Dieselstormers - nuovo Kickstarter da Black Forest (Giana Sisters TD)

Aperto da Turrican3, 16 Luglio, 2013, 13:58:10

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UPDATE 29/04/2014

Il progetto di Black Forest riparte, sempre su Kickstarter, con un nuovo nome del gioco e una demo per un primo assaggio "pratico":




CitazioneWe are back with an outrageous run&gun platformer with stunning visuals and ridiculous humor for 1 - 4 players in local or online play!

We are back to Kickstarter, because we believe in the power of crowdfunding. We succeeded with our previous campaign, we met our goal and we delivered on our promises, releasing Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams to multiple platforms before we set our sights on a new project.

This time we are set on creating a new game from the ground up, completely from scratch. New ideas, new concept, from beginning to end, no holds barred.

That's why we are here. Creating a game this way is risky, it might get dirty, but we really wouldn't have it any another way! Kickstarter puts all the creative power in our hands and we don't want to waste this gift of freedom in order to play it safe. We will be looking for possible distribution deals in the future to further support the project, but the creative control will remain with us.

Ravensdale is based on classic arcade shooters like Contra and Metal Slug, but focuses heavily on co-op interactions between players. For example, while you rapidly pull yourself towards and past your buddies, they block projectiles heading your way and feed an overdrive mode to boost the entire team! We're also pushing for strong interactivity between player characters, enemies and the levels to provide a wider range of tactical options to both solo players and assault teams.

Positioning is important in Ravensdale, and situations keep shifting depending on enemy spawns and attacks, your weapon loadout, what you kill or destroy and when, moving parts of the level and what your buddies are doing, should you have some at your side.

Smooth balance between single player and co-op

While Ravensdale is going to make co-operative play as rewarding as possible, single-player is not a stripped-down co-op mode – co-op builds on single player and expands it. For example, an enemy bearing a heavy shield can be brute-forced by shooting or slamming the shield until it breaks, outmaneuvered and attacked from the back, reduced to a fine paste by hazards, or the shield can be simply ignored by using a piercing weapon that hits all enemies in its path. Co-op offers you the additional option of sandwiching the enemy, assuring that one player always hits its unshielded side.

Ravensdale will be stuffed to the gills with different strategies and tactics to discover, and they will all be dependent on the context. To take the example above, you may not always want to sandwich a shielded enemy. At a given moment, the other player could be more valuable manning a turret to stop an onrushing horde or catching and detonating shrapnel bombs rebounding all over the place. [...]


Nuovo progetto, al momento previsto solo per PC: si tratta di un titolo nuovo di zecca ispirato a classici quali Contra e Metal Slug.

La raccolta fondi si chiude il 17 agosto alle ore 01:59, l'obiettivo da raggiungere è di 500mila dollari.


Oddio... magari fosse un nuovo Contra Turri :\
Questo pare uno shoot many robots fatto con i fondali che gli sono avanzati da Giana Sisters...


Ambasciator non porta pena, sono loro ad essersi autoattribuiti l'ispirazione. :D

Comunque boh, vediamo che viene fuori ma dopo Giana non è che sia tanto ottimista...


L'ex Project Ravensdale ci riprova su Kickstarter con un nuovo nome, Dieselstörmers, e soprattutto una demo per tastare con mano il lavoro svolto nei mesi scorsi sul progetto iniziale da parte dei Black Forest.

A breve sarà disponibile la pagina ufficiale per la raccolta fondi, ma potete già accedere al draft qui --> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/project-giana/1082524535?token=4075a4df
