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WE9 first impression

Aperto da Reiz, 15 Luglio, 2005, 15:14:18

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Qualche impressioni di giocatori giapponesi sul demo di WE9, tradotte da un giapponese per i nostri amici inglesi:

1st post
-WE shop sells the same shit as always
- he couldnt get the name of the menu item, but there was something for connecting to the PSP (he was stopped by a staff member before he could see anything more)
- ivory coast, venezuela.. lithuania was also there, he thought
- able to change just shirts/pants
- new variations for formations. you choose the basic formation (3-6-1) and within that there are about 10 additional options.. gives you more flexibility (altho dont most people just use the manual position change anyway?)
- hidden stadiums EXCLUDED, 34 stadiums

2nd post
- japanese NT is from the march 30th Barhain game (OLD!!!!). he isn't sure who else is available for the japanese NT because he couldnt check the edit mode.
- the nice looks fans from the video are only seen during the player introductions. behind the goals there were huge national flags and also a huge uniform of the Jpn NT (like the one shown in the picture).
- "i cant say it well, but everything felt more real." .. also, if you turn off the intro scene then you can see both teams' formations during the loading screen.
- you can quit the game during the half-time menu

3rd post
- a lot more animations. for example, when a keeper tried to clear a loose ball, he missed it and kicked it backward, accidently. the computer's dribbling has also improved (im not sure if this means animations or something else, but i think its animations)
- the keepers seem stronger than they were in 8LE. they also don't seem to run out pointlessly (what is he talking about? when did they run out pointless in 8LE?)
- he got FIFA SOCCER the previous day for PSP, so when he played WE9 he couldnt control it well and had to fight real hard to win. therefore, he couldnt pay a lot of attention to the new motions. however, he writes that it felt more real.
- there were no slow downs at all during the 2 games he played (perhaps by chance only, he adds)
- he cant say for sure, but shooting seemed a lot more difficult than 8LE. in addition, a lot of the "foolishly easy to score" shots were stopped this time. (i guess everything is getting harder, altho im sure this just has something to do with the fact that its his first time playing the game).
- during the second game ONO shot from above the penalty area and the screen suddenly changed to the "injury screen." basically, it seems that players can get hurt without being touched by others. (pulling hamstrings, twising ankles, etc).
- in the 43 minute of the 2nd half, OOGURO scored a goal. at that point the camera angle changed so that it was like watching the match from the stands. at the bottom of the screen "i was able to see another person's arm" (i guess he means that he was really among the spectators, with one of their arms blocking the screen a bit... )
- the player ratings screen after the game has become more precise. players who broke through the defense with their dribbles got higher scores, and oogura, who took a lot of shots, got a rating of 8.0. it seems that it's easier to get a higher score than it was in 8LE.

also, for the other impressions post a few pages back, here are the main points:

-body balance plays a much bigger role in how a player handles. (tamada felt light and quick, while suzuki "the horse" felt very heavy and seemed to be able to hold off challenges better).
-if you press X and a certain direction, the player will pass in that direction. meaning, even if there is no team mate in a certain direction, you can still pass in that direction (less "auto aiming" i guess)
(NdK: Questo dovrebbe piacere a Drake  )
- goalkeeper drops more balls, which are very easy to score. (dont listen to this too much, i think it's over-impressions cause he really only played one match).
- "the special L2 command" when you take a freekick with 2 people seems to have changed. (im not sure what he means by "special L2 command")
- the keeper can do the overthrow. "kawaguchi managed to throw it near the center line and i was very surprised"
- crosses seemed very real. a cross flew in with 2 players battling for it. it fell and another player kicked it in. very real, apparently.

Fonte: Evo



Dal web nuove impressioni del tizio (Riot di Evo-Web) che gia l'anno scorso provo' la beta di pes4/we8 in anteprima con tanto di' anno ha riportato quelle di pes5/we9(niente foto pero'  )
Ecco il testo integrale gia tradotto:

"Ho giocato 3-4 ore a PES5 (non WE9!) questa notte. Pura impressione in poche ore. Nessuna foto, non erano permesse sfortunatamente .

Devo dire che per quelli che hanno giocato a WE8LE, l'interfaccia e le opzioni sono praticamente le stesse sia in termini di apparenza che di funzionalità. La Master League mi è sembrata esattamente la stessa di WE8LE, con l'eccezione della grafica di alcuni bottoni, un pò diversi.

