[MULTI] James Pond ritorna (in varie salse)

Aperto da Turrican3, 20 Settembre, 2013, 19:32:41

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James Pond: Codename Robocod è stato annunciato da System 3 per (praticamente) tutte le piattaforme del globo terracqueo, mobile incluso. Per iOS/Android si tratta di una riproposizione dello storico titolo dei tempi dell'Amiga, mentre per PC e console avremo l'ormai canonico "reimagining" dello stesso, rivisitato in più aspetti. Uscita nei primi mesi del prossimo anno:


Ma non è tutto per i fan del simpatico merluzzo.
Il creatore dell'originale infatti è coinvolto insieme ad altri in una raccolta fondi (su Kickstarter, manco a dirlo) al fine di proporre un episodio nuovo di zecca, al momento pianificato solo per la distribuzione in digital delivery per PC e Mac, ma estendibile a console e affini qualora le donazioni dovessero superare le aspettative. Rilascio previsto per fine 2014 se tutto va bene:



CitazioneHello Everyone!

Today after much discussion and thought we made the difficult decision to end our campaign early. Although we have 12 days to go it's clear that we aren't going to make our £100,000 goal, so instead of pretending otherwise and continuing the updates we've decided to be honest with ourselves and with you and stop.

The campaign wasn't the success we'd hoped for. This was for a few reasons, all of which we plan on addressing and then making a come back with a new, stronger campaign!

For now, a few honest truths:
We came into this with little game to show. We appreciate we were asking for a lot of faith from you guys, and our mantra from the start has always been to keep the game design as open as possible, with the fans calling the shots. This was a risk, and it didn't work out, but I will say a huge thank you to everyone who pledged.

There's actually only 2 of us. There's Jeremy, Mr. Gameware and owner of James Pond. There's myself PJ, brought in as project manager and guy with his hands on the campaign. Of course Chris, Pond's original designer, agreed to support us from over in Canada, but his time was very limited. We're not some big development studio but a few guys with dreams for a new Pond and the skills and desire to make it happen.

Finally we humbly acknowledge that you all deserve to see more evidence of what we might do to make the game, and recognise that what we had wasn't enough. We are working on this.

So for now we would like to thank everyone that helped in any way, we are incredibly grateful for all your kind comments and support.
To all of you that ran news articles on what we're doing, took interviews and did Podcasts we are incredibly grateful and wholeheartedly appreciate you taking the time to do so, you really helped spread the word.
To everyone that took the time to like our Facebook page or Follow us on Twitter, only to not stop there but also Retweet, Share, Like and comment, helping to spread the word, you guys are awesome!
And then there's everyone that backed! You guys are the best, the biggest Pond fans, and we are truly humbled that you would open your wallets and give us your hard earned cash to help make this project happen.

But is this the end for Pond? We sure hope not! If there's one thing we've learned from running this campaign it's that there sure is still a lot of love for this plucky secret agent fish and we believe it'll only take the right game and the right campaign to make James Pond 4 a reality. So stay tuned and we will be back with more news soon.

We will continue to be active on here, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube so please give us your feedback. What did you like, what didn't you? What would you like to see in the next campaign or what would you like changed?

Thanks to Ian and Michael for letting me put their faces on camera. To Chris for being part of this campaign. To Tom and Woody for their artwork and to all of you that showed us such amazing support.

All the best, from myself, Jeremy and Chris.

Pond will be back...


Termina anzitempo la raccolta fondi del progetto Kickstarter, in attesa del suo rilancio dovrebbe rimanere attivo "solo" quello commerciale a cura di System3.