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[MULTI] Mass Effect Andromeda

Aperto da Turrican3, 8 Novembre, 2013, 12:47:29

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A vedere certe gif che girano sul web sembra quasi che l'abbiano voluto rendere ridicolo di proposito.


Sto scaricando.  :sisi:

...millemilagiga  :'(


Ecco forse perchè è uscito il gioco che la stampa ha accolto abbastanza tiepidamente e che si percepiva un pò dai trailers e nell'aria che era così.

Former BioWare Employee Company Review sheds disturbing light on MEA's development

-"Bioware Edmonton and Montreal symbiosis is broken. Lots of conflicts and bro culture."
-"Lost over 13 leads (game design, art, audio, prog, senior core leads, etc) in 5 years at Bioware Montreal on Mass Effect. Edmonton lost only 3. It is clear that Edmonton has the bigger part of the stick when it comes to purge Leads and Producers who are not aligned with their leadership style."
-"Putting people on performance improvement program (PIP Program) is the new tactics to get rid of people. Once again more than 10 people in Montreal got slammed with this bureaucratic uppercut to let go people that are not bending to Edmonton leadership styles in the last revision cycle. This approach is used by the Montreal Leadership to purge the mess from the lack of vision cause by upper management in the last 4 years (throwing people under the bus to protect bad core management)"
-"Renaming crunch to Finaling mode. Which means company pays for your lunch but you have only 30 minutes to eat and then getting back on the keyboard. Was lasting for over 2 months and was a real catastrophy."
-"Retaliation and harassment is sadly a reality. If you talk and ask questions you will be tag as a trouble maker and end up in a bad position."
-"HR won't help you out. They will deny the current harassment from Monreal management by ignoring and not documenting the facts. In other words if you leave don't talk. Just let it go..."
-"Many benifits got cut due to too much time extension to get the game done."

Notice how the April 2016 leaked version has dramatically better animations, ESPECIALLY the facial animation when that guy starts coughing. What happened?!

Questa comparazione sulla animazioni prima (meglio) e dopo ("peggiorissimo") è clamorosa.  :(


Penso che quando un AAA esce con animazioni di quel genere del personaggio principale, qualcosa deve essere andata storta di brutto durante lo sviluppo, e questa storia parrebbe confermarlo. :|

PS: qualcuno potrebbe obiettare che molta roba di Bethesda è pressochè inguardabile nella visuale in terza persona, ma l'ho sempre pensata come un'opzione-contentino, poichè si tratta di titoli che il 99.9% della gente gioca in soggettiva


Citazione di: Turrican3 il 21 Marzo, 2017, 12:16:25
Penso che quando un AAA esce con animazioni di quel genere del personaggio principale, qualcosa deve essere andata storta di brutto durante lo sviluppo, e questa storia parrebbe confermarlo. :|

PS: qualcuno potrebbe obiettare che molta roba di Bethesda è pressochè inguardabile nella visuale in terza persona, ma l'ho sempre pensata come un'opzione-contentino, poichè si tratta di titoli che il 99.9% della gente gioca in soggettiva

Credo sia come dici.

Detto questo, ho provato un po' l'inizio, ma ho fatto davvero poco, sono solo arrivato al primo pianeta un pochino più avanti nella primissima missione.

Francamente mi ha lasciato molto amaro in bocca. :| Argomenterò più avanti.


[SemiOT ma non saprei dove metterlo]

Qui uno di Naughty Dog ma ex-EA spiega un sacco di cose interessanti su come vengono​ create le animazioni nei giochi moderni.

Se mi ricordo domani faccio copiaincolla dell'intera sequenza Twitter.



La mia Ryder.

Questo è il meglio che sono riuscito a tirar fuori (secondo le idee che avevo per questo mio personaggio):bua:


Bioware annuncerà martedì prossimo i propri piani in merito a ME: Andromeda in seguito alle critiche degli utenti.


Non male Joe! Mascellona Ryder  :D


Sì, ho un debole per certe mascelle e i nasi piccoli.  :look:


CitazioneHi everyone,

It's been two weeks since the launch of Mass Effect™: Andromeda and we're thankful to the millions of you who have already joined us on this journey. And though the game is now in your hands, it's really just the beginning.

Since launch, our team has been poring over your comments and feedback, looking to discover what you like about the game, as well as areas we can evolve or improve.

This Thursday, we'll release a new patch that addresses technical fixes (crashes, improved performance), but also adds a number of improvements we've heard you ask for, such as:

Allowing you to skip ahead when travelling between planets in the galaxy map
Increasing the inventory limits
Improving the appearance of eyes for humans and asari characters
Decreasing the cost of remnant decryption keys and making them more accessible at merchants
Improving localized voice over lip sync
Fixing Ryder's movements when running in a zig zag pattern
Improving matchmaking and latency in multiplayer

Over the next two months we'll be rolling out additional patches which will go even deeper and look to improve several areas of the game:

More options and variety in the character creator
Improvements to hair and general appearance for characters
Ongoing improvements to cinematic scenes and animations
Improvements to male romance options for Scott Ryder
Adjustments to conversations with Hainly Abrams

These upcoming patches will also address performance and stability issues. And we're looking at adding more cosmetic items to single player for free.

For multiplayer, over the same timeframe, we're going to continue to build on the APEX missions that have been running since launch. We'll be adding new maps, characters, and weapons. On Thursday, we kick off the first of three new chapters centered around The Remnant Investigation.

This is just a taste of what's in store as we continue to support Mass Effect: Andromeda. And as always, you all play an important role in that. We want to hear from you about your experiences, both what you love about the game and what you'd like to see changed. We're listening, and we're committed to partnering with you as we continue to explore the Andromeda galaxy together.

Here's to a great journey,


Il comunicato promesso da Bioware alcuni giorni addietro.

E' stata anche rilasciata la patch 1.05 che apporta diverse migliorìe al gioco.


Video comparativi ufficiali della patch:


CitazioneFrom conversations with nearly a dozen people who worked on Mass Effect: Andromeda, all of whom spoke under condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to talk about the game, a consistent picture has emerged.

The development of Andromeda was turbulent and troubled, marred by a director change, multiple major re-scopes, an understaffed animation team, technological challenges, communication issues, politics, a compressed timeline, and brutal crunch

Mastodontico articolo sul dietro le quinte del gioco.

Pare che uno degli intoppi più antipatici nel corso dello sviluppo sia stato l'adozione del motore Frostbite.

Solid Snake

Ma alla fine qualcuno l'ha preso/giocato? Com'e'? :look: