
Gamers4um - Area Principale => VideoGIOCHI e dintorni => Discussione aperta da: Turrican3 il 28 Marzo, 2011, 13:28:24

Titolo: Metacritic lancia le medie dei singoli gamedesigner/sviluppatori [UPDATED]
Inserito da: Turrican3 il 28 Marzo, 2011, 13:28:24
CitazioneReview score aggregator Metacritic has begun offering listings for individual game developers, providing something of a profile page with an aggregate score for all the work on which one has been credited.

Although aggregates for the work of prominent developers, like Ken Levine, Peter Molyneux and Cliff Bleszinski (89, 82 and 86, respectively) are available, all developers with credits on Metacritic-ranked games can find their profile through the first name-hyphen-last name format in the URL.


A developer's Metacritic profile shows his or her highest-scored title, his or her lowest-scored title, and an average score, along with a list of the individual games on which they've worked and the role they played therein.

Metacritic da qualche giorno ha aggiornato i propri database inserendo (ma le liste sono ancora largamente incomplete e/o passibili di correzioni) le medie dei singoli sviluppatori/gamedesigner, ricavate dal punteggio dei giochi cui hanno lavorato.
Titolo: Re: Metacritic lancia le medie dei singoli gamedesigner/sviluppatori
Inserito da: Turrican3 il 29 Marzo, 2011, 12:58:07
CitazioneMetacritic has axed its controversial developer career scores following complaints and criticism from the game press and industry.

Yesterday reports emerged that Metacritic had begun collecting the score distribution of developers and working out an average career score.

It determined whether a game developer played a part in the creation of a game by having a gander at the credits entered on GameFAQs, which, like Metacritic, is owned by CBS.

Miyamoto had a career score of 80, Kojima 83, and Molyneux 82.

Now, individual career scores are no more, and Metacritic founder Marc Doyle has explained the decision.

"Although our credits database (which is powered by our sister site GameFAQs) is growing, as our users' feedback has indicated, it is a work in progress and is not nearly as comprehensive as it needs to be to accurately provide a career score for these individuals," he said.

"As such, we have removed that career score from the pages dedicated to creative individuals behind games on Metacritic. We are still very much committed to building a credits database, and welcome your participation in that process."

Ci hanno ripensato, apparentemente NON per sempre però. Evidentemente le polemiche devono averli fatti riflettere... :asd: