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Sony PlayStation 4 - thread ufficiale

Aperto da Turrican3, 20 Febbraio, 2013, 23:43:47

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Si vocifera che Sony avrà a disposizioni 16 milioni di console per il lancio a fine anno. La produzione partirà ad agosto.

A me pare una cosa un pochino eccessiva...



Citazione di: Il Sensei il  1 Marzo, 2013, 15:15:20
sará contento il Bob nazionale  :P

3840×2160 pixel (non sono ancora pronto per questa tecnologia), ma datemi dei link che almeno un film al giorno lo scarico  :lol:



Secondo me hanno usato Google Translate. :hihi:

Dico davvero.
Non ho ancora capito il motivo, ma spesso mi fa di queste cappellate sui numeri, traducendo dal giapponese. :look:

EDIT: anche perchè si tratta pure di semplice logica... con un lancio che si rumoreggia essere limitato a due region (per quanto importanti, per carità) e a fine anno, 16 milioni sono un numero fuori dal mondo: magari 1.6 son pochine ok, ma 10 volte tanto in due mesi scarsi sul mercato se lanciano a novembre?
Mi pare tendente all'impossibile.


A meno di venderle a 50 Euro ed aspettarsi il boom catastrofico.

Purtroppo se ne legge di ogni sorta.


Che poi una sorta di battuta potrebbe essere fatta in merito ai 16 milioni "al day one", nel senso che magari si riferivano al nuovo iPhone XD
Sempre produzione Foxxcon è.


Nvidia annuncia il supporto di PhysX ed Apex su PlayStation 4.

Ed anche:
Morpheme 4 by Naturalmotion (animazioni)
Enlighten (effetti di luce)
Xaitcontrol (intelligenza artificiale)
SpeedTree (modellazione di alberi)


Sviluppatori su PS4, in particolare sulla RAM:

I tizi di Dishonored:
"As a level designer we are struggling against memory every day. We cut things, we remove things, we strip things, we split the levels, we remove NPCs from levels because there's not enough memory.

So knowing that memory is something that is going to be improved in the next generation of consoles: to us, it's a joy. It's something that we were waiting for.

We were PC gamers at the beginning. We love PC games, and we had to make games on consoles. But the main problem was memory. The processors are good, but the memory, for our games, is the most important. So it's great."

I tizi di God of War:
"The thing is, when you look at the specs, there's no way you can say 'oh there is clearly this thing missing'. As if any games studio in the world would be saying 'oh no, eight gigabytes of GDDR5 memory is not enough'. I mean, holy shit, how are going to use all of that?"


CitazioneHideo Kojima has described PS4 as a logical evolution of the PlayStation platform and welcomed its social aspects, but stressed the importance of quality software for the next-gen console.

Speaking to us after the launch of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Kojima said that he was too busy to actually watch Sony's PlayStation Meeting, but when we described it to him, he responded: "Of course, I know what the hardware is, but I want to see how other companies are using it. First of all, I think that's great, but it's nothing special; you could see it coming. It's the logical evolution of the platform and I think it has to head in that direction, hearing what you said is not surprising."

"Honestly, I think all of that is good and great," he continued. "Social aspects, the multidevice direction: that's correct, that's the way to go. But just because it has these features doesn't mean it's going to be a success. What will really determine whether or not it sells is what titles will be available for the platform. And unfortunately, even though I am friends with Mark Cerny, he's never told me what other studios are working on. I even ate a meal with him recently and he didn't tell me anything."

Estratto dall'intervista a Kojima sull'ultimo numero di Edge: sarà il software a determinare il destino di PS4.


E' sempre il software a garantire il successo di una console.

Per questo, kojimuccio, potrebbe darsi da fare, perché la gen attuale se l'è vista da spettatore.


Vabbè Kojima ha scoperto l'acqua calda...


In effetti era una conclusione cui potevo giungere pure io. :hihi:


Citazione"The PS4 will not only be a very powerful gaming machine from a hardware perspective, but it will also be a social tool and integrated marketplace more akin to the successful mobile devices. It's the best of all worlds in a way; great performance for demanding high-end gaming, good social ecosystem and connectivity, and integrated business marketplace. For Avalanche Studios as an open-world games developer this is super exciting and opens up many new opportunities.

"It's a perfect fit for the types of games we do, and we are confident that we'll bring open-world gaming to a whole new level because of it. I'm glad Sony decided to go with 8gb RAM because it means that the PS4 will out-power most PC's for years to come.

"The off-the-shelf philosophy behind the architecture makes sense from a pricing and heating point of view, but it also means that Sony more easily can make incremental improvements of their system. If that's actually their plan I don't know, but it could help preventing the inevitable loss of market shares that the long console cycles entails."

Il cofondatore di Avalanche Studios tesse le lodi della nuova console di Sony, con particolare riferimento agli 8GB di RAM di PS4.


Quei ragazzi hanno già fatto un ottimo lavoro con Just Cause 2 sulle attuali console.

Per cui devono essere coscienti del fatto che ci si aspetta MOLTO da JC3 o qualunque altro gioco stiano facendo.