
Gamers4um - Area Principale => VideoGIOCHI e dintorni => Discussione aperta da: .:|Physalis|:. il 8 Settembre, 2006, 19:15:10

Titolo: [X360] PARABELLUM Alpha Trailer #1 in High Definition
Inserito da: .:|Physalis|:. il 8 Settembre, 2006, 19:15:10


Today, ACONY is showing the first video footage of PARABELLUM to the gaming community, even if it's still pre alpha status. PARABELLUM is a Strategy First Person Shooter (SFPS) with focus on rapid multiplayer action online or LAN. Using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 3, Acony intends to establish a new milestone in action shooter genre. Neither troubles nor costs were spared in hiring experts from around the world to realise this ambitious project. Developed in close co-operation with international e-sports Communities, PARABELLUM is designed to enthuse professional as well as casual gamers.

The movie's total length is 1 minute 43 seconds and what you see with have you sitting on the edge of your chair, shouting wow at the monitor.

PARABELLUM draws the player into a likely scenario of nuclear terror in New York City. An extremist group known as "Black November" is holding the entire city hostage by threatening to detonate a thermonuclear bomb. Their condition is the withdrawal of all United States military forces from the middle east. If this condition will not be fulfilled within 10 days, Black November will detonate the 20 Megaton nuclear warhead. According to intelligence information, the bomb could be hidden almost anywhere in NYC.