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[Wii] da IGN buona recensione per SSX Blur

Aperto da gerzam, 1 Marzo, 2007, 15:32:25

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8.0 Presentation
The interface has a solid style, though it's a bit too simple at times. More of the "SSX" feel is needed in track design and overall course layout as well. 
8.0 Graphics
The game runs in 480p and 16:9, and makes use of some great blur effects and lighting. Snow sticks to the rider, levels morph and break apart, and the overall look stays strong throughout. 
8.0 Sound
The addition of Junkie XL is great, but we also missed some of the dynamically changing licensed tracks as well. We want to see higher highs, lower lows, and more sound effect usage. 
8.5 Gameplay
It's the first step in the right direction for SSX on Wii. The control is deep and innovating, but it could use a bit of polish as well. Carving feels great.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
The game has some solid multiplayer, around 30 hours of core gameplay (to complete all challenges and tournaments) and three mountain peaks to explore. 
Impressive OVERALL


Credo che il motion sensing del wiimote vada a braccetto con questo tipo di giochi, ma non essendo mai stato un grande patito del genere dubito che lo acquisterei a scatola chiusa.

Try-before-you-buy rulez. :sisi: :notooth: