
Gamers4um - Area Principale => VideoGIOCHI e dintorni => Discussione aperta da: .:|Physalis|:. il 9 Marzo, 2006, 20:24:34

Titolo: [X360] Huxley preview by Club Skill
Inserito da: .:|Physalis|:. il 9 Marzo, 2006, 20:24:34
 :shooter: :thumbup:

Webzen the Korean games publisher look set to explode onto the Xbox 360 scene with their new game Huxley. Now Huxley is in essence a Massive Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter or MMOFPS. Now just saying that phrase makes me want this game more than any other, but I'm glad to say that the game has more than just a cool phrase.

Set in a post apocalyptic war where only two races have survived and evolved into what they are today, Huxley involves two races which are the Sapiens and the Alternative and neither will rest until they have utilised the power of the rare power source known as 'Lunarites'. You must choose which race to be and your aim is simple, kill anything and everything with a heartbeat. I welcome you to the world of the future, the world of Huxley.

Once you have chosen your side you will then be able to mould your fighter so it's unique to you. Once your fighter is ready to go you will be off to war to fight for your race. Now time is the key in this game, like many RPG's you will find at first your soldier can do diddly squat but as time goes by you will acquire armour, vehicles, allies and of course bigger and better guns. You will also learn new tricks, become healthier, fitter and smarter until you become some superhuman who is unstoppable (think 'Terminator')

Graphically this game look's superb; each and every character has been crafted to perfection. Vehicles also look stunning; they are as smooth as silk and sound awesome. The world you are fighting in will also be amazing, buildings, forests, mountains and battlefields have all been painstakingly crafted to make them seem as real as humanely possible.

The battles in Huxley will be huge, imagine two thousand men even more running full pelt at each other for king and country, but it's not about spraying and praying, in Huxley especially online you will have to be smart to turn the tide in battles. A well placed shot can do a lot more than ten clips of unaimed ammunition in Huxley.

Now for what will make Huxley one of the best games ever witnessed on a gaming console, Xbox Live. The first thing to point out is that Huxley is a persistent online game, in other words the game doesn't stop when you stop, if you leave in the middle of a battle it won't pause, the battle will continue to rage on while you count sheep. Also not only will you face your human counterparts, but Webzen have decided to chuck in a load of computer controlled soldiers just to make life a little harder. So now you're thinking how many people will I face online, five, fifty, five hundred, try five thousand. That's right up to five thousand players can fight in one of Webzens servers and if the timing is right all five thousand soldiers could enter the same battle. Just imagine the sight of two thousand five hundred enemy soldiers coming towards, trust me you will be afraid.

When you're not trying to slash your enemies to pieces, you will be able to walk around and socialise, maybe chat up that fit bird you saw scalping the enemy, or meet up with a friend and just chat about how bad Liverpool's Peter Crouch is. If socialising is not you're thing then you can go out exploring the bullet ridden world you call home, you can climb over mountains, wade through rivers meditate in a the wood's. Online you can do just about anything, anywhere.

Now this game has officially become my most anticipated Xbox 360 title, I mean just imagine the battles, the sounds of war, the overall atmosphere that this game will end up creating. From what I've seen this game is unmatched in it's brilliance and every Xbox 360 owner must at least play a demo of this game, because once you've played it for a few minutes you will undoubtedly become completely hooked.