[PS3] Prime impressioni sui nuovi titoli

Aperto da Reiz, 4 Ottobre, 2006, 16:00:45

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"this game when you see it in person looks amazing , plays very fast and very good, the whole time i played it NOT once did the frame rate EVER drop at ALL,The colors are so nice and vibrant , got to play what looked like and opening stage wich just kinda let you see how to play with the people , then once you beat that it moved you to a battlfield with a bunch of guys on it, everything was on fire , looks awesome"


"This honestly is the best looking game i personally think i have ever seen as far as realizm, This game is so beautiful you really have to se it in person , for those people that think gears of war has great graphics ( wich it does ) this game in all aspects looks better than that.
They only had 1 course for us to play but it did let us pick between prolly about 7 different vehicles , i played with the motor cycle dirt bike, and a dune buggy , they handle like you are in the dirt , turbo is really cool, u have a meter if you hold turbo too long you rides engine and car will blow up.
Every time u blow up or crash u get the burnout slo mo effect .Almost everysingle part of the car can be destroyed , I rammed a guy next to me and knocked his driver side door off, then i rammed him again and he actually fell out of the car .
I notced this with all the games i played , MotorStorm looked spectacular and Not once, EVER did the Frame rate drop . "


"This game is really cool , graphic wise it looks extremly well , somtimes when u get up on a wall the textures dont look to good . When u get up on an enemy or zoom in on his dead body to look at them, they are EXTREMLEY detailed.
The weapons in this game are AWESOME.
I really like the sniper rifle , it's alt fire makes time slow down for AWESOME headshots.
The ragdoll physics are sooo sweet in this game , And another thing to note , for instance, im going down some stairs, and instead oflike just killing a guy or 2, like 10 or 15 guys come runnin up the stairs, these things are jumping off the walls, there are alot of guys on screen at once."


Speaking of taking advantage of the PS3's power, the team has been using the computational power of the system to enhance a large number of the standard features that the game is known for.
For instance, the cloth physics of jerseys and shorts has been assigned to one SPU on the PS3 instead of multiple cores on the 360 so that it can move more realistically than ever without taking away processing power for the rest of the game.
But you'll find that there's just as much realism off the court in the PS3 version than on the court. Instead of running cutscenes during timeout situations, the development team has created real time AI that governs the cheerleaders, mascots, floor cleaners and even the crowd.
For example, during a game between Dallas and Miami at the American Airlines Arena, we noticed Burnie, the Heat mascot doing much more than simply dancing on the sideline; he would run under Dallas' basket and actively try to distract shooters at the free throw line, and he had new dance sequences during timeouts.




ahaha, la prima clip di MotorStorm è straordinaria! :lol2:



E' b******a dentro più che altro :hihi: (non che la seconda scherzi, l'atterraggio è da brividi :sweat:)


Ero molto interessato a MS , ma gli ultimi filmati mostrano un gioco troppo arcade per i miei gusti e anche le piste non sembrano altro che un gira in tondo con trampolini . Vedremo quando se ne sapra' di + ma oggi , il mio interesse per questo titolo e' scemato quasi a zero  :thumbdown: