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[PS3] Little Big Planet (LBP)

Aperto da Mystic, 7 Marzo, 2007, 19:39:54

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Citazione di: Turrican3 il  8 Ottobre, 2008, 14:46:24
Per fortuna ci hai aggiunto "anche", una sparata del genere non sarebbe passata inosservata. :asd: :P

beh non si vive di solo pane (ri-cit.)  :silvio:


Si e' concluso il periodo di prova , la beta e' ora inutilizzabile .

Ci vediamo online su LBP dal 22 di questo mese  :cowjoy:



La lunghissima lunga rece su Eurogamer (9 su 10) si conclude così:

CitazioneThat credit goes to the handful of players dedicated enough to go through the painstaking hour upon hour upon hour of work necessary to put these levels together. And herein lies LittleBigPlanet's greatest disappointment - or at least, its double-edged sword. Create mode is an incredible achievement, allowing tremendous scope for freedom (especially in its mechanical tools) within the simple, logical and fast Popit interface, and accompanied by an exhaustive suite of tutorials narrated by an avuncular Stephen Fry. And yet, it's still really quite hard to make things.

That's partly down to some minor niggles with the interface (the laborious undo command, the counter-intuitive "pause" rules, the inefficient lack of shortcut commands). It's mostly down to the overwhelming depth of customisation and parameter-tweaking that's possible, but that can't be a bad thing. Can it?

Perhaps it can. It depends who Media Molecule wants to involve in LittleBigPlanet, and what it wants them to create. Cool Levels is already populated with the work of a talented hardcore who will serve the rest of the game's community with entertainment for years. But the creation, as it stands, isn't going to involve the majority of players of the game. It won't let them do the things they want to do - put their own images or music straight in a level (unless it's by taking pictures with an EyeToy). It will let them do hundreds of things they don't want to do or would never think of. And the three planes of action add a fiddly layer of organisational complexity in themselves: it might have been more accessible to limit creation to a single, flat plane to lower the barrier to entry.

The promise that anyone could create something simple and fun and personal with LittleBigPlanet hasn't come true. In a way, it's the opposite of Spore, which makes it easy and fun for every single player to have creative input, but doesn't let any of them change the fabric of the game. LittleBigPlanet lets them run wild, with unprecedented results, but it locks the majority out of the creative process, because it's time-consuming and simply not very enjoyable.

We hoped it could do both those things. That it doesn't isn't the let-down it might have been, thanks to the untamed community of brilliant nutjobs that's already out there, appending their DIY masterpieces to this beautiful, mildly flawed, magnificently multiplayer platform game. We salute them, we salute Media Molecule for making it possible for them, and we salute Sony for its total commitment to this brave, hare-brained project.

But mostly, we're just happy to see a flagship game for a modern system that's about running from left to right and jumping over things. New ideas are great, great old ideas are better, and LittleBigPlanet has both: it's the future and the past of videogames, rolled into one.

Ok come non detto, è quella di IGN (9.5/10) che è lunghissima: ben SEI diconsi SEI pagine! :o

10    Presentation
The way that everything is intertwined and flows and works together is perfect. The tagging system needs to be fixed, but that's it.
9.5    Graphics
Pixar would be proud. The visuals are cute, clean, stylistic and simply beautiful, while the art direction is absolutely top-notch.
9.5    Sound
The soundtrack is as perfect as it gets. On the editor side, there could be more specific samples, but you won't be counting while playing the Story mode.
9.5    Gameplay
The controls could be a tad tighter and the plane-shifting stuff needs works, but the overall package design is simply phenominal. The editor is amazing given that it's on a console.
9.5    Lasting Appeal
There's a ton to keep you coming back to the Story levels, but the user-created content will give LBP life for a long, long, long time.
Incredible    OVERALL

(out of 10 / not an average)

CitazioneClosing Comments
As you can see, I had a ton to say in this review, but that's because there's a ton to this game. LittleBigPlanet is a massive game, one that is essentially two parts intertwined so well that they're practically inseparable. Media Molecule has created a brilliant platformer, and then given you the tools to recreate the whole thing over again, or better yet, to create your own ideas from scratch. It's not perfect - the controls could be tighter, automatically shifting between planes can be problematic, the editor isn't quite as robust as you might hope - but what's there is nothing short of astounding. If you own a PlayStation 3, you cannot miss this. If you don't have a PS3 yet, this is the reason to get one.


E per chi ignora l inglese ( come me ) anche Everyeye premia il gioco con un eclatante 10/10

Ecco il link diretto per chi volesse leggerla .




Sulla rete circola voce che il gioco e' stato posticipato per un qualche ignoto motivo a data da destinarsi . Nn c'e' al momento alcuna conferma ufficiale , il gioco e'/era previsto per il 22 di questo mese !

Bella roba  :thumbdown:





queste le prime notizie girate

in una traccia di un livello di LBP sono presenti versetti cantati
estratti dal corano che disturbano i giocatori musulmani.

questo il link


il probelema è di scorte presso alcuni distributori

e invece NO!

a sorpresa MCV pubblica il comunicato ufficiale sony

"'During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention
that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two
expressions that can be found in the Qur'an. We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we
sincerely apologise for any offence that this may have caused.'

si attende conferma per l' ora di cena ma la nuova data dovrebbe essere il 31 ottobre

in effetti però settimana prossima escono per PS3
Far cry 2, bioshock  e dead space, mentre x il botolo esce fable 2...
strategici... (da dire alla bisio)

ecco il file incriminato:

non funziona link rimosso!!! :silvio:

e dice:
"Every soul shall have the taste of death
all that is on earth will perish"

ma se alla fine il pezzo di musica fosse stato un verso della bibbia?
sony avrebbe fatto prontamente marcia indietro?

ps: come nasce e si sviluppa una notizia in un post..
pps: sivabbèperòchepalle


Ora e' piu' chiaro .

A pochi giorni dall uscita , che beffa  :doubt:



Incredibile, questo "scherzetto" costerà a Sony un fracco di soldi tra ritiro e ristampa dei dischi, e come se non bastasse rischia di mettere a repentaglio quello che forse è IL gioco di Natale 2008 per PS3.

Sono propenso a credere alla faccenda della citazione inopportuna, era circolata oggi la voce di un bug mostruoso ma in questo caso sarebbe stato più logico (e credo anche più economico!) applicare una semplice patch, come capita spessissimo in molti altri titoli dove si scopre qualche magagna dell'ultimissimo minuto. Invece vanno proprio a ritirare tutto il distribuito, segno che non hanno alcuna intenzione di lasciare copie "fallate" (in senso lato) in giro.

Bah... :sweat:


Brutta notizia per chi lo attendeva trepidante...


Questo il comunicato apparso sul sito di Media Molecule:

CitazioneAs some of you may have noticed, LBP has been slightly delayed in some territories. At MM we were as shocked and dismayed by this as anyone - shellshocked and gutted. We can’t wait for you all to get playing and creating!

We learnt yesterday that there is a lyric in one of the licensed tracks which some people may find offensive, and which slipped through the usual screening processes. Obviously MM and Sony together took this very seriously. LBP should be enjoyable by all. So within 12 hours of hearing about this issue involving a lyric (in Somalian, I believe!), Media Molecule had prepared an automatic day 0 patch and had a new disk image ready; however a decision was made within Sony that the right thing to do for quality and support of people with no on-line was to replace existing disks. They assure us that they are doing everything in their power to get things straightened out as fast as possible, and will announce dates soon.

Apologies to everyone excited to play the game and I can assure you that when it arrives, it will be worth the wait! We want everyone to be able to enjoy the game, and this tweak should help - we’re just gutted it couldn’t be sooner. MM continues to work hard to support the game too.  We know that LBP will be something that you can enjoy for a long time to come, when all of this is forgotten and all that remains are thousands of incredible levels and creations to play, create and share.

[EDIT Sony are going to announce new dates and information re discs for each territory soon. We’ll keep you posted! The patch is ready from our side and I imagine it will go live at the same time as the game. More info when we get it.]

[EDIT #2 Sorry for the downtime, it seems this is as emotional for you as it was for us. However, please try to breath in and out and keep your commenting at least clean if not polite ;) Thanks -jim]

Solid Snake

Dovrebbe uscire il 3 Novembre  :silvio:


Secondo Enterbrain LBP avrebbe venduto poco meno di 30mila copie nel primo giorno di commercializzazione in Giappone.


Citazione di: Turrican3 il 31 Ottobre, 2008, 19:31:46
Secondo Enterbrain LBP avrebbe venduto poco meno di 30mila copie nel primo giorno di commercializzazione in Giappone.
Bah...avrei di cose da dirne sui gusti jappo ma e' meglio che sto zitto. :sisi:

Il 7 Novembre dovrebbe uscire anche il bundle con PS3 a 399 EURO.  :thumbup: