
Gamers4um - Area Principale => VideoGIOCHI e dintorni => Discussione aperta da: TheElement il 25 Ottobre, 2005, 16:37:22

Titolo: [PSP] GTA: Liberty City Stories recesione
Inserito da: TheElement il 25 Ottobre, 2005, 16:37:22
Si parlava poco fa della penuria di titoli per ecco che finalmente
iniziano ad arrivare.  :cowjoy:
Ho appena finito di leggere la lunghissima recensione su IGN e devo dire che sono
rimasto molto soddisfatto. :thumbup:

Ecco i voti:

9.0 Presentation
Awesome production values. Great art, voice work, graphics, load times. 
9.0 Graphics
It's GTA III on a handheld, only now with more graphical effects. Pretty snazzy.
9.5 Sound
Incredible tunes, voice talent and sound effects. 
8.5 Gameplay
Definitely feels less refined than console versions, but the experience is engaging and satisfying nonetheless.
9.5 Lasting Appeal
Tons of extras, hidden bonuses and seven very fun multiplayer modes. 
(out of 10 / not an average)

il commento finale di IGN :

"Closing Comments
While rough around the edges, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories offers a deep, console-like GTA experience. There's so much to see and do that finishing the main story portion leaves around 60% of the game to experience. Just driving around the city and taking in the sights packs about as much fun as most full-fledged games. But throw in seven multiplayer modes, a well-acted story and a city filled with side quests and hidden extras and you've got something special. "

Vi consiglio vivamente di leggerla perchè questo gioco sembra essere davvero la prima KA per PSP  :pant: