[PS2] - Review PSM per Indigo Prophecy ?

Aperto da Ciccio_Drink, 12 Settembre, 2005, 13:20:48

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Dallo stesso poster che ha diffuso i rumors su PS3 ecco la rece che dovrebbe comparire sul prossimo numero di PSM.

""Not to get all philosophical, but what is a game really? If you think games are baout colloecting items and battleing bosses, then stop reading now. On the other hand, if you have a more expansive definition of the word, seek out Indigo Prohecy immediatley.

Best described as a movie that you play, Indigo Prohecy begins by setting the stae: a strange affliction that causes normal people to go into a trance and commit heinous murder, and then return to normal is sweeping the city- and you just found yourelf in a dinner bathroom, standing over a freshly dead body.

You are then launched on a multi-threaded murder mystery, playing as both the confused killer and the two detectives trying to find him. gameplay is a striclty limited affair, primariliy consisting of walking around, interatcing with any and all objects in the environment, and completing a series of action-oriented sequences through the use of simple, timed analog stick movements.

Aiding the game's cinematic flow are incredibly well animated characters, voice work that's almost alwasy on the ball, and a poignant score by Angelo Badalamenti (Twin Peaks). The overall direction int eh game is superb, and this would actually make a great movie.

Where the game falthers most is, ironically, in the game bits. Fetch quests and the like are used to artificially stretch out the gameplay and we'd rather have a shorter, better game. They impact the flow of the narrative and are too strong a riminder that, yest, that is a contorller in your hand. some awkward camera issues can also lead to a tussle with the controls, though it's nothing to get worke up about.

Ultimately, Quantic Dream has crafted the rare game that, while not perfect, entertains, immerese, and inspires, all the while forcing you to rethink what a "game" is.. We have nothing left to say but "kudos."

Here's some other things floating around the review...

+ beautiful score, fantastic animations, fresh and innovative gameplay
-camera angles can make controls awkward, "game"bits can be distracting

Try This
There are at least two endings to indigo Prophecy. The first you can get by completing the game. However, there's another ending that you can only get by losing the last battle. Save first!

(this is below a screenshot) The voice acting, music, and overall direction are nearly flawless. If only the PS2 had better graphics. <<  "

Speriamo sia così che già lo amo  :bowdown:


Da quel che dice sembra una sorta di film interattivo... non so, è il genere di titolo da "vedere per credere" e soprattutto capire come lo si gioca ma così su due piedi mi ispira soltanto quel briciolo di trama descritto nella preview.  :sweat: