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[PS4][XB1][PC] Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Aperto da Bluforce, 11 Giugno, 2013, 11:11:35

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Io con il primo mi confondevo a giocarci  :sweat: :sweat:


peccato che non si sia visto praticamente nulla...

speriamo arrivi presto! gran gioco  :gogogo:


CitazioneWelcome to Mirror's Edge Catalyst
June, 2015

Hello everyone,

Two years ago we revealed that we were making a new Mirror's Edge™. Last year, we gave you a behind the scenes look into some of the early progress we had made. And though we haven't said much else in all that time, we have been listening. Thank you for your incredible passion and your patience. I'm excited to tell you that it's paid off — by this time next week, you will have finally seen more of the game at E3.

Mirror's Edge has always had a special place in the hearts of all of us at DICE. The first game had a lot of promise. It was unlike anything else in terms of the gameplay and style — it had a unique soul. But as much as we loved that game, we knew it could be more. So that's what we have set out to do as we introduce Mirror's Edge to a new generation.

The team has spent a lot of time re-evaluating every aspect of the game and making it a new experience. This is not a sequel, this is not Mirror's Edge 2. We have landed on a vision that honors the first game — pushing the boundaries of first person movement and diving deeper into the story behind our heroine Faith — but also brings a lot of great new, interesting gameplay and features to the experience for our players.

So on behalf on the entire team here at DICE, we can't wait to show you what we have been pouring our heart and soul into. We can't wait to introduce you to Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst.



Sicuramente da tenere d'occhio, il primo lo trovai originale ma "grezzo" su molti aspetti per me fondamentali in un videogioco: se hanno preso, raffinandolo, tutto ciò di buono che c'era già allora ci sono le premesse per un titolo molto interessante.





Sta tornando ad avere senso videogiocare



E questo è interesting.
Potrebbe voler dire maggiore enfasi sul corpo a corpo e/o su una qualche componente stealth.



Mi vergogno ad amattere che non ho mai completato l'originale. Peccato, perché era molto interessante ma la sua natura di trial ed error me lo rese un po' antipatico.  :(



Non so se sia il medesimo di cui sopra, vado di frettissima scusate