[MULTI] Annunci Capcom (Monster Hunter Frontier esclusiva 360 e altro)

Aperto da Turrican3, 25 Gennaio, 2010, 20:12:22

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L'annuncio misterioso di Capcom apparso sul sito Xbox nipponico non dovrebbe tardare molto a... concretizzarsi, e dovrebbe riguardare qualcosa di gustoso anche per i non-giapponesi (come noi ad esempio!) dal momento che il blog anticipa esplicitamente "alcune notizie [che saranno] di interesse per una audience globale di giocatori". Cosa sarà mai?


CitazioneThis image popped up on the Japanese Xbox site yesterday. We can't tell you about all the delicious secrets that will be unveiled at this event, but we can hint that some of the news will be of interest to a global gamer audience. We'll have a lot more information for you first thing in the morning on Tuesday, January 26.



CitazioneCapcom Announces Its Big Game Lineup for Fiscal Ending March 2011
- Financial outlook is good as Capcom's heavy hitting titles are announced for this fiscal period -

Capcom Co., Ltd. is proud to announce its lineup of Xbox 360® titles to be released before the fiscal year ending in March 2011.

Our lineup announcement starts with "Super Street Fighter IV", the latest iteration of the iconic "Street Fighter" franchise, which is scheduled for release on April 28, 2010. The next iteration of the globally popular "Lost Planet" series, "Lost Planet 2", is slated for a May 20, 2010 release. In addition, the PC game "Monster Hunter Frontier Online" will begin Japanese service on the Xbox 360® in the summer of 2010.
    Lastly, the next installment in the "Dead Rising" series of video games, "Dead Rising 2", is planned for release in the 2010 calendar year. Not only that, but a new live action film, "Zombrex: Dead Rising Sun", will be released in Japan, leveraging a strong multiple media strategy for this series which has already been met with great success in Europe and America.

Capcom's release lineup for this period will include many other high-profile titles, and we can expect our lineup to perform increasingly well. Detail sales forecasts for each title are still under review.

Capcom will continue to release exciting titles on an aggressive schedule, maximizing the value of our titles and expanding our sales. We will continue to leverage our valuable IP with a "single content multiple usage" strategy. Capcom will continue to stay on the forefront of home video games and promote synergy between formats with our brands.


Ecco l'annuncio, per quel che riguarda il 360 si tratta di Monster Hunter Frontier Online (del quale ignoravo l'esistenza: c'è per PC da anni! :o) che sbarcherà in esclusiva sulla console Microsoft in estate. Per il resto, abbiamo varie date di titoli multi: Super Street Fighter IV (28 aprile), Lost Planet 2 ( 20 maggio) e infine Dead Rising 2 (2010, da definire). Sono tutti PS3/360 tranne Dead Rising 2 che è previsto anche per PC.


Capirai... vabbè si spera almeno che con l'arrivo in occidente della versione 360 arrivi anche quella PC.


Boh, difficile fare previsioni al riguardo secondo me: per adesso la vedo più come una mossa indirizzata al pubblico nipponico, in Occidente com'è noto la saga di Monster Hunter non è particolarmente popolare (eufemismo). Vedremo.
