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[MULTI] Dark Souls

Aperto da Turrican3, 16 Settembre, 2010, 09:35:35

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva

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UPDATE 2: annunciata versione PC, prevista per agosto 2012


UPDATE: nuove info e titolo definitivo da Famitsu


[TGS 2K10]
Scarnissime le informazioni al momento, si sa solo che al lavoro su questo action-RPG, sequel spiriturale di Demon's Souls, è al lavoro il team che ha realizzato quest'ultimo. Esclusiva PS3 in Giappone, multiplatform PS3/360 in Occidente.

Il titolo "Project Dark" non è definitivo.


CitazioneThere's a preview on the game in this week's Famitsu. The official title is now Dark Souls. Some info from the preview:

- This is the official title of what was previously Project Dark

- This time they want to increase the amount of field exploration in the game.
- All fields are seamless, so whatever you can see, you can reach and explore. If you see a fortress or castle walls in the distance, you can eventually get there.
- There will be no map display in the game, just a position display marker.

- They aim to make the game just as challenging than Demon's Souls, but also just as rewarding when you succeed. The sense of achievement is important.

- The gameplay will be similar to Demon's Souls in concept, where it's about trial and error and learning from your mistakes to play better.

- The game does not share the same world and story as Demon's Souls.
- The game will not use the same format as Demon's Souls in terms of having 5 worlds connected via a hub.

- Instead all maps in the game will be linked seamlessly in a connected world. The pace of the game will feel more about exploration and discovering locations, which you can then go inside into a dungeon or whatever and explore the interior further.
- There will be more complex level designs in the game using more vertical design in areas and such.

- The world setting is based on medieval dark fantasy, and will contain themes like "high fantasy of kings and knights", "death and the depths of the earth", and "the flames of chaos".

Edit: More details added.

- The character creation process will not be class based.
- The play style of the player character will have much more freedom this time.
- There will be many more spells and items, and the animation and uniqueness of weapons will also be increased.

- The online elements are very similar to Demon's Souls. There is cooperative and PvP.
- You can still leave messages, and see players who died at various places.
- There will be no Soul Tendency this time because they don't want to have to use dedicated servers to handle that shit again.
- Instead this time there will be more features allowing players to engage in "mutual role playing" which they say are still under wraps. They'll reveal more when it's time.

Da Famitsu via NeoGAF nuove informazioni sul seguito di Demon's Souls precedentemente noto col nome in codice Project Dark: si intitolerà Dark Souls.


Debut Trailer:

Confermata l'uscita in Occidente di Dark Souls nel corso del 2011, il publisher sarà Bandai Namco:












Dark Soul ha solo una pagina di topic ed è fermo al trailer ?! :|

basta me ne vado  :tsk:


Contentissimo della nuova, se Capcom li accompagna con Dragon's Dogma ancora meglio.

Già leggevo di petizioni contro l'utilizzo di Game for Windows Live. Sinceramente fin'ora mi è capitato di utilizzarlo con un solo titolo e così malvagio non m'è parso...


Citazione di: Rh_negativo il 12 Aprile, 2012, 14:25:19Dark Soul ha solo una pagina di topic ed è fermo al trailer ?! :|

basta me ne vado  :tsk:


Eh io ci ho provato con il predecessore Demon's Souls dopo che mezzo mondo ne parlava bene - bestemmiando, anche -, l'ho preso, ma ho gettato la spugna dopo poco, per i miei gusti era veramente ma veramente str***o dentro (e il manuale lasciava IMHO moooolto a desiderare - come diavolo si fa a farlo in B/N con tutti quelle icone/simboli colorati ingame :|), a quel punto il sequel l'ho proprio lasciato perdere...