[DS] Okamiden: Chisaki Taiyou (Okami 2)

Aperto da Turrican3, 1 Settembre, 2009, 09:06:17

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Nuovo trailer dall'evento Captivate 2010:

C'è finalmente una data di uscita indicativa, purtroppo sembra proprio ci sarà ancora da attendere un bel po': al momento è fissata da Capcom in un generico 2011.


Hands-on al recente E3 2010:

Sembra che lo sviluppo stia procedendo meglio del previsto: dal "generico" 2011 adesso la data di rilascio prevista da Capcom è settembre 2010. Dal filmato potete anche notare come ci sia già un minimo di localizzazione, perlomeno per gli USA: chissà che non arrivi entro l'anno pure in Occidente?


Mi piace il modo in cui è sfruttato il DS, confido tanto in un seguito all'altezza. Felice della data anticipata, con la fortuna che ci ritroviamo la pal potrebbe finire a inizio 2011 ma vabbè, sperare non costa nulla :bua:


Lo prenderei USA senza timore, tanto è difficile pensare che verrà localizzato nella nostra lingua (anche perchè con tutto il rispetto Capcom non è Nintendo da questo punto di vista).

Il vero problema è il region locking del DSi: temo che sul DS "liscio", che per fortuna non ha blocchi, possa non girare al meglio (dal video postato sembra bello fluido ma i primi filmati non mi sembravano altrettanto buoni come frame rate) come accaduto recentemente con un gioco di Sonic, e chissà quanti altri...

Boh vedremo, se davvero sfrutta la potenza extra del DSi spero che la cosa verrà evidenziata dai recensori. ::)


Edizione limitata di Okamiden, ovviamente probabilità elevatissime che sia riservata al solo territorio nipponico:


oltre al gioco conterrà un portachiavi, una cuffia audio, due cd multimediali e due novel book.


Ahahah, e chi mai si sbatterebbe purtroppo a tradurre le novel. Molto bella :(


Citazione di: Blasor il 15 Luglio, 2010, 16:04:26Ahahah, e chi mai si sbatterebbe purtroppo a tradurre le novel.

Io!!!! :inlove:

se solo conoscessi più di tre parole di giapponese :bua:



Che brano potente :sisi: Data la qualità audio DS una ost su disco potrebbe avere ancora più senso che nel caso del primo. Interessante il cambio di "fantini" a cavalcare Chibi.


L'OST di Okami è tra le mie preferite di sempre, contrariamente ad altri trailer diffusi in precedenza questo sembra avere non solo una traccia audio "nuova" ma, ed è quel che più mi interessa, uno stile sulla medesima falsariga del predecessore... e chissà che addirittura non ci siano dietro gli stessi autori (quella del gioco Clover Studio non venne composta da una sola persona).

Senza alcun dubbio oggi come oggi è il titolo che più attendo per DS. :gogogo:


Nuovo trailer e video esplicativo del gameplay col pennino:



Solid Snake


Questa la cover USA:

Okamiden uscirà anche negli States a marzo 2011.

First impressions da NeoGAF sulla versione giapponese, l'unica al momento disponibile:


CitazioneDid somebody say 'impressions'?

I finished this game a few days ago. Can't tell you what my playtime was, because the game only has one save file that gets overwritten if you save complete data for New Game+, and I didn't think to check before overwriting ~_~ That said, I'd say in terms of length, it's not as long as the original Okami, but doesn't feel short by any means. The overworld is about half the size of Okami's.

As for general impressions:

- Graphical style is gorgeous, obviously not an exact copy of the original's, but phenomenal for the DS
- Overworld locations are almost entirely taken from the first game, and reproduced with meticulous detail, so you'll feel right at home. Areas that have been changed generally have an in-game explanation as to why they're different. Returning locations are Shinshu Field and Ryoshima Coast, including all surrounding sub-areas/towns. Missing areas are Taka Pass and the Kamui continent. So about half the original overworld is in. Large areas from the original game have been divided into segments out of technical necessity, but they still *feel* like the same large, cohesive areas, just with a few niggling extra moments of loading here and there.
- 'Dungeon'-type areas are largely brand-new, though a few key locations are revisited. Also new is this game's 'hub town', a newly-built town which you help to develop as one of the game's major sidequests.
- Brush techniques are almost entirely lifted from the first game, with the vast majority of the first game's techniques returning (upgraded versions and all). Only technique whose non-inclusion I felt was a shame is Water Lotus, which I think is more of a technical limitation than anything - water is pretty much universally a no-go area in this game. There are a few Bloom-able lilypads in the environment that create paths across water, though, as a kind of homage. There are a grand total of two new techniques, so don't expect too much there. All techniques work wonderfully on the DS touchscreen.
- The partner system works really nicely, from both a story and gameplay perspective, and plays a heavy role in pretty much all of the game's dungeon-puzzling-type action. As well as the brush technique which guides your partner (yes, that's one of the two new ones), the existing Vine technique has also been upgraded to link Chibiterasu with her partner as well as with environmental targets, making it a very prominent gameplay element.
- The story doesn't feel quite as epic as the original game's, and retreads a fair bit of the same ground, but it's still relatively epic, and well worth the experience IMO. I particularly love this game's cast of new characters.
- Gameplay in general works well. Probably my biggest peeve with the game is that the digital nature of the D-pad controls means movement, and the camera, can feel very jerky at times. However, while this bothered me at first, it was pretty easy to get used to, and didn't have much of a negative effect on my experience overall.
- Battle doesn't feel as fluid as the original games, but it's plenty enjoyable, with lots of variety in enemy types, and the same emphasis on effective use of appropriate brush techniques for each type of enemy. The Floral Finisher system is back too, expanded in fact, as you're now collecting three types of demon materials instead of just fangs. I liked the game's boss fights, as well.

Overall impression: Yes, this game feels like 'Okami Lite' in a lot of ways. However, it does an incredibly good job of being Okami Lite, performing the incredible feat of feeling very close to the original game's experience on far less powerful hardware. And it still manages to differentiate itself enough that it's a worthwhile experience in it's own right. I believe the director has expressed interest in making a follow-up on 3DS, and if his team could pull off a game of this quality on regular DS, I'm salivating at the prospect of what they could do on the new platform.