES era) see the ease of the controller, remember that their kids played the NES versions, and gain an interest in Wii Sports themselves.

If you don't believe me now, you will in six days. So sit back, play your Gamecube for a few final memories before you pack it away and replace it with the Wii, and be ready for the 14th. You'll all be very happy.


Sotto i 250$ (come promesso da Nintendo), con due pad e Wii-sports incluso sarebbe per me un packaging molto, molto interessante.

(PS: ho unito al vecchio topic)




Dovrebbe essere la raccolta di (mini?!)giochi sportivi che han fatto vedere all'E3, con tennis ( :pant: ), golf, ecc.

E' chiaramente di impostazione ultra-arcade, ma almeno il tennis mi intriga parecchio. :notooth:


Citazione di: maxam il 12 Settembre, 2006, 14:06:34

Risposta boxara/sonara:
Un'insulsa racolta di mini giochi che scimmiottano quelli reali cercando di giustifiare (malamente) l'uso del "telecomando" rispolverato da N.

Risposta nintendara:
Una fantastica raccolta di mini giochi (ma perchè "mini"... GIOCHI INNOVATIVI semmai...) sportivi che cambierà il modo di vivere/pensare/recepire i videogames...

Risposta PCista:
"Mini cheeeeeeeeee...???" Con i soldi per il Revo (eh?!?) ci prendo un buon impianto al neon per il Case Modding...


Citazione di: .:|Physalis|:. il 12 Settembre, 2006, 14:09:37
Risposta boxara/sonara:
Un'insulsa racolta di mini giochi che scimmiottano quelli reali cercando di giustifiare (malamente) l'uso del "telecomando" rispolverato da N.

Risposta nintendara:
Una fantastica raccolta di mini giochi (ma perchè "mini"... GIOCHI INNOVATIVI semmai...) sportivi che cambierà il modo di vivere/pensare/recepire i videogames...

hai dimenticato

Risposta utente PC:
mini cheeeee... ???




Solid Snake