Microsoft ha acquisito Mojang (Minecraft) per 2.5 miliardi di dollari

Aperto da Turrican3, 10 Settembre, 2014, 10:28:32

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Microsoft ha annunciato ufficialmente l'acquisizione di Mojang:



Come da oggetto, si rumoreggia di un possibile acquisto del creatore di Minecraft da parte di Microsoft, per un importo pari a 2 miliardi di dollari.


Secondo Bloomberg sarebbe stato lo stesso Notch ad approcciare Microsoft per avviare la trattativa. Pare inoltre che sia intenzionato a lasciare Mojang dopo la chiusura dell'affare.



A me pare una follia per quei soldi, a meno che non abbiano una nuova ip pronta e molto convincente, al punto da far pensare che possa avere lo stesso successo di minercraft :sisi:


Eh ci può stare, ma devono essere davvero molto (della serie... MOOOLTO :D) convinti di avere per le mani una nuova "bomba".

Premesso che sono totalmente fuori dal mondo Minecraft (provato un paio di volte su 360, mai riuscito ad "entrare" nei suoi meccanismi ludici ossessivo-compulsivi), mi domando se si tratti del classico evento irripetibile, o al più sfruttabile con qualche sequel via via a scemare di popolarità, oppure se ci si trovi davvero di fronte ad una potenziale barca di quattrini - che appunto giustificherebbe un esborso monetario di quel genere per l'acquisizione.

Per quanto MS possa sguazzare nell'oro immagino che un investimento simile non possa non implicare il desiderio (obbligo?) di rientrare nella spesa con i dovuti interessi.


Secondo la Reuters lunedì arriverà l'annuncio ufficiale dell'accordo, che dovrebbe chiudersi con un esborso di 2.5 miliardi di dollari.


CitazioneI'm leaving Mojang
September 15th, 2014

I don't see myself as a real game developer. I make games because it's fun, and because I love games and I love to program, but I don't make games with the intention of them becoming huge hits, and I don't try to change the world. Minecraft certainly became a huge hit, and people are telling me it's changed games. I never meant for it to do either. It's certainly flattering, and to gradually get thrust into some kind of public spotlight is interesting.

A relatively long time ago, I decided to step down from Minecraft development. Jens was the perfect person to take over leading it, and I wanted to try to do new things. At first, I failed by trying to make something big again, but since I decided to just stick to small prototypes and interesting challenges, I've had so much fun with work. I wasn't exactly sure how I fit into Mojang where people did actual work, but since people said I was important for the culture, I stayed.

I was at home with a bad cold a couple of weeks ago when the internet exploded with hate against me over some kind of EULA situation that I had nothing to do with. I was confused. I didn't understand. I tweeted this in frustration. Later on, I watched the This is Phil Fish video on YouTube and started to realize I didn't have the connection to my fans I thought I had. I've become a symbol. I don't want to be a symbol, responsible for something huge that I don't understand, that I don't want to work on, that keeps coming back to me. I'm not an entrepreneur. I'm not a CEO. I'm a nerdy computer programmer who likes to have opinions on Twitter.

As soon as this deal is finalized, I will leave Mojang and go back to doing Ludum Dares and small web experiments. If I ever accidentally make something that seems to gain traction, I'll probably abandon it immediately.

Considering the public image of me already is a bit skewed, I don't expect to get away from negative comments by doing this, but at least now I won't feel a responsibility to read them.

I'm aware this goes against a lot of what I've said in public. I have no good response to that. I'm also aware a lot of you were using me as a symbol of some perceived struggle. I'm not. I'm a person, and I'm right there struggling with you.

I love you. All of you. Thank you for turning Minecraft into what it has become, but there are too many of you, and I can't be responsible for something this big. In one sense, it belongs to Microsoft now. In a much bigger sense, it's belonged to all of you for a long time, and that will never change.

It's not about the money. It's about my sanity.

Confermato anche l'addio di Markus "Notch" Persson.




Citazioneit's outfitted with a candy room, a car showroom, vodka and tequila bars, a 54-foot curved glass door that opens onto the pool, eight bedrooms, 15 bathrooms, apartment-sized closets, and a movie theater, and even the listing called it "an overwhelming sensory experience"

Con 70 milioni di dollari Persson s'è comprato questa casetta qui:

strappandola a concorrenti tra cui Beyoncé e consorte. :D




Ha fatto bene.

Peccato che ora il web stia impazzando di rosiconi criticoni.  :|