[LOL] Infinium Labs (Phantom) continua ad assumere...

Aperto da Turrican3, 15 Luglio, 2005, 13:56:10

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...ma la gente si potrebbe anche chiedere: questo Phantom (se mai verrà davvero lanciato :hihi:) come potrà mai competere con le nextgen se, con buona probabilità, avrebbe avuto enormi problemi ad affermarsi persino con le "vecchie" console?!  :sweat:  :ohno:


Fonte: www.gamasutra.com

Infinium Labs Signs Jacobson As Content Acquisition Strategist

Infinium Labs, the Sarasota-based developer of the Phantom game console, has announced that it has contracted Anthony Jacobson to assist in content acquisition for Phantom launch titles. "[Anthony's] experience will strengthen our content acquisition efforts and help us deliver the widest and most compelling range of video games to subscribers of the Phantom Game Service," said Kevin Bachus, president and CEO of Infinium.

Jacobson, the CEO of the Mauretania Import Export Company -- a consulting and "videogame, film, and television production company" which also houses game designer American McGee -- will work on securing and strengthening ties to game publishers to ensure that the Phantom has a stream of new content. Jacobson's experience includes positions at Sony Pictures and the William Morris Agency.

"I sincerely look forward to expanding upon the impressive catalog of games Infinium Labs has already secured and providing a strong bridge between the game publishing community and the Phantom Game Service," said Jacobson.

The exact list of titles Infinium has already secured for launch, as well as details on the launch, remain vague. The Phantom console and gaming services is due to be released sometime in 2005, though the console's launch has been met with delays in the past due to continuing funding problems, and could potentially face another delay before its eventual release.



Da un lato mi fanno ridere, dall'altro mi mette un po' di tristezza pensare a tutti gli anni che ci hanno lavorato e a tutti i soldi che hanno speso per fallire poi miseramente  :(


Io inizio a credere che non esista nessun phantom...e tantomeno nessuna infinium labs... :look: