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Aperto da Turrican3, 24 Ottobre, 2013, 09:30:26

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Citazione- To begin with, I was wondering if you could tell us about the events which led to the development of the new "Panta Rhei" engine?

    At Capcom we have been using our original development engine, which is called "MT Framework", to make games and improve the efficiency and quality of development. However, we have run into some problems and limitations while using this framework. Looking ahead to the development of games for next-gen consoles, we felt we needed to completely overhaul the development environment to better cope with the increasingly complex hardware. That's pretty much why we started developing this new engine.

- You mentioned the "MT Framework" had limitations. What exactly do you mean?

    Don't get me wrong. We believe "MT Framework" is a powerful rendering engine. But it's clear that heightened game quality leads to a rise in the number of man hours. The amount of work involved in making games for next-gen consoles is eight to ten times greater than what is required for the current generation of consoles.

- What motivated you to design a new engine from scratch rather than upgrade "MT Framework"?

    Good question. Upgrading "MT Framework" was definitely an option, and there were people in the company who were a little hesitant about developing a new engine. But taking the easy route often fails to bring about the best results. Improvements to "MT Framework" might have reduced the work time from one hour to 30 minutes. We sought to go beyond that and shorten those 30 minutes to ten.

- How do you intend to use "MT Framework" and "Panta Rhei" from here on out?

    We won't use "Panta Rhei" to develop games for the current generation of consoles. We intend to continue using "MT Framework" to do that, and use "MT Framework" Mobile for handhelds and smartphones. These engines provide the optimum development environments for hardware with different characteristics and specifications.


- Could you describe the specific features of "Panta Rhei"?

    "Panta Rhei" is designed to unlock the full potential of hardware and maximize the rendering power of next-gen consoles. It also reduces the iterations in developing games for next-gen consoles. To make games more exciting, we need to go through a process of trial and error, such as adjusting parameters and considering how games are played. This process needs to be completed in the shortest amount of time possible. Reducing the iteration time from ten minutes to one minute delivers a tenfold increase on the amount of work we can do.

- I see. Are there any other features?

    One of the main features is "parallelization". Normally when a game is made, the planner comes up with a plan, and the designer draws a map. The characters are then placed on the map and the created game is played. If the game's not fun, the map is redesigned from scratch. This is what you would call a serial process. On the other hand, "Panta Rhei" transforms this into a parallel process, thereby minimizing work loss through the coordination of efforts.


- It sounds likes games will be even more realistic in the future.

    They definitely will. We're also focusing on this concept of "global illumination". Basically, this is the idea of the colors of objects reflecting off of their surroundings. For example, when intense light hits and reflects off a blue board, the floor turns slightly bluish. Global illumination is not possible with conventional computer graphics, but we're now able to reproduce realistic details like this in "deep down".

- So it will be pretty tough to tell the difference between CG and actual photo images.

    That's the best complement we could hope for (laughs). The members of the development team are highly satisfied with these features because they make it possible to do things we couldn't do before due to the number of man hours involved.


- How would you rate "Panta Rhei" at this stage?

    I often encourage my team members to make improvements to the engine because it's still in the development stages. Some of the things we used to be able to do are no longer possible with the new engine, though we are able to do things that were impossible in the past. More time is needed until we have a new engine we're happy with.

- What kinds of games is "Panta Rhei" particularly geared towards?

    "Panta Rhei" can be adapted to anything. It is designed to be a general-purpose engine, and facilitate the creation of all types of games. Capcom creates games for a variety of genres, so this engine needs to be capable of handling whatever kind of game we want to make. "Panta Rhei" can meet the exact needs of each development team, no matter what type of game it is they're making. This engine is pretty much "engineered specifically for Capcom games".

Ecco gli estratti della (lunga) intervista promessi. :sisi:



Secondo me gli sviluppatori giapponesi (chi più e chi meno ma in generale un po' tutti) hanno perso il treno della gen PS3-360. Adesso si ritrovano di botto nel treno PS4-XBO e devono correre davvero velocemente se non vogliono ritrovarsi a sviluppare giochi su tablet e stop.

Non credo ci voglia un genio per farsi spiegare come, proporzionalmente al crescere dei dettagli in un videogioco, aumenta anche il tempo necessario a perfezionare il tutto.

C'è da sperare che visto quanto MALE hanno affrontato la generazione appena "tramontata", si può solo fare meglio. Giusto?


Sinceramente più del discorso tecnico mi preoccupa (tantissimo) una sorta di crisi d'identità: insomma ormai la maggior parte dei big sembra non riuscire a fare altro che scimmiottare le produzioni occidentali.

Diamine, persino Sony si è "occidentalizzata" a 'sto giro! :-\

E purtroppo la faccenda si fa complicata perchè si rafforza l'idea che un certo tipo di prodotto tipicamente nipponico non possa far bene anche fuori dai confini nazionali... perchè è chiaro che se un leader di mercato si muove in una certa direzione la spinta all'emulazione si rafforza nei partner.


Quindi, alla luce della recente scoperta di Tomb Raider che gira a 60fps su PS4 e 30fps su XBO, un certo Ahsan Rasheed, aka Thuway, uno degli "insider" che ha rilasciato nel recente passato info "potenzialmente segrete" sulle due console, si è così espresso.

Insomma, Thuway su Twitter chiede a Panello lumi circa Tomb Raider (che non risponde), e poi dice a chi gli scrive "e perché? Sei sorpreso di ciò?":
Oh I'm not surprised.  Further PS4 optimizations in year 3/4 will widen the delta of performance gap.

La cosa divertente arriva però dopo, quando di sua spontanea volontà scrive:
"Wait till Watch_Dogs :). PC>>PS4>>>>Xbox One>>>>>WiiU,"


Digital Foundry ha fatto il face-off di Tomb Raider PS4 vs XBO:


Video comparativo frame rate:

Risultati scritti frame rate:
Xbox One
Lowest FPS: 27fps
Highest FPS: 30fps
Average FPS: 29.98fps

Lowest FPS: 32fps
Highest FPS: 60fps   
Average FPS: 53.36fps

Xbox One
Lowest FPS: 24fps
Highest FPS: 30fps
Average FPS: 29.84fps

Lowest FPS: 33fps
Highest FPS: 60fps   
Average FPS: 50.98fps

Sostituito il video comparativo delle cutscene con quello del gameplay.



Citazione di: Turrican3 il 28 Gennaio, 2014, 11:21:43

Filmati da Gamersyde per apprezzare il framerate sempre di TR definitive edition.
Gamersyde si conferma al TOP dell'attuale panorama, per quanto riguarda la qualità dei video che producono. Certo, c'è da scaricare mallopponi di GB, ma solitamente ne vale la pena (sempre che poi si abbia un hardware in grado di stare appresso a filmati 1080p@60fps).

Comunque l'articolo di Digital Foundry è volutamente incompleto e si concentra unicamente sul frame rate perché è la cosa più discussa del momento. Adesso si aspetta l'articolo completo, perché pare che le differenze fra le due versioni "Definitive" siano anche altrove.


Per chi interessa, l'articolo definitivo del face off di Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, comparato anche al PC ed alla versione PS3.


La recente patch per CoD Ghosts versione XB1, analizzata da Digital Foundry,  mostra qualche cedimento di troppo sul versante del frame rate.


Kojima si sbilancia più o meno pesantemente a favore PS4:

"I think, between the home consoles available in the domestic market, the PS4 is the best".

"It's also excellent for graphics, being able to render 1080p at 60fps with room to spare. Since it does it a little better than other hardware, the image quality of the PS4 is the most beautiful. It's the closest to the photorealistic quality we are aiming at."

Le dichiarazioni arrivano dopo avere consigliato in prima persona di giocare MGSV su PS4.

Ed oggi sono sbucati fuori tweet che parlano di una differenza visiva sostanziale per Ground Zeroes nella sua doppia versione "nextgen".


Una settimana fa Phil Spencer in una intervista dichiarava: 'framerate is significantly more important than resolution.'

Poi esce Diablo 3.
Diablo 3 arriva a 1080p su PS4, 900p su XBO, entrambe le versioni a 60fps più o meno fissi.

Blizzard giustifica i 900p XBO dicendo che per loro il frame rate in Diablo è importante, e quindi hanno preferito sacrificare qualche pixel: "We did have 1080p, but we were finding it challenging to keep our frame-rate. Because Diablo's so much of an action game, we wanted to have a responsive feel - especially with four players. When you get four witch doctors in a room full of demons, that's probably the worst case scenario for us because we have effects going off everywhere. We want to make sure that it still feels very glassy, very responsive, and that's why we dropped resolution down on it,"

Ma Microsoft gli ha detto: 'This is unacceptable. You need to figure out a way to get a better resolution.'

Così Blizzard patcha Diablo 3 su XBO ed arriva a 1080p. Solo che adesso scende fino ai 50 frame al secondo.

L'importante è essere coerenti  :hihi:


CitazioneAssassin's Creed Unity will run at 900p/30fps on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft has confirmed, with the publisher opting to aim for platform parity to avoid discussion over any differences in performance.

"We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff," senior producer Vincent Pontbriand told while explaining that it's the consoles' CPUs – not the GPU – that prevents Ubisoft Montreal from improving the game's performance.

Ubisoft opta volontariamente per la parità tecnica tra XB1 e PS4, e sceglie di rilasciare Assassin's Creed Unity a 900p/30fps per entrambe le piattaforme "per evitare polemiche". A memoria è la prima volta che accade qualcosa del genere. :look: :sweat:


Dopo woccdozz per me Ubisoft ha superato EA come inaffidabilità.

'Sta notizia su Unity è ridicola.


Citazione di: Bluforce il  7 Ottobre, 2014, 08:04:28
Dopo woccdozz per me Ubisoft ha superato EA come inaffidabilità.

'Sta notizia su Unity è ridicola.

...e non hai provato The Crew... :hihi:


Citazione di: Turrican3 il  7 Ottobre, 2014, 00:43:28

Ubisoft opta volontariamente per la parità tecnica tra XB1 e PS4, e sceglie di rilasciare Assassin's Creed Unity a 900p/30fps per entrambe le piattaforme "per evitare polemiche". A memoria è la prima volta che accade qualcosa del genere. :look: :sweat:

'nchia, senza parole.  :|