L'abilità "Middle Ground" (o qualcosa del genere) è molto bella! Ho giocato una partita con il Chelsea e ho fatto un gol meraviglioso da 30 metri con Lampard. Un tiro che ha colpito la parte inferiore della traversa ed è rimbalzata con Gigi Buffon inerme che cercava di raggiungere la palla. Impressionante! Dopo ho preso l' Inter e ho cercato di fare la stessa cosa con Veron e Adriano. Questi giocatori sono ora letali fuori dall'area con la loro abilità di tiro....molto, molto bello, è davvero bello che tu puoi segnare da fuori area diversamente da WE8LE. I tiri di Adriano sono davvero potenti. Ho provato a tirare con Zanetti e Makelele con nessun profitto..quindi devi avere un giocatore con l'abilità e tiro potente per metterla dentro. Le caratteristiche di Lampard e Robben sono state molto aumentate.

Le animazioni dei portieri sono cambiate molto. Essi ora possono lanciare la palla quasi fino alla linea di centrocampo. Quando hai una rimessa, compare una barra della potenza e l'animazione è più veloce come la rimessa stessa, non così lenta come in WE8LE. Inoltre, anche quando passi con X, compare una barra della potenza.
Puoi osservare la resistenza dei giocatori sotto i loro nomi in basso. Puoi disattivare questa opzione quando vuoi.

Posso confermare che ci sono molte nuove nazionali come l'Ecuador, ecc...

L'opzione dell'online è disponibile nel menù principale di PES5. Questa non è una sorpresa di certo. Le divise di Arsenal e Chelsea sono impressionanti!. Il numero dei volti è molto aumentato come quelle di Fabregas, Hyypiä e Senderos che sono superbe".


Another japanese fan play the WE9 demo :
The edit mode envolved. Now, the shirts are seperate in 5 parts : the neck, the sleeve, the shoulder, the chest, the stripes & details. You can combine them and use now 5 different colours !! There is now new type of fonts for the numbers and the names of players (on the back of the shirt). There is new colours. You can choose them with a new RGB-colours palette. There is new spikes : Red and golden F-50, Adidas silver, white&blue,...

Originally Posted by LFCUK2K
Gameplay – Pro Evo 5 is slightly slower than PES4, which I think drastically improves the game In the aspect of realism which is basically what Pro Evo's are known worldwide for. But once again KONAMI have found a way to improve gameplay, the player move much more freely, although from what I played there is still only a few ways that your player can run(the usual D-PAD shit).

Graphics – The Pro Evo 5 graphics are not much to comment on really, basically there just the same as pro evo 4(as expected). Although many more players look very realistic in the ways they look, now players haven't all got the same muscle build in there legs etc. Pitches have been vastly improved and are now looking good. That's it for graphic improvements really.

The Game – The game it self is more enjoyable than Pro Evo 4, the few games that I played were not hampered by the computer 'cheating' me out of victory, unfortunately I did not get to have a look in the PES shop which I was looking forward to doing. The menus look plain and basic, as it is only a beta version although a bonus is the music, which may I add has been improved very well, although It isn't real bands etc, its still made up shit(I think). The in game sound has been improved slightly, the crowd do scream when you hit the post etc.

Referees – The ref's where more intelligent with the advantage rule and used it wisely, they didn't make MANY stupid decisions but as expected there we a few, also I saw no Collina on ref selection.

The Commentators – The commentators still basically suck ass, stupid comments and they also sound cheesy(I hope the commentators are changed in time for the real game) although they do try to keep up with the play this time .

My Experience & Matches – As RIOT has already stated it is very satisfactory that players with a powerful shot can now shoot from long ranges, some players look so like themselves for example, Hyypia, Carragher, Terry.
My Matches

Liverpool 0 – 1 Chelsea – I chose to be my hero's Liverpool and now I can say some of the players are
over rated for example, Carragher, Garcia. But I had to get to grips with the new pace of the game. I went down 0-1 to a Robben run and cross which met the head of Drogba and Dudek had no chance I thought maybe 5* was too high to start with. Once I got to grips with the new game I took they match by the throat but despite me having a lot of the possession I couldn't carve out a single god damn chance. This resulted in the end score being 0-1.

Arsenal 1 – 2 Barcelona – Before I tell you about this match I just want to say how happy I was to see a licensed English Club VS a licensed foreign club, it was soooooo satisfying. Now this match was a lot more even, I received the ball after Pires slid through a terrific through ball which shred open the Barca defence and Henry's pace helped him run past 2 defenders before sliding a placed shot underneath the helpless keeper. Then the after the interval Ronaldinho picked the ball up from the half way line and dribbled past 6, on his way he kept stopping and turning, doing step-overs, flicks and loads of shit and he was untouchable, then he simply passed to eto'o who rounded Lemmon(Lehmann) and slotted the ball into an empty net. Once again Ronaldinho took control over the ball, (I swear he uses a Velcro ball and boots) he ran into the box and I decided to see what happens when you bring the keeper out, so out came dodgy Lehmann and nearly snapped Ronnys leg, which resulted in a peno and a booking, so Larsson coolly stepped up to send Lehman the wrong way and it hit the net. I was gutted to say the least.

Real Madrid 3 – 0 Bayer Leverkusen – I decided to pick Madrid for this match, do to me being good with them on pes4. And what a good choice it was, this match was one sided, I had 14 shots and 7 on target and I had 61% possession. My first goal was a peach of an effort from Raul, as Beckham crossed Butt came out to claim it and missed so he rushed back into his goal, as it was rolling out to the left wing carlos raced up crossed and was met by a sublime volley from Raul which smashed the post and flew in. For my third goal Figo took on two defenders then passed to ronaldo he then laid it off for Zidane and he made no mistake in leaving the keeper stranded as he released a thunder bolt into the bottom left hand corner. For my third it was pure luck, I had just won a corner, so I crossed it as you do and then Woodgate had his back turned and I was stunned when I watched the ball hit him on the back of the head and trickle across the goal line.

So all in all I had a great couple of hours and will definitely be getting the complete version, I will also be playing the game some time next week, so I will be getting up some pictures(in game only). My experience will never be forgotten and I have made a couple of new mates

Solid Snake

Non vedo l'ora di provarlo ormai manca poco ,spero tanto non mi deluda  :boom: :boom:



Citazione di: Solid Snake il 19 Luglio, 2005, 11:43:25
Non vedo l'ora di provarlo ormai manca poco ,spero tanto non mi deluda  :boom: :boom:

Preparati alla delusione, WE9\PES5 è esattamente sulla falsariga della penosa serie 8, con ancora più mosse speciali e facce de iiogiocatori riconoscibili, ma nessun accenno a u nritrovato realismo e appagamento nella manovra di gioco.

Sempre ultrarapidissimo, movimenti frenetici, pattinamenti vari ...

Si sono visti già dei tristi filmatini di PES5


Io veramente ho letto di velocità ridotta...  ::) comunque ormai manca pochissimo, giudicheremo "sul campo".



però è pur vero che dice slightly...  :sweat:


Citazione di: Turrican3 il 25 Luglio, 2005, 14:05:29
però è pur vero che dice slightly...  :sweat:

beh sempre meglio  che niente...
poi io prima di GIUDICARE vorrei GIOCARE...


Solid Snake

Citazione di: Biggy il 25 Luglio, 2005, 13:33:28
Preparati alla delusione, WE9\PES5 è esattamente sulla falsariga della penosa serie 8, con ancora più mosse speciali e facce de iiogiocatori riconoscibili, ma nessun accenno a u nritrovato realismo e appagamento nella manovra di gioco.

Sempre ultrarapidissimo, movimenti frenetici, pattinamenti vari ...

Si sono visti già dei tristi filmatini di PES5

Ovviamente ci hai gia giocato giusto ? ::) ::) ::)


@ Biggy

non te la prendere ma...
se SECONDO TE la serie non è più degna di attenzione semplicemente non seguirla più.
C'è gente come me che ancora si appasiona...  ;)



Citazione di: Reiz il 25 Luglio, 2005, 17:31:29:dentone:

Ma LOL, cos'è, una forma di signature "grafica"?  :stralol:  :lol2:



Citazione di: Turrican3 il 25 Luglio, 2005, 17:40:08
Ma LOL, cos'è, una forma di signature "grafica"?  :stralol:  :lol2:


