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[RUMOUR] Sony acquisisce Take2? (2019)

Aperto da Turrican3, 14 Marzo, 2019, 08:50:49

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Da ieri sera sta circolando una voce clamorosa che vorrebbe Sony prossima all'acquisizione di Take2 (GTA, Bioshock, ecc. per capirci)

Col passare delle ore hanno un pelo ridimensionato la faccenda perché pare si tratti di speculazione da parte di qualche addetto ai lavori, ma la discussione su ResetERA è ancora attiva (e ovviamente chilometrica) quindi si presume che al momento non se ne possa escludere la veridicità. EDIT rettifico, chiusa qualche decina di minuti addietro (avevo controllato stamane ma aperto la discussione solo ora, chiedo venia ma non mi è stato possibile farlo prima :sweat:) con una smentita di Sony riportata da un noto giornalista del settore:


Staremo a vedere.



Sarebbe stato davvero un affarone, paghi uno, prendi due





Citazione"Take-Two Interactive Software stock climbed 4.7% on rumors that Sony Corp. 'is in advanced board level discussions to acquire Take-Two Interactive in a mostly cash deal,' that would value the company at $130 share, according to Joel Kulina, head of technology and media trading at Wedbush Securities."

When we reached out for details, Kulina said he was confused at the sudden attention.

"This is purely unconfirmed market speculation that is making the rounds," he said. "I am not the source of this story in any regard. And not sure who quoted me as I didn't speak with anyone over the phone (unless someone saw a trading note that I wrote)."

Kulina did release a note today that included the bit MarketWatch quoted under a heading specifying, "TTWO M&A CHATTER MAKING ROUNDS...+2.5% - NO SOURCE **UNCONFIRMED**"


This is not to say that Sony is definitively not buying Take-Two Interactive for $130 per share, but it is perhaps to point out that the stories currently making the rounds aren't stemming from any individual actually asserting them as true. Instead, they are simply accounts of people passing along what they have heard, with no way to determine the credibility of the original claims, that such talks are in place, what level they would be taking place on, how much the offer would be per share, or how such information would have leaked.

Vabbè dai, per ora chiudo.